Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/228

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" eternal " punishment endless ... B. 1876. *

Ortis, Jacopo. Uicolb Ugo Foscolo. Ultime lettere di . . . Paris, 1824

Ortyx. David H. Eaton.

Orwell. Walter Chalmers Smth. The bishop's walk and the bishop's times. Camb., Eng, 1801.

Cry, St6phanie. Just Jean Btienne Soy. Lucille. N.Y. 1873.

Osander. Rev. Benjamin Allen, editor of the "Christian Magazine" (P.).

Also in miscellaneous poems. N.Y. 1812.

Osborn, George, Esq. John Huddle- ston Wynne, who was also the " Mother Osborn " of Sir Robert Walpole's time.

Osborne, Edward. Mrs. Anne Man- ning Rathbone. The colloquies of ... citi- zen and cloth worker of London ... L. 1860.

Osborne, Jane. Mme. Le'onie d*Aunet. Feuilletons insures dans le journal "la Presse " en 1856.

Osborne, Sandy Alexander Me Grew, in his letters to various Western periodi- cals.

Oscar. Gerald Ghiffin t Esq., whose first literary efforts appeared in the "Literary Gazette," when he was not twenty, under this signature.

Oscar. Mrs.Leman Grimstone. Zayda: a Spanish tale in three cantos ; and other poems, stanzas, and canzonets. L. 1820.

Oscotian, An. William Charles Mark Kent. Catholicity in the dark ages, by ... L. 1847,

O'Squarr. Oscar Charles Flor. La guerre dans la Baltique. Brussels, 1854.

Ossola. Clement Le Neve Foster. The Feast of St. Anthony in the Val Anzasea, in "Land and Water" L 1869.

Other, The. 7?a< Edmund George Harvey. See * One of ourselves "

Other Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn, The. Thomas Eduards. The canons of criticism, and glossary, being a supple- ment to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakspeare ... By ... L. 1748.

Otis, Belle. Caroline E. Woods. Diary of a milliner. N.Y. 1867.

Otis, James. James Otis Kaler, in his contributions to "Harper's Young Peo- ple" (NY.)

Otter. H. J. Alfred. A complete guide to spinning and trolling . . . By ... L. 1859.

Otway, Sylvester. John Oswald. Euphrosyne: an ode to beauty. L. 1788. ,

Oudenarde, Dominie Nicholas ^Bgidius. James Kirke Paulding. The book of Saint Nicholas . . . N.Y. 1836.

Ouida. Mile. Louise de la Rame', author of -'Grranville de Vigne" and numerous other works of fiction

The pseudonym IB said by some authonties to be an infantile corruption of her baptismal name (Louise), while others translate it as a slang French equivalent of " Why, certainly,"!

Ouno. T. M. Ashworth, joint author. Tom Chips. P. 187-.

Our Boy Jack. Albert Charles Wild- man, in the " Western Counties Herald" (English).

Our Member for Paris. Henry Dit Pr Labouchere.

Our Own Correspondent. James 0. Noyes, M.D.

Our Own Correspondent. Michael Burke Honan The personal adventures of ... in Italy. L. 1852.

Our Special Correspondent. Gr. F. Atkinson. Indian spices for English tables . . . being the adventures of ... 18-.

Outcast, The. C. B. Northrup. South- ern Odes . . . Charleston, 1861.

Outis. J. C Ward. The Jesuits

>y William Waterworth]. Eeviewed. ly Outis. L. 1852

Outis, XT. Donough. fiichard Grant White. Chronicles of Gotham. N.Y. 1871.

Over Forty. Nathan Green. The- tali man of Wmton and his wife . . . Nashville, Tenn., 1872.

Overtheway, Mrs. Juliana Horatia Ewing. Six to sixteen. B. 1875.

Owanda. Hiss Emma Robinson C 2 ). Only a tramp. N.Y. 186-.

Owen. Jesse Appleton, S.T.D., in the Boston " Panoplist."

Owen, Ashford. Annie Ogle. A lost love ... L. 1862.

Owen, Junior. George Hardinge. Chalmeriana . . . arranged and published by ... of Paper Buildings, Inner Tem- ple; assisted by his friend and clerk, Jasper Hargrave ... L. 1800.

Owen, J. P. Samuel Butler. The fair haven ... L. 1872.

Owen, Tom, tfre Bee-Hunter^ Thomas Bangs Thorpe. The hive of the "Bee-Hunter." N.Y. 1853.

Owenson, Miss. Lady Sydney (Owen- son) Morgan. The lay of the Irish harp ; or, metrical fragments, By ... L. 1807.

Owl, The. Charles Henry Bennett. See ' Woodensconce, Papernose, Esq."

"Notes and Queries," Oct. 21, 1876, p. 833.

Owl, Eugene, Thomas Pilgrim. Old Hick's camp-meetin' . . . N.Y. 1880.

Oxford Graduate, An. Edwin Ar~