Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/216

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O'Cataract, Jehu John Neal Bat- tle of Niagara. A poem . . . Bait. 1818.

Occasional. Col. Sanders D. Bruce, in the New York " Turf, Field, & Farm "

Occasional. John Weiss Foineii, in the Philadelphia " Press/'

"Oxos. John Coglan. The confessions of an Unfermented Wine Communicant . . . Edinb. 1877.

Ockside. Mortimer J/. Thompson. History and records of the Elephant Club, by Doesticks and ... N.Y. 1856.

Oconomowoc. James A. Henshall, who used this signature, while residing in Wisconsin, in contubuting numerous articles to the press on the "Bass " Au- thor of " Book of the black bass," 1881.

Octavia Mrs. Mary Alice (Ives) Seymour. Christmas holidays at Cedar Grove. B. 1865.

Octogenarian, An. James Roche. Critical and miscellaneous essays, by ... Cork, 1850-51.

Octogenarian, An. John Mathew Crutch, Esq. The Eagles of Bristol; father and son. "Gent. Mag.," Febru- ary, 1850, p. 148.

Octogenarian, An. Walter Savage Landoj . Hebrew lyrics ... L. 1859.

Octogenarian, An. Sir Bienton Hal- liburton, Knt. Reflections on passing events : a poem . . . Halifax, 1856.

Octogenarian, An. Hichard Lower. Stray leaves from an old tree : selections from the scribblings of ... 1862.

Octogenarian Arcnitect, An. George L. Taylor. The autobiography of ... L. 1870-72,

Octogenarian Lady of Charleston, S.C., The. Mrs. E. A. Poyas. The olden time of Carolina . . . Charleston, 1855.

Octogenary. Eev. Daniel Huntmgton. Memories, counsels, and 'reflections . . . Carab. 1857.

Oculatus, Testts. Rev. Richard Tref- fry. The Chatham races: in three let- ters to a friend, by ... Maidstone, 1824.

Odd Boy. John Titlotson. Palestine : its holy sites and sacred story. L. 1871, etc. Also contributions to "The Boys' Magazine" (L.).

Odd Fellow, An. Peter M'Eenzie, editor of the " Glasgow Gazette," James Wallace, of Glasgow, Dr. James Brown and Robert Kay of Dumbarton, Joseph Souter of Aberdeen, Alexander M'Neillt advocate, and James Duncan, a book- seller of Glasgow, were the joint authors of " Gotham in alarm : a farce in three acts"... 9tked. Glasgow, 1816. Pub- lished under the above pseudonym.

Odds and Ends Walter C. Quevedo, in the New York "Dispatch."

Oddy, J. Jephson. William Playfair. European Commerce. L. 1805.

"These two -works (this of Oddy and the ' Spirit of the Bankiupt Laws,' of Joshua Monte- fiore) though published undei the names of the gentlemen last mentioned, \vere written by Mr. Playfa.ii ." " G-ent. Mag," June, 1823.

Odman, Jeremialu D. H. Atkinson. Old Leeds ; its bygones and celebrities By an Old Leeds Cropper. Leeds, 1868

O'Doherty, Sir Morgan, Bart. Wil- liam Mag inn. Maxims of ... Edinb. 1849. Was also a constant contributor to " Blackwood's Magazine " under this signature.

O'Donald, Peregrine William King, LL.D. See Scheflcer, Frederick."

O'Donnor, Andrew. A. Fontaney. Le Parlement anglais en 1835 ... in the " Revue des Deux Mondes," 1835.

O'Dowd, Cornelius. Charles James Lever. Cornelius O'Dowd upon men and women and other things in general Edinb. and L 1864.

Reprinted from "Blackwood's Magazine "

Officer, An. John Fitch. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland ... P. 1864.

Officer, An. Capt. William Edward Montague. Campaigning in South Africa. Reminiscences of ... in 1879. Edinb. 1880.

Officer, An. Dr. John Gordon Smith. The English Army in Trance . . . L. 1830.

Officer, AJI Harry Austin. Guards, hussars, and infantry ... By ... L. 1838.

Officer, An. Lieut. Douglas. A gen- eral essay on military tactics . . . trans by ... L.1781.

Officer, An. M. J. Home. A letter ... to his son in Parliament. L. 1776.

Officer, An. Major Alexander Jar- dine. Letters from Barbary, [France, Spain, Portugal, etc. By ... L. 1788.

Officer, An. Sir Eobert Ker Porter. Letters from Portugal and Spain . . . L. 1809.

Officer, An. Arent Schuyler Depeys- ter. Miscellanies . . . Dumfries, 1813.

Officer, An. Thomas Anbury. Trav- els through the interior parts of Amer- ica ... By... L.1789.

Officer employed in his Army, An. John Fane, llth Earl of Westmoreland. Memoir of the early campaigns of the Duke of "Wellington, in Portugal and Spain. By ... L. 1820.

Officer employed on the Expedi- tion, An. William Smith. An impartial narrative of the reduction of Belleisle . . . L. 1761.