Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/153

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["Julius" LETTERS.]

Juris Consultus. Bev. Alonzo Bouen Chapin, contributor to the " Knicker- bocker," etc,, and author of a number of books and pamphlets.

Juryman, A. William Creech. An account of the trial of William Brodie and George Smith . . Edinb. 1788.

Juryman, A. William Smellie. An address to the people of Scotland on the nature, powers, and privileges of juries : by . . Edinb. 1784.

Justia, a Know-Nothing. F. Col- burn Adams. Our world ; or, the Demo- crats' rule ... L. 1855

Justified Sinner, A. James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. The private me- moirs of A Justified Sinner, written by himself, with a detail of curious tradi- tionary facts, etc. L. 1824.

The name of the " Sinner " is Robert Wring- ham Colwan.

Justinian. Thomas Law. Remarks on the report of the Secretary of the Treasury . . . By . . . Wilmington. Del . 1820.

Justinian, of South Carolina. Lewis Gruffer. Sovereign Rights of the States ... W. 185-.

Justinophilus Samuel Badcock. A letter addressed to Dr. Priestley Exe- ter, 178-

Justitia. William A. JBieuer, m his contributions to various New York and Boston periodicals.

Justitia. Bennett Lowe. Photographic note book.

Justitia, M John Frearson The universal revival of religion ... L. 1858.

Justus. 0. Ebhardt. La rifonna delle biblioteche. Milan, 1876.

Juvenile, The. Col Thomas Picton, in his contributions to the " Chronicle " (San Francisco, Cal.), etc.

Juvenis. J W. Stephenson. Brent Knoll ... By ... L. 1837.

Juvenis. R. G-. Arrowsmith. Doubts upon the reasoning of Dr. Paley ... L. 1811.

Juvenis Suffblciensis. Robert Meeve, in "Gent. Mag./' January, 1806, p.

Juvinell, Uncle. Morrison Heady. The Farmer Boy [Washington], and how he became Commander-in-Chief ... B. 1864.


It is not my intention and, even did I wish to do so, the limits of the present work forbid it to give a complete history of these celebrated letters. The subject has been practically exhausted in the many excellent editions quoted hereafter, and I shall confine myself to the following statistics :

I. The date of appearance of the letters signed " Jmrius," together with a list of the other signatures employed by this writer; to which latter pseudonyms, cross- references will be found scattered throughout this work.

II. A list of all the claimants to the authorship, with the respective merits of each.

III. A bibliography of the subject.

IV. Miscellaneous notes, etc.

I. The letters signed "Junius" ap- peared in the "Public Advertiser" of

Aug. 22, 1770. Nov. 14, 1770. Jan. 30, 1771.

Sept. 28, 1771. Sept. 30, 1771. Oct. 5, 1771.

the following dates :

Apr. 22, 1771.

Nov. 2, 1771.

Nov. 21, 1768. Jan. 21, 1769. Feb. 7, 1769.

Sept. 7, 1789. Sept. 19, 1769. Sept. 25, 1769.

June 22, 1771. July 9, 1771. July 24, 1771. Aug. 13, 1771.

Nov. 28, 1771. Jan. 21, 1772. (Two letters.)

Feb. 21, 1769.

Oct. 13, 1769.

Mar. 3, 1769.

Oct. 17, 1769.

See also* A. B. Amicus Curiae. Anti-

Mar. 18, 1769.

Oct. 20, 1769.

Behal Anti-Fox. Anti-Sejan us, Jun. Anti-

Apr. 10, 1769.

Nov. 15, 1769.

Stuart. Atticus. Augur. Bifrons. Brutus.

Apr. 21, 1769.


C. Correggio. Crito. Cumbriensis. Doraitian,

Apr. 24, 1769.

Nov. 29, 1769.

Downnffht. A Faithful Monitor. Fiat Justitia.

May 30, 1769.

Dec. 12, 1769.

Q-. W. Heniicus. Juniper. L. L. A Labourer

July 8, 1769.

Dec. 19, 1769.

in the same Cause. Lucius. Mnemon. Moder-

July 19, 1769.

Feb. 14, 1770.

ator. Moderatus. Nemesis. Phalaris. Phio-

July 29, 1769. Aug. 8, 1769.

Mar. 19, 1770. Apr. 3, 1770.

Junius. Pomona. Poplicola. Q in the Connr. Scotus. Simplex. Temporura Fehcitas. Tes-

Aug. 22, 1769.

May 28, 1770.

ticulus. Testis. Valerius. Veteran, Vlndss.