Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/197

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Common Prayer, with notes. L. 1813.

" The author withheld his name, not from any wish improperly to conceal it, but because it was no part of his object to diaw himself into notice."

Member of the Established Church,

A. Dr. Samuel Parr. A letter from Irenopolis to the inhabitants of Eleuthe- ropolis . . . Bii-mirfgham, 1792.

Member of the Executive Commit- tee, A. Jordan L. Mott. Report to the inventors of the United States. Morri- sama, N.Y., 1854.

Member of the Faculty, A. Robert Eannatj* Letter to the Dean of the Fac- ulty of Advocates . . . Edmb. 1823

Member of the Faculty of Advo- cates, A. Charles Ferguson, younger, of Kilkerran. The early history of Church Patronage . . . Edmb. 1833.

Member of the Faculty of Advo- cates, A. James Starke. An introduc- tion to the study of the law of Scotland . . . Edinb. 1832.

Member of the Free Church, A. James Gall. A free Church and a free trade... 1844

Member of the Gild, A. James Au- gustine Stothert. A short series of lec- tures on the parochial and collegiate antiquities of Edinburgh, read to the Holy Gild of St. Joseph. By ... Edinb. 1845.

Member of the Guildry, A. James 87wra. An historic sketch of Cowane's Hospital, Stirling. By ... Stirling, 1867.

Member of the Honourable Society of Writers to the Signet, A William Jamieson A letter to the Right Honour- able Lord Viscount Melville . . . Edinb. 1814.

Member of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland, A. Patrick Morris. A short reply to the speech of Earl Ab- erdeen . . . Liverpool, 1839.

Member of the House of Commons, etc., A. William ArnalL Animadver- sions on a Reverend Prelate's [Bishop T. Sherlock's] remarks upon the bill . . . entitled "A Bill to prevent suits for tythes... By... L. 1731.

Member of the House of Commons, A. John Hervey, Lord Hervey. An an- swer to the Country Parson's Plea against the Quakers* Tythe-Bill ... By ... L. 1736.

Member of the House of Commons, A. Archibald Hutcheson. An estimate of the value of South-Sea stock. L. 1720.

Member of the House of Commons,

A. Daniel Defoe. A letter . . , relating to the Bill of Commerce ... L. 1713.

Member of the House of Commons, A. Rolen Molesiuortli, Viscount Moles- worth. A letter . . . relating to the Bill of Peerage ... L 1719.

Member of the House of Commons, A Philip Caiteret Webb. Some obser- vations on the late determination for discharging Mr. Wiikes from his com- mitment to the Tower of London . . . By... L. 1763

Member of the House of Commons in Ireland, A. Jonathan Siv\fi, D.D. A letter from ... to a member of the House of Commons in England ... L. 1709

Member of the Howard Associa- tion of New Orleans, A. William L. Robinson. Diary of a Samaritan. N.O. 1858.

Member of the Humane Society, A. Wendell Dams. Barnstable, Massachu- setts A description of the eastern coast of the county of Barnstable . . . B. 1802.

Member of the Humane Society, A. John Davis, LL.D The life boat: a poem . . . n.p , n.d.

Member of the Inner Temple, A. H Roscoe. A discourse on the study of the laws ... L. 1824

Member of the Irish Bar, A. Den- nis Burrowes Kelly. The Manor of Glen- more j or, the Irish peasant . . . L. 1839.

Member of the Irish Parliament, A. Heivey Redmond Morres, 2d Viscount Mountmorrcs Considerations on the in- tended modification of Poyning's Law. L. 1780

Member of the Late Parliament, A, Lord Robert Griosvenor, Baron Ebury. Leaves from my journal during the sum- mer of 1851. L. 1852.

Member of the Legislative Assem- bly of Upper Canada, A. Son. Francis Hincks. The Seigniorial Ques- tion : its present position . . . Quebec, 1854.

Member of the literary and Sci- entific Association of Elgin, A. Dr. Taylor. Edward I. of England in the North of Scotland . . . Elgin, 1858.

Member of the Lower House, A. Charles Trimnell, D.D. An account of the proceedings between the two Houses of Convocation which met October the 20th, 1702... L. MDCCIV.

Member of the Lower House, A. Robert Walpole, Earl of Orf ord. Thoughts of ... in relation to a project for . . . limiting the power of the Crown in the future creation of peers* L. 1719.

Member of the Lower House of