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to recover your first wife, there might be trouble between the two ladies."

The wretch laughed carelessly and said, "No fear of that, my dear! Supposing she were to turn up, I should not take her back. Think of the scandal! What has become of her caste all this while?"

It was like a thunderbolt! All my hopes were shattered in an instant. What, even if I had revealed myself to him, he would not have accepted me as his wife! Was my growing regard for the creature to be squandered by his cruel words?

I had the courage to ask nevertheless, "If you should meet her now, what would you do?"

He said, with a resolute air, "I should refuse to have anything to do with her."

The heartless wretch! I stood transfixed to stone! I was sick and giddy with disappointment and disgust!

And as I sat there, at the bedside of my dear, dear husband, I said to myself, "Either you shall