Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/192

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Marie. Harriet M. Skidmoi e. Beside the Western Sea. a poem. N.Y. 1878.

Marietta. Miss Harrietts Mary Brad- ley. Minnie's birthday; and other juve- nile stories. L. 186-.

Marine Officer, A Major-General Andrew Burn. Who fares the best, the Christian or the man of the world * By . . . L 1792

3Iariotti, Luigi. Antonio Cat lo Napo- leone GaUenga. Italian grammar. L. 1868.

Maritzburg, Pieter. Rev. T. Jacl- son. The fire of London. 18-.

Marius Thomas Day. The letters of ... or, reflections upon the Peace, the East India Bill, and the present crisis. L. 1784

Marius, Claude. Claude Marius Du- planif A nom de theatre.

Mark, Uncle. Mark Lemon. See "Ponny."

Markham, Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth (Cart-aright) Penrose. New children's friend . . . L. 1836

Markham, Howard. Mary Cecil Hay. Old Myddleton's money. L. 18-.

Markham, Pauline. Mrs. Margaret (Hale) McMahon.

Marlay. D W. Chapman.

Marling, Matt. The stories in the "Boys and Girls' Weekly" (N.Y.), over this pseudonym, were partly written by A/fled Trumble, and partly by Charles Hull Webb.

Marlinsky, The Cossack. Alexander Bestoujeff, a Russian poet, who, under this name, wrote small novels and sketches for the " Telegraph," a period- ical of Moscow, and for some others.

Marlitt, E. Henriette Fnederike Christiane Eugenie John. Old Marnselle's secret ... P. 187-.

Marlow, The Right Hon. Ijady Harriet. William Bedford. Modern novel writing; or, the elegant enthusiast, and interesting emotions of Arabella Bloomville . . L. 1796.

Marmaduke, Sir. Theodore TiHon. The sexton's tale, and other poems N.Y. 1867. Probably his signature to contributions to the press.

Married Critic, The. Jules Gabriel Janin.

Marryat, Florence. Mrs Florence (Marryat) Ross-Church, in her numerous works of fiction.

Marsden, Frederick. W. A. Sliver. Clouds . comedy. N.Y. 187-.

Marshall, . Thomas Holcroft. The

German hotel : a comedy. L. 1790.

Marshall, William, Gent. Horace Walpole. The castle of Otranto : a story

translated by ... from the original of Onuphrio Muralto, Canon of the Church of St Nicholas, at Otranto. L. 17G5.

Martel. Rev. Washington Fi Qthm<jham, in the New Hampshire " Statesman'/'

Martel, Charles. Thomas Ddf. The principles of colouring in painting. L. 1855.

Martesia, Honoria. Judith Sargent.

Martext, Oliver. James Cook Rich- mond, a member of the "Polyglot Club," which consisted of the nine editors of the " Harvard Register." Camb. 1827-28.

Martin, Edward Winslow. James D. McCabe. History of the Grange Movement Chic, 1874.

Martingale. Charles White. English country life ... L 1813.

Martingale, Hawser. John Sher- burne Sleeper. Mark Rowland : a tale of the sea. B. 1867.

Martlet. Richard Bint/ham Davis, in the " Drone papers " in the " New York Magazine."

Martyn, William Frederick. Rev. William Mavor, LL D. Dictionary of natural history. L. 1784.

Martyne, Herbert. William Tait Ross, a Scottish poet.

Marvel, Andrew William Goddard, printer of the " Constitutional Courunt," of which only one number was issued, Sept. 21, 1765, and issued at Burlington, New Jersey. There is a copy in Harvard College library.

Marvel, Ik Donald Giant Mitchell. Reveries of a bachelor ... 1851. See " Opera Goer, An "

Mary, Aunt. Mary A. Lathbitri/. Fleda with the \ oice, with other stones. N.Y. 1876.

Mary, Aunt. Miss JLTany Low. A peep into Uncle Tom's Cabin. By . . . L. 1853.

Mary, Cultivator. Miss Man/ Ase- nath Short, who is well known at the West, having frequently written under this signature for the " Ohio Cultivator," and for " Grace Greenwood's " " Little Pilgrim." Her later poems were signed "Fanny True."

Marylander, A. Reverdy Johnson. The dangerous condition of the Coun- try ... Bait. 1867.

Mask. Probably James Grant. St. Stephen's ; or, pencillings of politicians. L, 1830. See "Notes and Queries," 6th S*r., L, 60, 373, 896, 467.

Mason, Ida. Eliza A. Mason Fisher, in her contributions to "Peterson's Ladies' Magazine" (P. about 1860), etc.

Massachusettensis. David Leonard.