Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/315

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White, James. Robert B. Seeley. Is the Bible true? Seven dialogues be- tween J. W. and E. Owen, concerning the " Essays and Reviews." By ... L. 1862.

White, 1J. C Lucy 0. Lillie. The story of English literature for young readers ... B. 1878.

White, Matthew, Jr. William L. Alden, in his contributions to various periodicals.

White, Mr Thorn. Charles Wyllys Elliott. Wind and whirlwind: a novel. N.Y. 1868.

White Mountain Pilgrim, The. E. B. Rollins. A brief illustration of the prophecies and promises of God's Word . . .

White Republican, The. Hiram Fuller. North and South ... L. 1863.

Whitecross, James William. Mi- chael Pius de Wisniewski. Sketches and characters ; or, the natural history of the human intellect ... L. 1853.

Whitefeather, The Ijate Captain Barabbas. Douglas William Jerrold. The handbook of swindling. By ... Edited by John Jackdaw. L. 1839.

Whitehead, Grandfather. Thomas Powell

Whitehook. Edward Kellogg. Re- marks upon usury and its effects . . . N.Y, 1841.

WhiteweU, A. M. John Close. A month in London ... L. 1844.

Whitney, Harry, Philomath. Pat- rick Kennedy. Legends of Mount Lein- ster... L. 1856.

Why? One of the pseudonyms at- tributed to Junius (q v.).

The letter thus signed is dated Oct. 26, 1768, and contains " a high eulogium on the Earl of Rochford, pointing out his peculiar fitness for conducting aflairs with France."

Wiar, W, John Adey Repton, Esq., F.S.A. "It was quite in his boyish days, that Mr. Repton first became a cor- respondent of the " Gent. Mag." In the number for June, 1795, is a view of the round-towered church of Witlingham, in Norfolk. The signature is W. WIAR, being the conjoint initials of William Wilkins and John Adey Repton.

Wickham, Martha. Miss Cornelia Buntington, of East Hampton, L.I. Sea Spray. A Long Island village. N.Y. 1857.

WickUfTe. John Stuart Mill, in his letters contributed to the "Morning Chronicle" (L. 1823), advocating the free publication of all opinions con- cerning religion.

Wickliffe. Rev. Samuel Gover Win- chester. The people's right defended . . . P. 1831.

Widow in Blue, The. Mrs. George Clinton Smith, in her contributions to the "Household/*

Widow of a Clergyman of the Church of England, The. Mrs. Wal- ter Birch. Job ; or, the Gospel preached to the patriarchs ... L. 1838.

Widowed Wife, A. M &. Derenzy. A whisper to a newly-married pair from . . . Wellington, Salop, 1824

Wife of an Emigrant Officer, The. Mrs. Catharine (Parr) TrailL The back- woods of Canada being letters from . . . L. 1838.

Wife of a Mormon Elder, The. Mrs. Maria Ward. Female life among the Mormons ... NY. 1855.

Also attributed to Mrs. Benjamin G* Ferris.

Wilbur, Homer, A.M., pastor of the first church in Jaalam, &c. James Russell Lowell. See "Biglow, Hosea."

Wild Methodist, The. Isaac Ab> ams. The truths come out at last. A true Ms- tory of ... or, odd man's experience, written by himself. P. 1831.

Wildfire, Madge. Esther Graham, from whom Sir Waiter Scott drew that character in the " Pleart of Mid-Lothian "

Wildfowler Lewis Clements. Shoot- ing adventures ... L. 1878

Originally published in Bell's "Life in Lon- don," under the signature of '* Wildfowler," and in the " Sporting Gazette," under that of " Snap- shot.'* idee " Snapshot."

Wildgoose, Geofi&ry. Richard Graves. The spiritual Quixote ; or, the summer's ramble ... a comic romance. L. 1773.

Wilding, Ernest. J. Fitzgerald Afol- loy.

Wildrake. George Tattersall. Pic- torial gallery of English race-horses, by ... L. 1844.

Wildwood, Will. Frederick Eugene Pond, in his contributions to the " Turf, Field, and Farm" (N.Y.).

WUhelm. William A. Brewer, in his contributions to various New York and Boston periodicals.

Wilhelmi, Alexander Viktor. Al- exander Viktor Zeckmeister. Lustspiele. 1879.

Wilkes, Mr. Samuel Derrick. A general view of the stage. L. 1759.

Wilkins, Caleb. George Sfieppard, What have the Whigs done ? . . . New- ark, Eng,, 1838.

Wilkins, Peter, Cyrus Redding. A