Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/164

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-which he fought, and tarnished the political genius of his time. And veiy remarkable was the success which attended his sti uggle against them. GKeat indeed weie the practical \iotoues achieved by the efforts of this nameless, obscure agitator. Fieedom of the press and the per- sonal freedom of the subject owe probably more to the writings of Junius than to the eloquence of Chatham 01 Bui ke, the law of Camden and Dunmng. It is not too much to say that after the appearance of those writings, a new tone on these great subjects is found to pievail in oiu political literatme. Doctrines which had piew-

ously met with almost general consent boeame exploded, tiuths which up to that time had been only timidly propounded were placed , in pobt- Juuian times, on the oidei ot the day. It is no doubt very tiue tlut he vas only riqluing m the van of an advanciug cause, and that thobe public benefits would as ceiUmly h.ivo boon exxuicid to ua it Junius hadnevei \\uttcii. But it is just as ceitain that Ameiica would have been discovered had Columbus never existed, jet no one, then-- fore, contests the gicatncss oi Columbus or th^ obligations undei which mankind lies towaids him""

And with this ends the history and bibliography of Junius


K. John Collijer Knight. Queried tracts, from Kitto's "Journal of Sacred Literature" (L. 1851).

K. James Kenney. Raising the wind : a farce. L. 1803 See Lamb's " Eha," "The two races of men."

K.j A. Abner Kneeland, in his contributions to periodical literature, etc.

K., A. Annie Keary. The heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jotunheim. L. 1857.

K , A. A. Kenned\j. The high price of food. Edinb. 1800.

K,A. Andrew Kippis. "Dr. Watts's psalms/' "Gent Mag.," Sept. 1794, p. 794.

K, A. J. Alfred John Kempe, Esq , F.S.A. His signature in the "Gent. Mag."

Among his more valuable papers was a series tinder the title of " Londmiana " , another on ancient "English Battle-Fields"; one, m 1830, entitled, "Tavistock and its Abbey"; others, December, 1830, m 1831, 1832, and 1S33.

K., C. William Chailes Mark Kent. Dickens at Gadshill. Lines in the " Athenaeum " of June 3, 1871.

K., C. Rev Charles Kingsley. Hints to stammerers ... L. 1864.

K, C. E. Mrs Caroline E. (Kelli/) Davis. Little Apple-Blossom. B. 1803.

K , D. David Ker f in his letters to the " Times "(N.Y.).

K., E. D. E. D. Kendall. Master and pupil ; or, school-life at Old Baldwin . . . B. 1869.

K., H. Herbert Kynaston. Commemo- ration address in praise of Dean Colet. L. 1852.

K., H. St. A. H. St. A. Kitching. Moral plays ... L. 1882.

K., J. John Kersey. A new English dictionary ... L. 1702.

K., J, F.R.S. and SA.Sc, James

Keir. The first part of a dictionary of chemistry, etc. Birmingham, 1789.

K , M. Mary (Morns) Knowlcs Com- pendium of a controversy on water bap- tism. L 1805.

K , M. A. Mrs. Mary Anne Kelti/. Emma ; or, recollections of a friend. L. 1850.

K , O. Mine 0. K. Novikoff. Skobe- loff and the Slavonic cause. By ... L. 1883

K., R J, Richatd John King. A handbook to Hereford Cathedral'. By ... L. 1804

K, R. M. Robert Malcolm Kcrr. Nugae antiquae. By ... 1847.

K., T. T. Knight, of I?apcastle. An examination of M. La Place's theory of capillary attraction L. 1809.

K., T. Thomas Keightley. The fairy mythology L. 1828,

K., W. Wtlham King* ford, O.K. Im- pressions of the West jind South . . . Toronto, 1858.

K., W. Bishop Wiite Kennet, A let- ter to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle con- cerning one of his predecessors, Bishop Merks... 3ded. L. 1713.

K., W. W dh am Kelly. Notes on Ezekiel by ... L. 1870

K., W., Esq. William Kenrick. An epistle to James Boswell, Esq. ... L. 1768.

K*** E., of M*** S***. Etirnnd King, of Mansfield Street, London, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian" Vol. 2, p. 90. 2d ed. L. 1818.

- K ,Rev. A , A.M. Rev. Alex- ander Keith* Observations on the act for preventing clandestine marriages, By . , . L. 1753,

Kaiser, Ernst. Eivald Attgttft Kdnig. Der Deserteur. 1866,

Kaloolah. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Hill-