Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/171

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Lady, A. Miss Susan Fenimore Cooper. Rural hours. N.Y. 1854

Lady, A. Ms. Eliza Lee (Cabot) Pollen. Selections from the writings of Fe'nelon, with a memoir of his life. By . . . 2d ed. B. 1829.

Lady, A Jane Austen Sense and sensibility : a novel. By ... L 1811

Lady, A. Rebecca Wilkinson. Ser- mons to children ... By ... L 1830 ( 7 ).

Lady, A. Mrs Hannah Anderson (Chandler) Ropes. Six months in Kan- sas, by . . B 1856

Lady, A. C. L. Moody. A sketch of modern France . . . Written in the years 1790 and 1797, during a tour through France. By ... Edited by C L. Moody, LL.D,F.A.S. L. 1798.

Allibone enters the work under Dr. Moody' s name as the author.

Lady, A Miss Cleaver. Some ac- count of a new process in painting by means of gla2ed crayons ... By ... Brighton, 1815.

Lady, A. Mrs. E. Throop Martin Songs in the house of my pilgrimage, selected and arranged by ... N.Y. 1852.

Lady, A. Miss SalUe A. Brock. The Southern amaranth N.Y. 1809.

Lady, A William Kenrick. The whole duty of woman ... L. 1753.

Lady, A. Hannah Maynard Pickard. The widow's jewels. In two stories. By... L 1831.

Lady, A. Mrs. Eliza (Botch) Farrar. The young lady's friend ... B. 1830.

Lady, A Clara Jesup Moore. The young lady's friend . . By Mrs. H O. Ward (pseud ). P. 1880.

Lady at Cape Frangois, A. Miss Hassall. Secret history; or, the hor- rors of St. Domingo ... P. 1808.

Lady in England, A. Thomas Ticl- ell An epistle ... to a gentleman at Avignon. L. 1717.

Lady of Boston, A Miss Susan D. Nickerson, The bread winners. By ... B. 1871.

Lady of Boston, A. Elizabeth John- son. Pious thoughts. By ... B. 1834.

Lady of Boston, A. Rebecca Brown. Stories about General Warren ... B. 1835.

Lady of Charleston, S.C., A. Mrs. Miza Murden. Miscellaneous poems. Charleston, 1826.

Lady of England, A [AXO.E.~1. ChatlotteM Tucker.

Lady of Fashion, A. Miss Blackwell. Ernestine, or, the child of mystery. L. 1840

Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mis. Hannah Foster. The coquette; or, the history of Eliza Wharton : a novel . . . by... B. 1797.

This work underwent many editions, and was finally reprinted " with historical preface and memoir of the authoi, by A (another) Lady of Massachusetts " (i.e. Jane E. Locke) . P. 1S66.

Lady of Massachusetts, A. Jane E.

Lode, See preceding

Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mis. Lydia Maua Child The first settlers of New England, or, conquest of the Pe- quods, 3arragansetts, and Pokanokets . . By . . B 1829.

Lady of Massachusetts, A. Mrs. A. M. Richards Memories of a grand- mother ... B. 1854.

Lady of New Hampshire, A Mrs. Saiah Josepha (Buell) Hale. The genius of Oblivion,* and other original poerns. By ... Concord, N.H., 182<J.

"Lady of New York, A. Mi s Sarah (Roneis) Haight. Letters from the Old World . . kY. 1840.

Lady of Pennsylvania, A. Miss Rebecca liu&h. Kelroy . a novel ... P. 1812.

Liady of Philadelphia, A Mrs. Sarah (Ewmg) Hall. Conversations on the Bible ... P. 1S27.

Lady of Quality, A. Miss Frances Williams Wi/nn. Diaries of . . from 1797 to 1844. Ed , with notes, by A. Hayward. L. 1864.

Lady of Rank, A. Mary Mai gar et Egerton, the Countess of Wilton. The book of costume ... L. 1841.

Lady of Rank, A. Lady Charlotte Maua (Campbell) Bury (i). The mur- dered queen; or, Caroline of Brunswick. By... L. 1838.

Lady of South Carolina, A Mrs. Mary Elisabeth (Moiagne) Davis The British partizan* a tale of the olden time. Macon, Ga, 1804.

Lady of South Carolina, A. Mrs. Louisa S. ( Cheves) MacCord. A letter to the Duchess of Sutherland . . in the "Charleston Mercury," July 30, 1853

Lady of Virginia, A. Mrs. J. W. (Broclenborouah) McG-uire. Diary of a Southern refugee during the war . . . N.Y. 1867.

Lady of Virginia, A. Mrs. William Cabell Rives. Tales and souvenirs of a residence in Europe ... P. 1842.