Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/175

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inspiration of the Scriptures ... L. 1801.

Lay-Member of the Church, of England, A John Stow Thoughts on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By ... Greenwich, Eng., 1846

Lay Member of the Church of Scot- land, A Stevenson The harmony of the Bible with facts . . . Edinb. 1867,

Lay Member of the Church of Scotland, A Thomas Carhjle Letter to the Rev. Rohert Burns, D.D. . . . Greenock, 1830

Lay-member of the Committee, A. William Rivmrjton. Remarks and sug- gestions regarding the want of parson- age houses in the parish of St. Pancras ... By... L. 1849.

Lay Preacher, The. Joseph Dennie, who is best known for the essays which he contributed to the "Farmer's Muse- um," a periodical which he published at Walpole, N.H., 1796-98.

Lay Seceder, A. George Wilson HeadLey. A letter to the Bishop [Bur- gess] of St. David's ... L. 1814.

Layman, A. Samuel Adams, in the "Boston Gazette," March 27, 1769.

Layman, A. John Skinner. A L.'s account of his faith and practice. Edinb. 1836.

Layman, A. Peter Virtue, the younger. An address on ignorance of the Scrip- tures ... By ... 1873

Layman, A Joseph Jewell. An ad- dress to Christians, particularly those who are united in circulating the Scrip- tures. By ... Oxf. 1821.

Layman, A. John Hay Forbes. Lord Medwyn. Address to the members of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. Edinb. 1847.

Layman, A. Patrick Dmgenan, LL.D. An address to the nobility and gentry of the Church of Ireland . . . Dublin, 1786.

Layman, A. Thomas Williams. The age of infidelity ... By ... L. 1795.

Layman, A. Solomon Lowe. The antidote or full answer to Air. Woolston's Five Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour ... L. 1729.

Layman, A. , William Hussey. An appeal to the holy Scriptures themselves . . . L 1830.

Layman, A. S. Robinson. An appeal to serious Dissenters . . . 1805.

Layman, A. John Taylor. Arma- geddon ... L. 1851.

Layman, A. Asa. Wilbur. Biblical standpoint ... B, 1874.

Layman, A. William Penney, Lord

lunloch. The circle of Christian doc- trine . . . Edinb. 1861.

Lay man, A. William Brown (*). The claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi- dency examined at the bar of Christiani- ty P. 1800

Layman, A. John Osborne Sargent. Common Sense veis>us Judicial Legisla- tion . . . The rule in Minot's case . . . By... NY. 1871.

Layman, A. John David Chambers. A companion to Confession and Holy Communion. Trans, by ... L 1853.

Layman, A. Goldwin Smith, MA. Concerning doubt . . . Oxf. 1861.

Layman, A. John Mmr Considera- tions on religion . . . Edinb. 1842.

Layman, A. James Whatman Bosan- quet. Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks interpreted. L. 1836.

Layman, A Harold Richard Bush* David's choice of three evils ... A dis- course on the distress in the cotton dis- tricts. By ... L. 1862.

Layman, A. Thomas Falconer. De- votions for the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ... By . . L. 1786.

Layman, A. John Watts De Peyster* A discourse on High Church doctrines. Poughkeepsie, 1860.

Layman, A. Ralph Hodshon, of Lintz. A dispassionate narrative of the conduct of the English clergy ... L. 1768.

Layman, A. William Falconer. Dis- sertation on Paul's voyage from Caisarea toPuteoli... Oxf. 1817.

Layman, A. F. Bohngbroke Ribbans, LL D. Doctnnes and duties ; faith and practice. L. 1843.

Layman, A. Rev. William Hacfar- lane. Duty; or, ability and present action contrasted . . . Edinb. 1856.

Layman, A. Sir James Allan Park, D.G.L. An earnest exhortation to a frequent reception of ... the Lord's Supper. L. 1804.

Layman, A John Allen. Enquiry into the tripartite Division of the Tithes in England L. 1833.

Layman, A. Peter Waldo. An essay on ... the Lord's Supper ... by ... L. 1771.

Layman, A. William Stevens. An essay on the nature and constitution of the Christian Church ... L. 1773.

Layman, A. Thomas Carlyle. An Essay to illustrate the foundation . . . and the evidences of Christianity . . . Edinb. 1827.

Layman, A. Rev. John Hollis. Es- says meant as an offering in support of rational religion . . . n.p. 1790.