Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/292

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signature, and author of "Tri-colored sketches in Paris, during the years 1851 to 1853." NY. 1855

Tinto, Diclc, Charles A. Jones, who wrote a series of poems for the " Cincin- nati Gazette," under this signature.

Tinto, Gabriel. &. W. Anthony. The wise judgment . . . Manchester, 1853,

Tirabeccjue. Modesto Lafuente, who, under the pseuds. "Fray Gerundio" and " Tirabecque/' published the period- ical works, "Coleccion de capilladas y disciplmarzos," 10 vols , etc.

Titcomb, Timothy, Esquire Josiah Gilbert Holland. TitcomVs letters to young people, single and married. 1859. Letters to the Joneses. N.Y. 1864.

Titian, Onyx Miss Sarah Woodward, The apple blossom \ or, a mother's leg- acy. L. 186-.

Titmarsh, Michael Angelo. William Makepeace Thacleray. The Paris sketch book. L 1840.

" Michael Angelo " is said to be a nickname bestowed upon Thackeray by a friend, piobably In allusion to bis youtWul aspirations, -whilst "Titniarsh" was perhaps " added as a sort of humoious anti-climax."

  • ' Doctor Birch and his young friends " (L

1849), and seveial other minor pieces are signed "Mi.M.A.Titraarsh."

Titterwell, Timothy, ESQ. Samuel Kettell Yankee notions. A medley . . . B. 1838.

Toby. Jonathan Swift, D.D. A town eclogue; or, a poetical contest hetween Toby and a minor poet [Steele] of B tt n's coffee-house.

Toby, Abel's Kinsman. Jonathan Swift, D.D. The character of Richard St le [Steele], Esq.. ; with some remarks ... L. 1713.

Toby, M. P. Mr. Lucy. Essence ol Parliament, contributed to " Punch" (L, 1881), etc.

Toby, Uncle. Rev. Tobias &. Miller.

Toby, Uncle. Elisha North, M.D. The pilgrim's progress in phrenology . . . New London, Conn., 1833,

Toby, Simeon. George Trash. Thoughts and stories on tohacco, for American lads; or, Uncle Toby's anti- tobacco advice to Mb nephew, Billy Bruce. B, 5th ed, 1852.

Todd, JJaurie. Or ant Thorburn. Sketches from the note-book of ... 3T.Y. 1847.

Todkill, Anas. John Etfen OooJce. My Lady Pokahontae . . . With notes by ... [or, rather, written by , . .] B. 1885.

Toletus. David Tappan, D.D. Two friendly letters from Toletua to Phiiale-

thcs [the Rev. Samuel Spring, D JX] . . . Newburyport, Mass., 1785.

Tom, Brother. Thomas Warton. See "Peter, Brother."

Tom, Captain Daniel Defoe. A let- ter ... to the mobb, now rais'd for JDr Sacheverel. L 1710.

Tom of Bedlam. Dike Melbourne Tom of Bedlam's answer to lloadly L. 1008.

Tom-Tit, Ebenezer. Charles Smith Letter, addressed to the dean and chap- ter of Norwich . . . Norwich, 1824.

Tomldns, Isaac, Gent. Henrij> Lord Brougham and Vaux Thoughts on the aristocracy of ^England ... L. 1834.

Ton, E. Kmgman.

Tonson, Monsieur John Tayloi. Monsieur Tonson. L. 1830

Topping, Godfrey Dr. John Rob- ertson Educational voluntaryism . . . Manchester, 1854

Tory, A. Samuel Adams, in the " Bos- ton Gazette," May 1, 1769.

Total Abstainer, A Susanna, Coi- der (?). Friendly cautions addressed to the advocates of total abstainance from all intoxicating beverages. By . Lindfield, n.d.

Touchatout Leon Bienvenu. Ilistoiro de France tintamarresquc, par . . . Paris, 1869.

Touch'em, Timothy. Thomas Beck. The age of frivolity : a poem. L. 1807.

Touchstone. John Savage.

Toucnstone. I/. Booth. Roadside sketches in the south of France and Spanish Pyrenees, By three wayfarers ; with 24 illustrations by ... L, 1859.

Toucbst one, Timothy. Qliphant and Mien, of Trinity Coll., Camb., and the Hon. W* AsHn, and Taunton, students of Christ Church, Oxford. The tnflcr : a new periodical miscellany. By ... of St. Peter's College, Westminster. L 1788.

Toupius, Joannes. Jonathan Toitp. Emendationes in Suidain. L. 1760.

Tourist, A, J. Talboys Wheeler. Ad- ventures of ... from Calcutta to Delphi Calcutta, 1868.

Tourist, A. Charles Lanman. Haw- ho-noo j or, records of ... P. 1851.

Town, Mr., Critic and Censor-gen- eral. George Caiman and JBonnel Thorn- ton. The Connoisseur. By ... L. 1866,

Town, Mr., junior, Critic and Cen- sor General. James Benry Leigh Hunt, in the London " Traveller." afterwards the Globe."

Town Listener, The. Leander Rich-