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Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games

from the line, touching the floor with the hands in throwing them forward, or scraping the floor with them in the spring back. When you have in this manner ascertained the utmost distance to which you can stretch and from which you can recover, without scraping the hands or altering the position of the feet, you just stretch as far forward as you possibly can end, while supporting the body with one hand, chalk a line on the floor with the other. You may, in order to bring your body lower, move your feet backward from the line marked on the floor and by so doing you will be enabled to make a much greater stretch than you could otherwise have done. If you can manage to chalk two lines, your own length apart, it is a tolerably good stretch, but with a little practice you may chalk considerably further than that measure.

Some persons, in performing this feat, rest upon their elbows instead of their hands.

The Stooping Stretch

Chalk a line on the floor and place the outer edge of the right foot on it, and at a little distance behind the right foot place the left heel on the line. Then take a piece of chalk in your right hand, bend down and pass the right hand between your legs and under the right knee, and chalk a line on the floor as far from the former line as you can reach, but not so far but that you can easily recover yourself without touching the ground with your hands or removing your feet from the line. Your knee and body may project beyond the chalked line, provided you keep your feet properly placed.

There are a number of feats to be performed with chairs but which do not seem practicable for the gymnasium.

Out Hopping Game
(Mind and Body, Vol. II., No. 17, p. 99.)

Five players stand within a circle formed by from twenty to thirty boys. Four players attempt, by hopping on either the