Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/18

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governments These letters he collected and published in 1792 "

Alfred. Grenutte A Sackett, who under this signature -wrote some of the "best and most widely circulated poetry of the day in "The New York Mirror," "New York Times/' and "Long Island Star "

Alfred. Rev. Samuel Kydd. China' its symbols, philosophy, antiquities. L. 1841.

Alfred. Philip Withers. Nemesis ; or, a letter to Alfred [relating to the mar- riage of the Prince of Wales to Mrs Eitzherbert] from ... L. 1789.

Alfred. Rev. David Alfred Dcudney. Sympathy ; or, -words for the weak and weary. L. 1862.

Al Fresco. Dr CJiarlesJ.Kmwortliy( fi ).

Alfried, Johan. Jean Jacques JL>e Laet See "Bogaerts, Felix."

- AlguSo, Seftor. Nathan Ames. Childe Harvard a romance of Cambridge . . . B. 1848.

All Baba. Aberigh Bfackay, contribu- tor to "Vanity Fair/* of many sketches of India life and society.

All Bey. Samuel Lorenzo Knapp Extracts from a journal of travels m Korth America, consisting of an account of Boston and its vicinity. By ... B. 1818.

All Bey, El Abassi. Domingo Badia- y~Leblich. Voyages . . en Afrique et en Asie, pendant les annes 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, et 1807. Edited by B [i.e., J, B. Boniface de Roquefort]. Paris, 1814.

Alice, Cousin. Mrs. Alice (Bradley Neal) Haven. The Coopers; or, getting under way: a tale of real life. isT.Y.

Alice, Cousin. Miss Miza, Tabor. St. OlaveV. a novel NY 1870.

Alida. Mrs. Catharine 8tratton Ladd. One of the noms de plume under which she has contributed tales, sketches, essays, and poems to various journals.

Alien, An. Max Friedrkh Mueller. German love : from the papers of ... 1858.

Alient Baptist Dissenter, An, Seth Brooks A. plowman's complaint against a clergyman being a letter to the Bap- tist Association at Philadelphia. By ... P. 1767.

Aligny. Glaude Fflix Theodore Garu- die. A French historical painter.

Aliqua. Mrs. Eliza 0. Peirs&n, in the periodical press.

Aliquis. JRev. Bichard Marks, who "communicated his religious history, in an anonymous form, to 'The Cnristian

Guardian/ in several papers, bearing the signature of ' Aliquis/ which wore afterwards published (still anonymously) in a volume entitled The retrospect ; or, review of providential mercies." L. 1816

Alio;uis, James Henri/ James. Gov- ernment as it is : a plea for parliamentary reform. By A. [In verso,] L. 1858.

Ali<iuis Rev. James Barr A letter to the Rev George Harris, containing an examination of the arguments adduced in his lectures to prove the non-existence of the devil. Liverpool, 1820.

Alist Francis Barhaw Alist, an autobiography; or, an author's hfc in the nineteenth century. L. 1844.

Alister, R. jMexandei llobeitwn. Extermination of the Scottish peasantry ... By ... Edinb. 1853.

All-Pride, Lord. John Slt&ffidd, Duke of Buckinghamshire. A very heroi- cal epistle from my Lord All-Pride to Dolcommon L 1679

Allan-Kardeo L&on Hippolyte Deni- sart RivaiL Le livre dcs esprits . , . Paris, 1857.

Allde, Edward, John Taylor, the Water-poet The pennyles pilgrimage, or the moneylesse perambulation of John Taylor, alias The King's Majostio's Water-poet. I^om London to Eden- borough on foot By B. A L 1018,

Alldred, Frederic. Henry F Red- dall

Allen, Grahame. George A) nold.

Allen, John. Oscar Olnte. The blessed bees. By. . . N.T. 1878.

Allen, Mrs. Josiah Marietta Holley, My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's * . * By J, A .'a wife. Hartford, 1875,

Allen, Paul. John Neal and TobLs WatLms, M.D. History of the Am..ri- can revolution By P. A. P, 182i; ! M

Paul Allen (1776-1828) was a Journalist of Philadelphia and Baltimore. He had log prom- ised this history, and obtained a larp:o subserty.. tion for it; tout 'Mr. "Neal wrote the first volume* and Dr Watkms the remainder,

Allendale, Alfred, Esq. Theodore Edward Hoot. The man of sorrow. By ... L. 1809.

Allerdyce, Robert Barclay, Agricul- tural tour in. the United States. L 1842.

Allid. G-eorge T. Lanigan. National ballads of Canada . . . Montreal, 1805*

Allin, Abby. Mrs A. A. Carter (wife of Daniel S,). Home "ballads: a Tbook for Kew Ejiglanders ... B. 1851.

Allison^ Joy. Mary A. Cmyin. Kate Jameson and her friends B 1872.

Allspice, Zekel. John, Cooper VaiL