Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/213

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consisting of tales, fables, epigrams, etc., by . . L. 1770.

Nobody, Nemo, Esq James Fennell Something Edited by ... B. 1810.

Nobody, Nothing of Nowheres. Rev. James Alexander Young.

Nolands, Robert Robert William Essington. The legacy of an Etonian. Edited by ... Camb. 1846.

Nomentino John McCosh, J/.D. Nuova Italia . a poem L. 1872.

Nomistake. W. B. or W. P. Partee. Science of money. P. 187-

Non Clerlcus. James Cottle (?). Romanism in an Apostate Church . . . L 1852

Non-Combatant, A. George Alfred Townsend. Campaigns of ... and his romauut abroad during the war. N.Y. 1866.

Non-Combatant, A. Henri/ Jeffreys Bushby. A month in the camp before Sebastopol. L. 1855.

Nonagenarian, A. Richard Graves. The invalid : with the obvious means of enjoying health and long Me. By a ... editor of the "Spiritual Quixote/' "Columella," "Reveries of Solitude," etc. L. 1804.

Nonagenariap, A. Mrs. Sarah Anna (Smith) Emery. Reminiscences of ... Ifewburyport, 1879.

Noncathoni. John Canton. Electri- cal properties of the tourmaline, in the "Gent. Mag./' September, 1759, p. 424.

Noncommissioned Officer, A. George TF. Dnggs. Opening of the Mississippi : or, two years' campaigning in the South- West . . . Madison, Wis., 1864.

Non-Intrusionlst, A. Pro/*. Geoige Dunbar The Non-Intrusionists ; their principles, conduct, and their consequen- ces. Edinb 1842.

Non-juror, A. Nathaniel Spmcles. No just grounds for introducing the new Communion Office ... L. 1719.

Nonsence, Sir Gregory. John Tay- lor, the water-poet. Sir G. N., his newes from no place. L. 1622.

Nprb. P. N. Myers, a bicycler of Covington, Ky.

Nore, Alfred de. Le Marquis Adolphe de Chesnel. Coutumes, mythes, et tradi- tions des provinces de Prance. Paris, 1846

Norfolk Clergyman, A. Rev. Sam- uel Sobson. The nature and design of the new poor laws explained . . , Nor- wich, 1884.

Noriac, Jules. Claude Antoine Jules Cairon. Les me^moires d'un baiser. Paris, 1863.

Norman, Lucia. Mi s S. If. Heaven. Youth's history of California . . . San Fran 1867.

Norna. Mrs. Mary Elisabeth (Aim) Biools, who from an early age was a writer of verse for periodicals, under this signature.

Norris, Dr. Robert. Jonathan Swift, D D. The narrative of ... concerning the . . . f renzv of Mr. John Dennis . . . L. 1713.

Also ascribed to Alex. Pope.

North, Christopher. John Wilson. The critical and miscellaneous articles of ... P. 1842. Under this pseudonym, John Wilson edited " Blackwood's Maga- zine."

North, Danby. Daniel Owen Madden. The Mildmayes ; or, the clergyman's se- cret . . L. 1856.

North, W. Savage. William S. Newell.

North American, A. John Dickinson. An address to the Committee of Corre- spondence in Barbados ... P. 1766.

North American, A. Mi/les Cooper. The American querist . . . N.Y. 1774.

Also ascribed to Thomas Bradbury Chand- ler, D.D.

North-British Protestant, A. Eeo. Archibald Bruce, of Whitburn. The in- terest and claims of the Church and 2sa- tion of Scotland in the settlement of religion in India . . . Edinb. 1813r""

North Briton, A. ^Wtfliam Burns. What's in a name *"^By . . . Glasgow, 1861.

North Country Angler, A. Thomas Doubleday The Coquet-dale fishing songs ... By ... Edinb. 1852.

Northamptonshire Poet, The. John Plummer. Songs of labour, and North- amptonshire rambles. L. 1860.

Northamptonshire Rector, A. Rev. Granville Hamilton Forbes, A.B. Village sermons. By ... L. 1863.

Northelia. Lord North. The Coali- tion rencontre anticipated: a poetical dialogue . . . Dramatis persons . . . and "Carlo Khan" [Charles James Fox]. L. 1785.

Northern Han, A. Calvin Colton. Abolition a sedition, by ... N.T, 1838.

Northern Man, A. Charles Ingersoll or Joseph Meed Inger&olL The diplomatic year... P. 1863.

Northern Man, A. James Kirke Pauldmg. Letters from the South by ... N.Y.1815.

Northern Man, A. William Brad ford Reed. Beview of Mr. Seward's diplo- macy, by ... P. 1862.

Northern Man with American