Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/239

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and that of "Trepidantium Malleus" L 1008-1700.

Philander. Fotd 1 , Em I Giey. The amours of ... and Silvia [Countess of Berkeley] ... By Aphra Behn. L. 1693

Philander liev. James Wnrjht. Cap- ital punishment ; is it defensible 7 By ... L. 1865.

Philander David Williams Letters concerning education . . . L. 1785

Philanglia. James Scott, D D., who published the essays m the London "Pub- lic Ad\ ertiser," under this signature, 1705 et seq.

Philanthropist, A. W. P. Russell. British liberty and philanthropy ... L. 1808.

Philanthropist, A Josiah Earns. A voice from the ocean grave . . . Truro, 1859

Philanthropos. William Ladd. Brief illustration of the principles of war and peace. Albany, 1831.

Philanthropos Thomas Mortimer, Esq Every man his own broker . . . By .. L. 1701.

Philanthropos. John Fellows. Grace triumphant : a sacred poem . . . By . . . L. 1770.

Philanthropos. John Dove. "Rational religion, distinguished from that viueh is enthusiastic ... L. 1757 or '58.

Philanthropos. Thomas Walejield C*) Reflections on faith ... By ... L 1790.

Philanthropos. John Forster. Re- marks, occasioned by a sermon on the "Reasonableness of the Established Church of England" ... by Johnson Grant, M.A Liverpool, 1807*

Philanthropos, Theophilus David Hall. An essay on intemperance, par- ticularly hard drinking ... By ... 1742,

Philanthropus. Joseph Besse. An enquiry into the validity of a late dis- course, intituled, " The nature and duty of self-defence." L. 1747.

Philanthropus. Thomas Bott (*). Bemarks upon Dr. Butler's sixth chapter of the "Analogy of Religion/* etc. L. 1737.

Philanthropus Oxoniensis. Dr. Morgan. A letter to the Rev. Dr. Water- land, occasioned by Ms late writings in defence of the Athanasian hypothesis. L. 1722.

Philarchaismos. Thomas Sharp, Esq., m Gent. Mag." for 1793, p. 690, article on St. Michael's Church, Coven-


Philaret, a Member of Athens.

John Dunton. See " Member of th Athenian Society, A. 35

Philaretes. John Gilbert Cooper. Poems on several subjects. L. 1704.

Originally contributed to "Dodsley's Muse- um," under tins signatuie,

Philaretes, PhUippus, A C C. Thom- as Comber. Adultery analyzed . . . 1810.

Philaretus. Thomas Lctchuorth. An essay on liberty and necessity : in answer to Augustus Toplady^s tract ... By ... L. about 1776.

Philargyrus, fiev. William Rider, who was a writer of verses in tho "Gent. Mag." under this signature. 176-.

Phileleutheros. Rei\ John Fell. The justice and utility of penal laws for the direction of conscience, examined . . . L. 1774

Phileleutheros Londinensis. John Bin ton, L.X>. Remarks on Dr. King's speech before the University of Oxford, at the dedication of Dr. RadeliiFs library, on the 13th of April, 1748. L. 1749.

Phileleutherus Anglican us. Rev. John William Donaldson. A vindication of Protestant principles. L. 1847.

Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis. Thomas Herne, 3LA. Three discourses on private judgment . . . by . . L. 1718.

Under this name he -was one of the writeis in the Bangoiian controversy, of \iluch be began, in some measure, the history, by publishing an account of all the consideiable pampbletss to which it gave rise . . to the eod of the year 1719, by the name of " Philonagnostes Criticus." See Chalmers, Vol. 17.

Phileleutherus Christianas. Her.

Thomas Brourjhton. Christianity distinct from the religion of nature . . L. 1732.

Phileleutherus Devoniensis. Thom- as Northmore (*). Memoirs of Planetes ; or, a sketch of the laws and manners of Makar. By ... L. 1795.

Phileleutherus Lipsiensis. Richard Bentky> D.D. Remarks upon a late dis- course of free-thinking, in a letter to F. H., D.D. [Francis Hare. DJX] L. 1713.

Phileleutherus Norfolciensis. 5am- uel Parr, DJ). A discourse ... on the late fast. L. 1781.

Phileluth. Bangor, V.E.B Thomas Foxcroft. Eusebius ineraroatus ... B. 1733.

Philemon Henry Coventry. Letters of . . * to Hydaspes. L. 1730-44,

Pfcilenia, a JDady of Boston. Mrs. Sarah Wentworih (Apthorp) Morton. OuSbi; or, the virtues of nature. An Indian tale ... B. 1790,

PhHidor, A. D. Frangoi$ Andrf Dan-