Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/114

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Freeholder, A Yorkshire. Samuel Bailey. A discussion of parliamentary reform. L. 1831

Freeholder of Surrey, A John Home Tooke, in the London "Public Ad- vertiser/' 1769.

Freeman. William Henri/ Drayton.

He issued, under this signature, on the eve of the meeting of the Continental Congress, in 1774, a pamphlet in which he maiked out the couise to be pursued, and submitted a " bill of Ameri- can lights " This publication cost him bis place in the colonial judicial y, hut made him president of the Provincial Congress, and soon aftei chief justice of the colony of South Caro- lina

Freeman William Henry Di ay- ton, Christopher Gadsden, John Mackenzie, and others. A letter from ... of South Carolina to the deputies of North-Amer- ica . Charles Town, S.C., 1784

Freeman, A. G-eorge Allen. Address to the freemen of Massachusetts. Wor- cester, 1832.

Freeman, A Jean Joseph Louis Blanc French correspondence, in the London "Spectator," 1867.

Freeman, A. Jacob Bailey Moore The principles and acts of Mr. Adams' administration vindicated . . . Concord, N H. 1828.

Freeman of Massachusetts, A John Daggett. Remarks . . . concerning the location of the Boston and Provi- dence R R. through the burying ground in East Attleborough ... B. 1834.

Freeman, Jonathan. Morris Birk- beck, the signature under which he con- tributed articles, in 1823, to the " Illinois Gazette" and the " Shawneetown Ga- zette " in opposition to the establishment of slavery.

Freeman, O. S. Edward Coit Rogers. Letters on slavery B. 1855.

Freeman, Theophilus. William Matthews. A general epistle of broth- erly admonition and counsel to the people called Quakers ... L. 1803.

French Clergyman, A. ftev. Stephen Theodore Badin. The real principles of the Roman Catholics in reference to God and the country . . . Bardstown, Ky., 1805.

French Detective. M. Canler. Auto- biography of ... from 1818 to 1858 . . . L. 1862.

French Detective, A. William Ens- sell. The experiences of . * . By "Waters." N.Y. 1864.

French Politician, The. Edmond JScherer, one of the editors of the Paris "Temps/* and a senator, whose letters in the London "Daily News" (1877-78) gave a striking picture of the situation in France.

French Traveller, A. Louis Simond. Journal of a tour and residence in Gieat Britain during the years 1810 and 1811 by . . Edinb. 1815

Frenchman, Jack. Jonathan Swift, D.D J. F *s lamentation. An excellent song 1708.

Frere, Alice M Mrs Godftey CleiL

Friar, The Phatiuel Bacon, D.D, who was the author of " The Snipe," one of the best ballads in the English lan- guage, and founded on a fact ; tor the "Friar" denoted the author himself, and " Peter " his fellow collegian, Pet?r Zinzan, M.D. This ballad and " A Song of Similies," by Dr. Bacon, are piesened m the "Oxford Sausage."

Fribble, T. Jonathan Swift, D 1> Tittle-tattle, etc [Consisting of extracts from Swift's "Polite Conversation."] 1749

Fribbleton, Ex-Barber A&a (rt cctie. The travels of in America N Y. 1835.

Fridoiin, le Major. A. de Vallm nr La retraite des dix millc, etc., in the " Revue des Deux Mondes." Paris, 1851

Friend, A [or Quaker]. ELa* BorL- ett. Aminadab's courtship; or, the Quaker's wedding a poem ... L 1717.

Friend, A Miss Mau/ Elizabeth Lee, who, under this modest 'signatuio, con- tributed her earliest productions to the " Southern Rose," Charleston, S.C.

Friend, A. Capt. J. A Gilbert, The change ; or, a memoir of Lieut -Col. Hoi- combe, C B. L. 1847,

Friend, A Dr. Wtlham Kennel. A defence of Mr Kennck's review of Dr. Johnson's " Shakespeare "... L. 1700.

Friend, A John Oldmixon A de- fence of Mr Maccartney. L. 1712.

Friend, A Sir Richard Hill. Five letters to the Rev. Mr. F r [Fletcher] relative to his vindication of the minutes of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley ... L. 1771

Friend, A. Thomas Linning. A letter ... to Mr. John Mackmillan ... n.p., n.d. but 1708.

Friend, A. Robert Lundin Xhoiw. A letter to the Moderate Brethren, Edinb., n p. but 1842.

Friend, A. Giovanni Domenico Ruf- fini. Lorenzo Benoni . . . Edinb. 1853.

Friend, A. Zachary Grey, LL.D A word or two of advice to William War- burton, a dealer in many words : by . , , L. 1746.

Friend, A. Luke Howard, F.R.S. The Yorkshireman : a religious and lit- erary journal. By ... Pontefract, L., Leeds, and York, 1833-37.