Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/302

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trines came to be a distinguishable entity, and the business amounted to something; but of my own earliest newspaper leading, I can remember the name Vetus ' as a kind of editorial backlog, on which able editors were wont to chop straw now and then." THOMAS CABLTLE.

Vetus. Charles Marsh. The famous letters of " Vetus " in the "Times" have been confidently ascribed to his pen. These letters were repubhshed in 1812 in two parts, with a preface and notes.

Vetus. JBenjamm Bailey, D D. Six letters of ... to the editor of the " Cey- lon Times " . . . Columbo, 1852.

Vey, Elinor. Mrs. Elliot Glover, in the New York "Independent."

Viator. Wdham Bedford, in his con- tributions to the "Literary Gazette" (L. 1823).

Viator. Jonathan Huntmgton Bright, who was for several years a writer for the public journals and literary maga- zines under this signature

Viator. William Jerdan, in the Lon- don "Sun." ISlletseq.

Viator. G-eorge Lipscomb, M.D., by whose hand numerous articles appeared in the " Gent. Mag./' chiefly under this signature.

Viator. Thomas D'Oyly. Edward Somers ... L. 1843.

Viator. Joseph B. Varnum, Jr. Wash- ington sketch-book N.Y. 1864.

Viator, John, "Esq. Samuel Andrew Peters. An answer to Dr. Inglis's de- fence of his character against certain false and malicious charges ... By ... L. 1785.

Viator, Vacuus. Thomas Hughes, the writer of the series of letters in the Lon- don " Spectator," describing the new set- tlement at Rugby, Tennessee. These letters were afterwards published as the 2d part of a pamphlet entitled " Rugby, Tennessee . . . N.Y. 1881.

Viator Verax. Rev. George Mus- grave, M~A. Cautions to tourists . . . L. 1863.

Vicar, A Late. Rev. Robert Masters, BJ). A short account of the parish of Waterbeach, in the diocese of Ely . . . Camb. 1795.

Vicar of Cudham. Samuel Ayscough. Account of the parish of Cudham, in Kent, in " Gent. Mag.," September, 1804, p. 830.

Vicar of Frome-Sdwood, The. T. Clissold. Swedenborg's writings and Catholic teaching ; or, a voice from the new church porch, in answer to a series of articles on the Swedenborgians, by ... [Rev. William James Early Bennett] in " The old church porch/' L. 1858.

Vicar of Holbeach, The. Cecil ~\YJ- hs, D D. The nature of Agistment Tithe of unprofitable stock, illustrated in the case of the Vicar of Holbeach. 1778.

Vicar of Morwenstow, The. Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker, M.A. Rural synods. By . . Cornwall L 1844.

Vicar of Nap ton, The Rev. Henry Windsor Vilhers Stuart. The royal wed- ding [of the Prince of Wales], and the national festivities. A sermon preached by. . L. 1863.

Vicar of the Church of England,

A. Rev. Joseph Bosworth. The Episco- pal Church of Scotland proved to be in full communion with the Church of Eng- land . . . L. 1849.

Vicarius Cantiamis. Samuel Pegge. "A stricture of D. Ducarel's repertory" " Gent. Mag ," 1763, p. 441. See " Gent. Mag./' LXVL, p. 982.

Victim, A. George Chittenden Ben- ham. A year of wreck. A true story . . . N.Y. 1880.

Victor. Percy Bysshe Shelley. Orig- inal poetry by Victor and Cazire. 1810.

"Cazire" is the poet's friend, Miss Giove. " Some of the pieces are borrowed bodily flora Matthew Giegory Lewis."

Victor, Verity. E. M. Wright. Be- hind the scenes, a story of the stage.

B. 1870.

Videbimus, Joannes. Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy. Tresor de la chanson . . . Paris, 1849.

Video. Jonathan Couch. Words and phrases common at Polperro in Cornwall, but not used elsewhere, in "Notes and Queries." 1854.

Vidette. Jeffeison E. P. Doyle, in the- New York " Globe Democrat/'

Vidette. /. J. Elliott, in his contribu- tions to the "Picayune" (New Orleans, La).

Vidocq. Col. Charles Ashton Haw- kins (*). "The great ether question . . * "National Police Gazette" (N.Y. 1852).

Vierge. Virginia Beecro/t.

Vieux gargon, Un. Alphonse Cyno- sundis. Memoires d' . . . Montreal. 1865.

Vieux Moustache. Clarence Gordon. Boarding-school days N.Y. 1873.

Vigilans. Rev. Charles Valentine Le Gnce, M.A. Letters on Church ques- tions. Truro, 1845.

Vigilant. R. Mitchell, in his contribu- tions to the "Sportsman" (L.).

Vigilant. P. W. Vosburgh, in his con- tributions to the " Spirit oi the Times " (N.Y,).

Vigilant and Wizard. John Corlett.