Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/285

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Les heroines chi poete Kalidasa com- parees aux heroines de Shakespeare. Paris, 1879.

Summerfield, Charles. Theodore Foster. The desperadoes of the South- West ... NY. 1847.

Summerfield, Charles, late Judge of the Rio Grande District. Alfred W Arrincfton. The rangers and regula- tors of the Yanaha; or, life among the lawless ., NY 1856.

Summerly, Felix. Sir Henry Cole, K Q B. Home treasury of books, pic- tures, toys . . L. 1844

Summerly, Mrs. Felix. Mrs. Henri/ Cole. The mother's primer. L 1844.

Sunavill. J. F. & Hogo-Hunt, J. W., Messrs. James Frank Sullivan and John William Houghton. The gnome hat- ter; or, the elfimsh wile and the well- finished tile. A " moral " impossibility. By ... n.p , n d.

Sunbeam, Susie. Matilda Anne (Planchg) Mackarness. Susie Sun- beam's series. N.Y. 1856.

Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Talbot> in a paper contributed to the "Rambler." No. SO, June 30, 1750.

Sunday Scholar, A. W. Todd. The teacher rewarded ; or, the memoir of ... L. 1852. By Daniel Sutcliffe,

Sundry Whereof. Richard P or son, MA. Panegyrical epistles on Hawkins v. Johnson, in " Gent. Mag./' 1787, pp. 052, 751, 847.

Sunshine, Silvia. Abbie M Brooks. Petals plucked from sunny climes. By ... Nashville, Tenn., 1880.

Supernumerary, A. J. Pring. Six letters to a a brother curate ... L. 1839.

Surfaceman. Alexander Anderson. Ballads and sonnets. L. 1879.

Surgeon, A. Henry Mudge. Dialogues, etc , against the use of tobacco. By ... L. 1861.

Surgeon, A. William S. W. Ruschen- Merger. An examination of the legality of the general orders which confer assimi- lated rank on officers of the civil branch of the United States navy. P. 1848.

Surgeon, A. B. Abrahams* A trea- tise on the hair and teeth ... by ... New Hampton, N,H., 1849.

Surgeon in the U.S. Navy, A. George Glnmer. The principles of naval staff rank... 1869.

Surrebutter, the late John, Esq., Special Pleader and Barrister at Jjaw. John Anstey, The pleader's guide : a didactic poem ... By ... L. 1796.

"In lecture the seventh, the author, under the pseudonym of 'Mr Surrebuttei ,' gues this ac- count of his piofessional education :

  • Whoe'er has drawn a special plea

Has heard of old Tom IVwkesbuiy, Deaf as a post and thick as raustaid, He aim'd at wit, and baw I'd, and bluster'd, And died a Ni&i Pnus leader, That genius -was my Special Pleader.' "

Surry, Col,, of Eagle's Nest. John Esten Cooke. Surry of Eagle's Nest ; or, the memoirs of a staff-officer serving in Virginia. Edited from the Ms. of ... N.Y. 1866.

Survivor, The. Capt. Thomas Ferny- hough. Military memoirs of four broth- ers ... L. 1829.

Susan, Aunt. Mrs Elizabeth Prentiss. Urbane' and his friends. N.Y. 1874

Sussexiensis. G. G. Stoneslreet. Rea- sons of a subscriber for opposing Mr. Wyatt's plan for a monumental trophy to the late King George III. L. 1822.

Button. Sir John Sutton. Short ac- count of organs built in England from the reign of Charles II. to 1847. By...

Swammerdam, Martin Gribaldus. William Mudford. The life and adven- tures of Paul Plaintive, Esq., an author. Compiled ... by ... L. 1811.

Swan, Sir Simon, Bart. Rev. Joseph Fawcett. The art of poetry according to the latest improvements ... L. 1797.

Swan of Idchfield, The. Miss Anna Seward.

SwStla, Karolina. Johanna Muzd- Jcovd. The love of the poet. Prague, 1860.

<g w t. Jonathan Swift. The meta- morphosis ... or, the canine appetite . . . in the persons of P-pe [Pope] and Sw-t. Dublin, 1730.

Sw-ft, Dr. Jonathan Swift. The blunderful blunder of blunders ... L, 1721.

Swift, Dean, of Brasen-nose. Ben- son Earle Hill. The pinch of snuff . . . By... L.1840.

Swift, Jonadab, IMLD. John Henley. The hyp doctor. By ... L. 1730.

Swift, Patrick. William Lijon Mac- kenzie, in his contributions to the " Colo- nial Advocate " and his numerous alma- nacs (1827-34).

Occasionally we 6nd the pseudonym varied to "Mr. Patrick Swift."

Swiss Gentleman, A. Mark Aken* side. A letter from ... in Dodsley*s Museum/' Vol. II.

Swiss Minister, A. Jean Henri Merle D* Aulrigne'. Germany, England, and Scotland, recollections of ... 1848,