Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/207

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Mountaineer. Wilson, of Mussoo rie. A summer ramble in the Himalayas : edited by ... L 1800.

Mountaineer, The. Joseph Alston, in the "Charleston (S.C ) Gazette" 1810-16

Mousse, Alfred. Arsene Eoussaye. De profundis. Paris, 1834.

MuehTbach, Luise Mme. Klara (Muller) Mundt. Geschichtsbilder his- torische Novellen. Yon . . Jena, 1868

Muehlfeld, Julius. E, Robert Roesler. Gegensat2e. Novelle Von . . . Altona, 1872.

jttuller, Christiae. E. . W, (Gobie) van Wafre'e. Story of Wandering Willie. N.Y. 187-.

Muggins, William Charles Selby Maximums and speciments of ... L 1841.

Muir, Jeany Dr. John Clark See "Montgomery, Miss Betty."

Mul. William H. Muldoon, in the Brooklyn " Sun."

Muldoon, Dennis, feoige B. Good- icin

Muldoon, Major. William BL. Ma- cartney

Mullian, Mordecai. This name was occasionally employed by Prof. John Wilson as a pseudonym, in the "Kbctes Ambrosianse." It is intended as a per- sonification of the inhabitants of Edin- burgh.

Mulligan, The (of Kilballynralli- gan). William Makepeace Thacleiay. "The Pimhco Pavilion," in "Punch," August 9, 1845

Milliner. Jacques Albin Simon Colhn de Plancy.

Multatull Edward Douwes Vekker. Max Haveiaar; or, the coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company, 1856. Bdinb. 1868.

Mum, Ned. Dr. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, in a letter contrib- uted to the " Guardian," Ko 121, July 30, 1718.

31ungo, the minstrel. Darkison. The Border Gipsy ... An operatic drama 1868,

Minister, Minnie. Harriet E. Bur- hiah,

Muuster Farmer, A. Thomas Moore. Captain Rock detected. L. 1824.

Also ascribed to Farrar O'SulUvan and T, Jebo t Bishop of Limerick.

Muralto, Onuphrio. Horace Wai- pole The castle of Otranto, translated by William Marshall, Gent., from the original Italian of Onuphrio IMuralto, canon of the church of St. Nicholas at

Otranto. 1765. See "Marshall. Wil- liam."

Murciock, Frank. Francis Hitchcock.

Murphy, Dennis Jasper. Rev. Rob- ert Charles ^latitim. Fatal revenge; or, the House of ilontorio a novel. U 1807

Murray. Robert Sanders. See " Spencer, USTath. 9 '

Murray, Domioick. Dom mich 3/o? an^

Murray, Hamilton,. Henry Maiden- Origm of universities and academical degrees. L 1835. Also in his contri- butions to "Knight's Quarterly Mag^* sine "(LO^o.

Murray, Herbert. Rev. Ftancis- Chartes Hingeston-Randolph, 3I.A The curse of Trecoboen. By ... in the "!N"ew Monthly Magazme, J> 1859.

Musseus, John Morrison, D,D , \vho, in early life, contrihuted verses to the " Edinburgh Weekly Magazine " under this signature.

Muscipula, Sen. John Colher, of Urmston, Curious remarks on the his- tory of Manchester [by J. "Whitakerl* L. 1771. J

Musgrave, Philip Rev. Joseph Ab- bott, MA. Philip Mnsgrave; or, the adventures of a missionary in Canada. . 184-.

Musical Professor, A. Edward Holmes. A ramble among the music ians of Germany, giTing some account ot the operas of Munich, Dresden, Berlin, etc. . . . L. 1828.

3Iusical Small-coal Man. Thomas-


Musidorus. E. Way. His signature to a letter in the " Microcosm " {pub- lished at Eton College, 1787).

Mutual Friend, A. Mrs.Grote* The case of the Poor against the Bich . . . I, 1850.

Myers, Ned. Lemuel Bryant, in one of Cooper's novels

Mylius, Otfried. Karl Mutter* Eur Frauenhand. 1875.

Myra. 3/?s, A. W* Fairbanks, Euro- pean correspondent of the " Herald '* (Cleveland, O.).

Myrtle, Annie. Miss Anme If. Chester.

Myrtle, Harriet. Mrs Mary ( Gillies} Miller. More fun for our little friends. L. 1864.

Myrtle, Mrs. Harriet. Mrs. Lydia falconer Miller. A day of pleasure . . . L. 1853.

Myrtle, Lewis. George Canning HHL Our parish ; or, pen paintings of village- life. P.187-.