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No. 54.

Name.—Luna lines.

Location.—Near mount of Moon on outside of hand, below the Liver or Father line.

Interpretation.—Aptitude for travelling, a sailor, quietness, contentment, poetic imagination when regular; cross bars here give discontent, sometimes suicide, a morbid imagination.

No. 55.

Name.—Line of intuition.

Location.—A line running from the Liver line to the mount of the Moon.

Interpretation.—This shows poetic intelligence, seldom found except in highly imaginative and intellectual persons.

No. 56.

Name.—Line of Temper.

Location.—A line running vertically from mount of Mars to mount of Moon.

Interpretation.—This denotes determination and decision.

A Summary of Judgment.

(1) Observe the kind of hands from the front or inside.

Short hands denote an impulsive judgment without analysis.