Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/29

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Atticus Secundus. Joseph Bolles Manning. Junius unmasked; or, Lord George Sackville proved to be Junius . . . B. 1828.

Atticus Secundus. John MacDiarmid. Letters of Junius, with preliminary dis- sertations and copious notes. By A, S. L. 1822.

Attorney, An. Sir George Stephen See " Caveat Emptor."

Attorney, An Samuel Warren. Ad- ventures of ... in search of practice. L. 1839,

Attorney, An William Muir. Let- ter to the law practitioners of Scotland on the attorney tax. Edmb 1833.

Attorney-at-Law, An. J C. Wells. My Uncle Toby : his table-talks and re- flections By ... Gin 1875.

Aubigny, D'. Jean Mane Theodore Bauduin. Washington; ou, TOrpheline de la Pennsylvanie : melodrame en trois actes, etc. Pans, 1816.

Auctioneer, An. G Robins ( q ). Pro- fessional excursions By ... L. 1843.

Aude, M. Joseph Octave Delepierre. Dissertation sur les idees morales des Grecs.

Audi Alteram Partem Lieut- Gen Thomas Perronet Thompson, F R.S

" In 1848 he published a ' Catechism on the currency ' ; and in 1857-58-59 weekly letters to his constituents, under the title of Audi Alte- ram Partem,' mamly on the treatment of the native army and people of India."

Aner, Adelheid von Charlotte ion Cosel Im Labyrinth der Welt 1879.

Augspur. Henry J. M. Sampson, in "Fun's Prophet"

Augur William JBlaJce. America : a prophecy, 1793; Europe, a prophecy, 1794.

Augur. Henry Mort Feist. The racing prophet. L. 187-. Also in " Lon- don Life."

Augur. One of the pseudonyms at- tributed to Junius (q.v.).

The letter thus signed is dated Sept 8, 1769, -and reprobates the abusive language of the min- isterial writers.

Auguste. Kathinka Zite. See " Zian- itzka, K. Th."

Augustsohu, W. Wilhelm von Kotze- bue. Zwei Sunderinnen. 18 .

Aanet, Leonle d*, Madame Mine Auguste Francois Biard. Le voyage <Tune femme au Spitzberg. Paris, 1854.

Aura. William Gale, in the Lon- don " Morning Advertiser."

Aura. Mary Catharine Irvine. Ash- burn- a tale. 'L, 1857.

Aurelius. John Gai dner. A brief con- sideration of the important services . . . which recommend Mr. Adams for the presidency ... B. 1796.

Aurelius Prudentius, Americanus Samuel Mather, of Boston. The sacred minister ... B. 1773.

Austin, the late Arthur. Prof, John Wilson Lights and shadows of Scottish life ... Edinb. 1822.

Austin, Miss Betty. Miss Eliza How- ard Austin, "better known as 'Miss Betsy Austin/ Amusing incidents are chronicled of her in the pages of Marry- at's 'Peter Simple/ 'Tom Cringle's log,' and other naval authors."

Australie. Mrs Emily (Manning) Heion, The balance of pain* and other poems. L. 1877.

Austro-Borealis. Edward Jbsiah Steams, D D. A platform for all par- ties Bait, 1860.

Author, An. William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester. A letter from . . . to a member of Parliament, concerning literary property. L. 1747.

Author, The. Capt Clarke, R.M. Angler's desideratum . . with some new and valuable inventions by . . . from a >ractice of nearly half a century. Edinb.

Author, The Charles Edward Stew- art. Extracts from the regicide: an heroic poem . . L 1801.

Author, The. William Edward Arm- itage Axon. The tobacco question . . . considered . . . Revised by . 1871.

Author of ** Modern Painters," The. John Ruskin. Modern painters.

To the editor of the "Weekly Chronicle," Letter signed . . . Sept. 23, 1843; also, Two let- ters from ... In the "Artist and Amateur's Mag,*' 1843-44; also, Banger to the National Gallery, in the "Times," Jan. 7, 1847, also, The Pre-Raphaehtes. Letter to the editor of the " Times," May 13, 1851 , also, The Pie-Raphael- ite artists ..." Times," May 30, 1851; also, The National Gallery, " Times," Deo. 29, 1862, all signed as above.

Author of " Susie Jj 's Diary/' The.

Miss Eliza Jane Gate. She contributed many stories to " Peterson's Magazine," under the signature of " By the Author of Susie I, 'B Diary/'

Author of "The Life of Goethe," The. George Henry Lewes. Carlyle's Frederick the Great. By . , . In "Fra- ser's Magazine," December, 1858.

Authors of the "Dramatic Cen- sor," The. Francis Gentleman. Bell's edition of Shakespeare's plays . . . By. . , L. 1774.