Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/204

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Minute Philosopher, A. Charles JSIinqsley. Hints to stammerers L 1864.

Mira, Isabine de Paul Eymard. Voilfc I'hoimne . . . Paris, 1863.

Blirabaud. Paul Thiry, baron de Holbach The system of nature; or, the laws of the moral and physical world. Translated ... L. 1797.

Mirbel, EHsa de. Baronne Decazes.

Mirecourt, Eugdne de. Chat les Jean Baptiste Jacqitot, de Mirecourt. Maison Alexandre Dumas ot Comp , fabrique de romans. Paris, 1845.

Miriam Miss Maggie E. Heath. See " Neale, Nettie."

Mirliter. A L. Bou de VtUi&rs, who contributed to several journals and re- views of Paris and the Provinces, under the pseuds, of "Le Capitaine Lancelot/' "Le Docteur Rouge," "Raymond de Ferrieres," " Guy de Vernon," " Mirliter/' "Jacques Artevelle," etc.

Miron. Miron J. Hazeltine. Brevity and brilliancy in chess. N.T. 1866.

3Iises, Dr. Gustav Theodor Fechner. Kleine Schriften Ton Dr. Mises. Leip- sic, 1875.

Misostratus. John Taylor See "Philanar"

Missiouer, A Rev. William Howe. A tract for penitents at mission services By ... L 1874.

Mitchell, Joseph Aaron Hill. The fatal extravagance a tragedy. L. 1721.

Mix, Farmenas Albert IT'". /Ce%, in the "Kentucky Patriot."

Mizpah. Henry Charles Lea. Bible view of polygamy . . .

Mnemon. One of the signatures of Junius (q.v.), under which "he sarcasti- cally opposed the ministry upon the sub- ject of the Nullum Tempus Bill " See letters to the "Public Advertiser," dated Feb. 24, 1708, and March 4, 1768.

Mock Preacher, The. Rev. George Whitefield. The M. P. : a satyrico com- ical allegorical farce ... L. 1739.

Moderate Clergyman, of the Synod of Aberdeen, A. Rev. G. Skene Keith. Address to the ministers of the Church of Scotland . . . 1797.

Moderator. One of the pseudonyms attributed to Junius (q.v.). The letter thus signed is dated Oct. 12, 1767, and attacks Lord Townshend.

Moderatus. One of the signatures adopted by Junius (q.v.). The letter thus signed, and dated NOT. 15, 1769, was repubhshed in the authorized edition of Junius, with the signature of "Philo- Jtmius." The signature was also ap- pended to a letter dated March 10, 1770.

Modern Antique, A. Hiss Gordon Byi on Celia in search of a hus- band. By... L. 1809

Modem Genius, A. John, Fitzgerald Penme. The tale of., or, the miseries of Parnassus, in a series of letters L. 1827

Modern Greek, A Robert Mudic. The Modern Athens ... L. 1825.

Modern Lady, A Jonathan Swift, D.D. The journal of ... L 1729.

Modern Parson Adams, The. Rev. William Young, in Beloe's " Sexagena- rian/' Vol. II., p. 139. 2d ed. L. 1818.

Modern Pythagorean, A. Dr. Rob- ert Macmsh, LL D. His signature to papers in " Blackwood's " and "Eraser's Magazine."

Modern Rabelais, The. Dr. William ^lagmn.

Modes tus. John Cleland, who was the author of long letters given in the public prints, from time to time, signed "A Briton/' "Modestus," etc., etc.

Modestus. Mr. Dalrymple, a Scotch advocate, wrote several letters under this signature in the "Gazetteer" and the " Public Advertiser," the same being attacks upon Junius, and which pro- voked a reply from the latter, Nov. 15, 1769

31odestus. Sir William Draper. His signature in his controversy with Junius.

Modoc. J, E. P. Doijle, in the Cin- cinnati "Inquirer "

Blodus, A. Jonathan &&'(/?, D.D. Some reasons against the bill for settling the tithe of hemp, flax, etc. 170-.

Mofussilite. John Lang. Too clever by half. L 18-

Mogador, Celeste. Countess Ctfeste Venard de Ghdbrillan. Adieux au monde : me'moires de . . . Pans, 1854.

Mohawk. Dr. Nicholas Howe, in the Chicago "Field"

Mohican. Joseph E. Fisher.

Moile, Nicholas Thirnlng. Henry Bliss. State trials Specimen of a new edition. By ... L. 1838.

Moma. Mrs. Anna Peyre (Shackelford) Dinmes, long known as a poet, by the sweet, wild title of " Mo ma," a signature which she adopted while quite young. Since the close of the war, Rev. Father Ryan has used the same pseudonym.

Moma. Rev. Father A. J. Ryan. The conquered banner. 186-.

Mol^ri. Hippoli/te Jules Demohere. La famille Kenneville. Paris, 1843

Mon Droit. R. E. Selden, Jr. (*). Criticisms on the Declaration of Inde- pendence as a literary document. N.Y. 1846.