Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/249

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Frobus. David Lee Child. The Tex- an revolution ... W. 1843.

Probus Britannicus. Samuel John- son, LL.D. Marmor Norfolciense . . . L. 1739.

Procul. Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker, M.A. The Cell, verses. Signed . . . Monasterium Morwennae in the year of the church, 1840. " British Mag./* xvii., 622-23. 1840.

Professor. Percival Leigh. See " Ponny."

Professor, A. John Gwilliam. The delicious amour . . . By ... L. 1812.

Professor at the Breakfast Table, The. 0. W. Holmes, in the "Atlantic Monthly."

Professor of Surgery, A. John 0. Justamond. Notes on chirurgical cases and observations, by ... L. 1773.

Profit and Loss. James Loring Baker. A review^of the tariff of 1846 . . . in a series of articles contributed to the " Evening Transcript/* under this signa- ture. B. 1858.

Prog. Thomas J. Scott, in the " Turf, !Field, & Farm."

Prolix, Peregrine. Philip Houlbrooke Nicklin. A pleasant peregrination through the prettiest parts of Pennsylva- nia ... P. 1835.

Prometheus. Francis Alfred Steimer, in the " Turf, Field, & Farm (N.Y.).

Prominent London Journalist, A. Frank Harrison HilL Political portraits, by... P. 1873.

Promotion by Merit. William An- gers. Purchase in the Church . . . Man- chester, 1878.

Prophet James, The. James Smith Buck. The chronicles of the Land of Columbia, commonly called America . . . By ... Milwaukee, Wis., 1876.

Proprietor of Bank Stock, A. Pe- ter Carey. A letter to Win. Huskisson, Esq.,MJP L.1811.

Proprietor of Indian Stock, A. James Silk Buckingham. A second letter to Sir Charles Forbes, Bart., M J*., on the suppression of public discussion in In- dia ... By... L.1824.

Proprietor of said Church, A. Ben- jamin B. Mussey. Letter to Bev. Fred- erick T. Gray ... at the "Bulfinch Street Church." By... 1842.

Proprietor of that Work, A. Philip Nichok. The castrated letter of Sir Thomas Hanmer, in the sixth volume of the Biographia Britannica ... By ... L. 1763.

Prospero. Francis Douce, in the

    • Bibliomania" of T. F. Dibdin.

Protectionist, A. John Lettsom Elliot. A letter to the electors of West-minster. L. 1848.

Protestant, A. Robert Shirra. An- tichrist's inquest . . . Dundee, 1781.

Protestant, A ; Charles William Twort. The Christian corrector cor- rected. Lambeth, 1829.

Protestant, A. Robert Daly, Bishop of Cashel. A correspondence which arose out of the discussion at Carlow, between . . . (B. D.) and a Roman Cath- olic clergyman (W. Cloury). To which are annexed notes ... by ... B. D. L. 1825.

Protestant, A. Rev. Caleb Meming. The Jesuit unmask'd ... L. 1737.

Protestant, A. Rev. David Wilson. A letter to the . . . Lord Chancellor con- cerning the mode of swearing, by laying the hand upon and kissing the Gospels. By... L. 1778.

Protestant, A. Mr. Cooke. Letters addressed to Lord Grenville and Lord Howick, upon their removal from the councils of the king ... L. 1807.

Protestant, A. Rev. Edward Smed- ley. Lux renata : a Protestant epistle, with notes ... L. 1827.

Protestant, A. Rev. Calvin Colton. Protestant Jesuitism . . . N.Y. 1836.

Protestant Churchman, A. J. Sal- lard. A few strictures addressed to Mr. Alderman Sadler . . . Oxf. 1851.

Protestant Clergyman, A. Rev. Michael Vicary, J5^4. Notes of a resi- dence at Borne in 1846, by ... L. 1847.

Protestant Dissenter, A. Rev. Wil- liam Wood. Brief (A) enquiry concern- ing the dignity of the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper . . . Written in 1732 . . . and now reprinted ... by ... Leeds, 1790.

Protestant Dissenter, A. William Christie. An essay on ... Establish- ments in religion ... L. 1792.

Protestant Dissenter, A. Dr. Thom- as Morgan. The nature and consequences of enthusiasm considered ... L. 1720.

Protestant Dissenter of Old Eng- land, A. Rev. Caleb Fleming. The claims of the Church of England seri- ously examined ... L. 1764.

Protestant-dlssenting-minister, A. Rev. Cakb Fleming. A letter . . . occa- sioned by the alarming growth of Popery in this kingdom L. 1768.

Protestant Episcopalian, A. Fran- cis Lister Hawks. Auricular confession in the Protestant Episcopal Church . . .

,Y. 1850.

Protestant Lady, A. Ann Adams.