Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/283

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Stirrup Henry J. Bieitt, in Porter's " Spirit of the Times "

Stock lo baron Pnncesse Mane Studolmine (Bonapaite, dame de Solms) Ratazzi. La belle Juive episode du siege de Jerusalem. Pans, 1882.

Stolz, Mme. de. Countess Fanny de Be'gon. Blanche and Beryl ; or, the two sides of life. L 1873.

Stonecastle, Henry. William Oldijs. " The Universal Spectator." By ... and others. L. 1747.

The other editors were J. Kelly (?), Sir J. Hawkins ( 9 ),etc.

Stonelienge. John Henry Walsh, The greyhound ... L. 1853.

Stonemason of Cromartte, The. Hugh Miller. Poems. L 18-.

Storer, R E Capel Lofft K"ew Tes- tament: suggestions for reformation of the Greek text ... By ... L. 1868.

Story, Sydney A., Jr. Mrs. Afary H. (Greene Pike) Atherton. Pearl. B. 1868.

Stothard, Kempe. Mrs. Anna Eliza Bray. De Poix: or, sketches of the manners and customs of the XIV. cen- tury. L. 1845.

Strada. Thomas Barnes, who, in 1812, wrote a series of critical essays, under this signature, for the London " Champion/*

Stradling, Matthew. Martin, Fran- cis Ufahony. The Irish har sinister . . . By ... (author of " Cheap John's auc- tion"). L. 1872.

Straban, Edward. Earl Shinn. The new Hyperion ... P. 1875.

Stranger, Sir Peter, Bart. Japhet Crook.

Stranger, The. Charles Wilham Jan- son. The stranger in America ... L. 1807.

Stranger, The. Francis Lieber. The stranger in America. P. 1835.

Stranger in Parliament, The. Ed- ward Michael Whitty, who contributed to the "Leader*' (L.) the series of papers entitled "The stranger in Parliament." 185-.

Strangford, Viscountess. Emily Anne (Beaufort) Smythe, Viscountess Strangford. The eastern shores of the Adriatic in 1863. With a visit to Mon- tenegro. L. 1804.

Strap, Hugh. Hugh Hewson, whom Dr. Smollett has rendered conspicuously interesting in his "Life and adventures of Roderick Random/' and who for more than 40 years kept a hair-dressing shop in Villiers Street, London.

Stratford, Edmund E Lecftmeie.

Strathesk, John. John Tod. Bits from Bhnkbonney, or, Bell o' the Manse a tale of Scottish village life, 1841-61. 1882.

Strauss, Lieedle Yawcob. Charles Pollen Adams. Leedle Yawcob Strauss, and other poems. B. 1878. Also in his contributions to the "Detroit Tree Press."

Straws. Joseph If. Field, in the New Orleans " Picayune/* where " he acquired great celebrity, contributing for some years fugitive pieces of poetry to its col- umns, of great merit."

Straws, Jr. Kate Field, in the "Springfield Republican."

Strebor, Eiggam. Sfagqie Roberts. Home scenes during the Rebellion. N.Y. 1875.

Strephon. Edward Bradbury.

Stretton, Hesba. Hannah Smith. The Olives of Burcot. L. 1866.

Strlelsland, Joe. George IF. Arnold. (Pub. 1826-28.) Conf. Hudson, "Jour- nalism in America," p. 6S8.

Strike but Hear. John Home TooLe, in the London " Public Advertiser," 1774.

Strix. George W. Howes, in the "Evening Post" and the " Dial" (KY.).

Stroling Player, A. John Roberts. An answer to Mr. Pope's preface to Shakespeare ... L. 1729.

This pamphlet Is signed " Anti-Scriblerus Histrionicus.' 5

Stroller In Europe, A. TF. TT.

Wright. Dore'. ^.Y. 1857.

Strongfellow, Professor. H. TF. Lonf{fellow. See "Pamsworth, H. Ha- rassing."

Strutt, Lord. Spain. Law is a bot- tomless-pit : esemplify'd in the case of ... John Bull [Great Britain and Ireland], Nicholas 3Trog [the United Provinces of the Netherlands], and Lewis Baboon [France], who spent all they had in a law-suit. By John Arbuthnot. Edinb. 1712.

Stuart, Charles Edward. Cfiarks Hay Allan, joint author. The costume of the clans . . . Edinb. 1845.

Stuart, John SobiesM Stolberg. John Hay Allan, joint author. The costume of the clans . . . Edinb. 1845.

Stuart, Robert. Robert MeiHeham. A descriptive history of the steam en- gine ... L. 1824.

Stubble, Sir Hector. Sir Stratford Redcliffe, in the "Roving Englishman," which appeared in " Household Words/* written by GrenviUe-Murray.

Student, A. 8. Brookes. The Church