Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/125

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Ghost of Harry the Eighth's Fool, The. Alfred Henry Forrestei . A mis- sile for Papists' A few remarks on Papacy By . L. 1850

Ghost of Vandegrab, The Sir James Mackintosh, who wrote a series of letters for the London " Morning Chron- icle," under this signature, 179-.

Ghost, of Willy Shakespeare, The. G. M. Woodward. Familiar verses from . . to Sammy Ireland ... L. 1796

Gibbon, Edwarda C. J. Stone. History of the decline and fall of the British Empire Auckland, 2884, i.e., 1884. See "Notes and Queries," 6th Ser,IX.,p 199

Gibbons, Lee, student of law. Thomas JRoscoe, Jr. The cavalier a ro- mance L. 1821

Gifford, John Edward Foss. An abridgment of Blackstone's commenta- ries L. 1821.

Gifford, John John Richards Green. A history of the political life of ... Pitt L. 1809

Gifford, John, Esq. Alexander Wtiel- lier. The English Lawyer. L 1827.

Gifford, William. William Fred- erick Deacon. Warreniana : with notes, critical and explanatory. By the editor of a " Quarterly Review." L 1824.

Gift, Theo. Miss Dora Havers. A matter-of-fact girl . . L. 1881.

Gilbert. William Stevens Robinson. His signature in the "New York Trib- une," in 1857-60.

Gilderoy, Roland Chailes Rowley, Ji . The pictures of the year. Notes on the Academy . . . Manchester, 1878.

Gill, Andr6. Louis Alexandre Gosset de Qumes, who, besides caricatures which have rendered him celebrated, has pub- lished in the Paris " Hue" and "Peuple" remarkable articles.

Oilman, Mrs. Maria. Charles Fran- cis Barnaid. Bach and Beethoven. B. 1871.

Gilmore, Ernest. Mrs Helen H. Farley.

Gimel. Rev. Elisha Andrews, who contributed many articles to the Boston " Christian Watchman " under this signa- ture,

Girard, Just. Just Jean JStienne Roy. Priest of Auvrigny . . . N.T. 1875

Girard, Kate. Mrs. George F. Howe,

Girl of the Period. Mrs. Eliza L \p\n Linton. Girl of the period. L. 1869. Also in her contributions to the " Satur- day Review" (L.).

Gladiolus. William Ewart Gladstone.

The battle of the genii , or, Gladiolus and Beakitonus [i.e , B Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield] A story of the general election ... L 1880

Glananville. Jacques Alhn Simon Collin de Plancy Un million d'anecdotes Suisses . . par le Baron de Glananville. Pans, 1861.

Glasgow Unfortunate, The. George Donald. Autobiography of ... 1S5-.

Glasse, Mrs. Dr. John Hill See "A Lady"

Gleaner. Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, in the "Boston Transcript," 1855, to which he contributed many articles of historical interest and value.

Gleaner. Abbe' Angel Denis M'Quin, m the London "Literary Gazette," April, 1823.

Glenarvon, Lord. George Gordon Noel, 6th Lord Byron.

Lady Caroline Lamb's novel, "Glenarvon," "is a em ions medley as regaids plot. . . but there are, nevertheless, some good things m it. Almost all the characters are portraits, and the follo\vine may be taken as a &ey to the xrork : ' Lord Glenarvon' is Lord Byron; Loid Avon- dale,' Mr Lamb ; * Lady Calantha,* Lady Caro- lina; < The Gi eat Nabob,' Xortf^oWatttf; 'The Princess of Madagascar,' Lady Holland; *The Duke of Myrtlegrove,' the Duke of Devonshire ; ' Sir R. and Lady Mowbray,' Lord and Lady Melbourne; * Lady Hand evil le,' Lady Oxford; 'Lady Margaret Buchanan,' the Duchess of Devon; 'Lady Sophia,' Lady Morpeth; Lord Trelawny,' Lord Grranville ; * Miss Monmouth,' Lady Byron, 'The yellow hyena, or, the pale poet,' Samuel Rogers ; 'Hoiouskim,' Mr Alien,* ' Loid Dallas,' Mr Ward , and ' Sir E, St Clare,' Sir W. Farquhar." See " G-ent. Mag ," October, 1883, p 344.

Glenmore. Donald Shaw. Highland legends and fugitive pieces of original poetry, with translations from the Gaelic, and vice versa . . . Edinb. 1859.

Glenmore, Addle. Mrs. Alice (Mc- Gfurc) G-nffin, who contributed verses to various papers and magazines under the signatures of "Muni Tell" and "Addie Glenmore," which afterwards appeared in a volume entitled "Poems/' Cin. 1864.

Glenn, Gertrude. Mrs. Mary (Harris) Ware, in the "Home Circle," Nashville, and otber Southern journals, and also in " Godey's Lady's Book."

Gloan. Thomas A. Logan. Breech- loaders ... KY. 1873.

Gloucestershire County Gentle- man, A. Chandos Leigh, Baroa Leigh, Three tracts, by ... with other works, chiefly poetical, by the same author. L. 182-.

Glover, Augustus. Sidney de Fivas. A nom de theatre.

Glowworm, A. John Lormne Bald- win, A glimpse at whist . . . 1866.