Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/118

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G , J. Jokn Goldicutt. Heriof s Hos- pital, Edinburgh : the design of the celebrated architect, Inigo Jones. By ... L, 1836.

G., J. John Green. A journey from Aleppo to Damascus ... L. 1736.

G, J. James Glassford. Miscella- nea ... Edinb. 1818.

G, J., late Serrisfctehdar of Ben- gal. James Grant, An inquiry into the nature of Zemindary tenures . . . L. 1810.

G , J. C. Julia C. Cfrimam. Sacred lyrics. L 1849

G., J. H Rev. John Hampden Gurney. The pastor's last words ... L, 1862.

G., J. H. Joseph H. Gibbs and otlm s. The Quadrilateral. 1865.

G., J. T. Judith TOWCJ s Grant. " Look- ing unto Jesus "... Bath, 1852

G. K. John Boyle, 4th Earl of Cork and Orrery

"About 1753 Ikfi Moore undeitook the peri- odical publication called the e World,' to which our noble authoi contributed three papers, viz , DSTos. 47, 68, and 161 ... The Earl of Cork was a contributor likewise to the ( Connoisseur, 1 earned on by Mi. Thornton and Mr. Oolman. In the last number of this publication Q-. K , which was his lordship's signature, is distinguished by the ingenious authors as their * earliest and most fre- quent correspondent' . . . His communications to the * Connoisseur ' were the most part of NOB, 14 and 17, the letter signed G-ohah English ' in No 19, gieat pait of NOB. 33 and 40, and the let- ters signed * Reginald Fitzworm,' 'Michael Kiawbndge,' e Moses Orthodox,' and ' Thomas Vainall,' in Nos. 102, 107, 113, and 129." ORAWEBS, Vol. 6.

G , Li E. Lucy JSllen Guernsey. Irish Amy. P. 1864.

G M. Mrs. Stanley Leathes. Soi- meme L. 1860.

G. P. Samuel Pegge. A defence of the propriety of the words " which art in heaven" in the Lord's prayer "Gent. Mag./' 1754, p. 310, G. P., the initials of Paul Gemsege reversed, used one other time. See " Gent. Mag.." LXVL. p. 079.

G , P S. Eev. Peter Southmead Glubb, B.D. A libretto , containg The armoury, The holier rood, and The London season. By... 1875.

G,R. ftupertGreen(*). A brief history of Worcester; or, "Worcester Guide" improved ... By ... Worcester, 1806,

G,, R. Robert Graham, M.D. (*}. Characters of genera, extracted from the British flora of W. J. Hooker. Edinb. 1830.

G., R. Richard GougL A compara- tive view of the antient monuments of India ... as described by different writ- ers By... L. 1785

G , R Etcha) d Gilbert Liber scho- lasticus . . . L. 1829

G., R., a Clerfe of the Court of Common-Pleas. R. Gardiner. Instruc- tor clericalis ... In the Savoy, 1721-24

G , R , junior, Richard Gonqh. The history of the Bible, translated from the French, by . . L. 1747.

This volume, consisting of 1GO sheets in folio, was completed by him when ho wris twelve and aiaJf years old, and was followed thieo >enia later by a translation ol the " Customs ot the Israelites," tiaiielated from the Froiich of the abbot Fleury, by ... 1750.

G-. R G Rev. George Robert Glefg. The light dragoon. L. 1844.

Gr., R S. Eoscellus S. Guernsey, in Shakespeare contributions to various periodicals

G., S. tiamuel Gilman, D.D. Cata- logue of miniature portraits, landscapes, and other pieces, executed by Charles Praser, Esq. . . . Charleston, S.C., 1857.

Gr, S. Samuel Grawome. Certamen religiosum . . . Oxf . 1704. See also "A Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land"

G., S. Simon G-reenlcaf. Remarks on the exclusion of atheists as witnesses. B. 1839.

G,S.B. S B Gosfin. [William Ban- ister's] The art and science of change ringing . . . Second edition, with coiroc- tions and additions. [By H. Hak'y and others. Edited . . .] L. 1870.

G., T. T. Gib. Remarks on tho Ttev. Mr. Whitefield's journal ... L. 1738

G.,T. Thomas Gwin. Some memoirs of our dear deceased friend Josiah Ceane . . . Plymouth, Eng., 1718.

G, T. M. T. M. Gorman. On the white horse mentioned in the "Revela- tion" [by Swedenborgl. Edited ... L. 1871.

O. } w. See Gifford, William.

G., W- William Gardner. The law- yers investigated . . , Brentford, 1771.

G,W. William Gauntlet/. Remarks on a certain publication entitled " Mac- aulay ; s portrait of the founder of Qua- kerism." Sheffield, 1866.

G-, W. Sir William Gell. Views in Barbary, and a picture of the Dey of Algiers, taken in 1813, by , . . L 1816.

G. W. One of the pseudonyms at- tributed to Jumus (q.v.).

The two letters thus signed are dated March 29 and April 8, 1771, and are addressed to the Lord Mayor.

G- W. 0. WiU'iam D. GWIagher. Selections from the poetical literature of the West . . . Gin. 1841.