Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/266

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all the rest m that language since the banish- ment of Orid." W. S. LAXBOB, letter to E. W. Emerson, Bath, 1S56

" "We introduce him here on the strength of his famous Cambridge Latin Triposes verses, in Lucretian rhythm, on the three systems of Plato, Descartes, and Newton." AT.T.IBOKE.

S., R. B. Robert Bissett Scott, Esq. Roman remains at Lisbon, in "Gent. Mag," Apnl, 1832, p. 291.

S., R. H Richard Henry jStoddard. Life, travels, and books of A. Von Hum- boldt . . . N.Y. 1860. [Introduction by Bayard Taylor.]

S., R. H. Richard Herne Shepherd. Tennysoniana . . L. 1866.

S., R. J. Richard Joseph Suhvan. Ob- servations made during a tour through parts of England, etc. L. 1780.

S., R. P. Robert Pearsall Smith. Walk- ing in the light ... B. 1872.

S., R. T. William Magmn.

" For a considerable time Dr. Magran corre- sponded with Mr. BJacfcwood under the signa- ture of R. T. S.', and he gradually withdrew the incognito so far as to subscribe himself

  • Ralph Tuckett Scott,' and Mr. Blackwood sent

him a cheque, payable to that gentleman. Dr. Magma wrote a very humorous letter, quizzing Mr. B. for being gulled, and exaggerating the difficulty he had in getting the cheque cashed, with the endorsement of au imaginary person.'*

S., R. V. Robert Vernon Smith. Early writings of Robert Percy Smith, with a few verses in later years ; edited by ... his surviving son. Chiswick, 1850.

S., R. W. R. W. Smiles. The war; is it just or necessary ? L. n.d.

S., S. Sarah Sheppard. Illustrations of Scripture, the Hebrew converts, and other poems ... L. 1837.

S., S. Stephen Salisbury. Remarks on the report of the Committee of Exam- iners at the Commencement of the Wor- cester Co. Free Inst. of Industrial Sci- ence. Worcester, Mass., 1877.

S. S. (Sinner Saved). William Hunt- ington.

He said of himself: " As I cannot get a D.D., for the want of cash, neither can I get an M.A., for the want of learning; therefore I am com- pelled to fly for refuge to S. S., by -which I mean

  • Sinner Saved.* "

S., S., Tour Bible Reader. Miss Sarah Start. To the children of the Sunday-School ... of the Church of the Ascension. KT. 1866.

S., S. S S. S. Simpson. Aunt Sophie's stories ... B. 1859.

S. T. Rev. William Fleetwood. See "Curate of Wilts, A."

S., T. E. W. Kiackowizer, of Normal Park, HI, in his contributions to various periodicals.

T. S. = Theophrasttis Schopenhauer.

S. T. Charles Knight. His signature

to poetry entitled " Typhus and Cholera An Eclogue/' published in the "Times/ 1 London, Sept. 24, 1854.

S , T. Thomas Shilhtoe. An abstract from an English edition of the medita- tions of Thomas A'Kempis on the life and loving-kindness of Jesus Christ. By ... L. n d.

S , T. Thomas Stratton. Aureae sen- tentiae : select sentences . . . By . . . L. 1768.

S., T. Thomas Story. To the saints in Sion: a song of praise ... L. 1740

S , T. F., an old Piscator. Thomas Frederick Salter. Hints to anglers . . . By ... L. 1808.

S, "W. William Shippen. Four speeches against continuing the army . . . L. 1732.

S., W. William Sandys, F.8.A. The hornpipes of Cornwall, mentioned in "Le Roman de la Rose." Letter signed "W. S,," in "Gent. Mag," 1824; and The Christmas drama ot St. George, "Gent. Mag/' 1830.

S , W. William Spaldmg. On Shaks- peare's authorship of "The 'two noble kinsmen " . a drama commonly ascribed to John Fletcher. Edmb. 1833,

S, W. Whitley Stokes. Three Irish glossaries . . L.' 1862.

S., Sir W. Sir William Symonds. Holiday trips, etc. L. 1847.

S., W., M.P. Rev. William Stewart A letter to the Reverend Professor Camp- bell . . . Glasgow, 1731.

S., W. G. Rev. William G. Shaw. Memorials of the clan Shaw . . . n.p. 1868.

S., W. S. Rev. William Samuel Sy- monds, 3.A Malvern Chase : an episode of the Wars of the Roses and the Battle of Tewkesbnry. An autobiography. Edited [or rather written] by ... Tewkesbury, 1881

S., W. W. William Wetmore Story. "Ginevra da Siena" [a poem], in "Blackwood's Magazine," June, 1866, p. 673. "A Roman lawyer in Jerusa- lem first century," in "Blackwood's Magazine," October, 1868, p, 479.

S . . . , Eugene. Mane Joseph (called "Eugene") Sue, in several dramatic pieces.

S**** ? B. Benjamin Smart. Cloath- ing society, in Gent. Mag.," July, 1815, p. 39.

S**** W **#** N ., Major. Major Sel* wyn. The speech of ... the first day of the session ... 18 Nov. 1746. L. 1746,

S n, A w. Andrew