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the appointed interval has elapsed, who knows but you may meet your husband. You are no longer a mere girl. Above all, you have the best helper in the world, plenty of money. Your father has made due arrangements for that."

Alas, on this point the good lady was mistaken. When enquiries were made after Dhana Das's death, it was found that all his hard-won savings had disappeared. His daughter's sole possessions turned out to be her jewels, the family house, and the furniture. It seemed that for years the old man had been incurring losses in business. He had told no one of his bad investments and had struggled silently to repair his losses. Finally he had given up all hope of ever recovering his former competence. It was anxiety and business worries that had caused his illness and death.

When the news of the unfortunate merchant's failure in business spread about, creditors came and pressed Hiranmayi to pay her father's debts. She made enquiries and learned