Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/98

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Use : — In Hindu medicine this plant is regarded as laxative, alterative and tonic, and is much praised as a nervine. It is also used in insanity, epilepsy, and nervous debility. The fresh juice of the plant is given in all cases of insanity, in doses of about an ounce (Dutt).

798. Gentiana tenella, Fries, h.f.b.l, IV. 109.

Vern. :— Tita (Pb.)

Habitat :— Common in Kashmir and W. Himalaya.

An erect or straggling herb, 4-lineolate, branched. Stem 2-10in. Leaves oblong or ovate, ½ by ¼in., lowest spa- thulate. Pedicels (many of them) long, terminal, solitary, l-3½in. Calyx-tube hardly any ; lobes 1/5 by 1/10in., elliptic, often unequal. Corolla fimbriate in the throat, tubular, 5-lobed, tube ½ by 1/6-1/5in., lobes ¼in., elliptic, capsule ⅔n., oblong-linear, sessile.

Use: — Aitchison says that in Lahoul a decoction of the leaves and stems of this and other species is given in fevers (Watt).

799. G. Kurroo, Royle, h.f.b.l iv. 117

Vern. : — Karú, kútki (Beng. and Hind.); Nilkant, kamalphul, milakil (Pb.).

Habitat ' — Common in Kashmir and N.-W. Himalaya.

Roolstook. thick. Stems tufted, decumbent, 4-12in. Leaves narrowly oblong. Radical leaves collected into a rosette. 3-5 by ¼-½in. Stem-leaves lin., narrower. Flowers blue, spotted with white, 1¾-2in. long, ¾in. diam., solitary or racemose. Calyx about half as long as the Corolla ; lobes linear. Corolla 5-lobed Capsule oblong (Collett), ¾ by ½in. Stalk ¼-½in. Seeds twice as long as broad, acute at one end, subcordate at the other (C. B. Clarke).

Uses : — The root is medicinally used as a bitter tonic, and as substitute for the true Gentian. On the hills it is viewed as a febrifuge. Used principally as a masala for fattening horses (Calthrop). Acts as an aperient in larger doses (Gray). Said