Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/32

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help to the study of the Scriptures. L. 1815.

B., 3E. Miss Elizabeth Blower. Maria : a novel. L. 1785.

B, E. Mrs. Ethel Lynn Beers. The picket guard ; or, all quiet along the Po- tomac to-night, in " Harper's Weekly " for November, 1861.

B , E. Edward Broiherton. The pres- ent state of popular education in Man- chester and Salford . . Manchester, n.d.

B , E. Mrs. E. Babmgton. Selections from the poems of C. Elliott < With a memoir . . . 1873.

B , E. Elisabeth Bentlei/. Stanzas on Lord Nelson's death . . 1806.

B., E. E. Bibby. Thoughts in verse. L. 1873.

B., E., DD, Edward Burton, D.D. The holy oblation ... By an Anglo- Catholic priest. L. 1848

B.,E C J5.B.Chiisty G.Christy's <f Ethiopian Joke Book." Edited . . . 1858,

B,E. C. C. E. 0. C. Baillie. The way of the wilderness, and other poems. L.1862.

B., E. E. Hiss Emma Elizabeth. Brown, " author of the many charming sketches and dainty little poems which have ap- peared over the signature of 'B , E. E.' "

B., E. F. E. F. Sevan. Songs of Eternal Life. Trans ... L. 1858

B., E. G. Edward George Ballard, 3$$q., who " made many communications, chiefly in verse, to a variety of periodi- cals, among which were the 'Literary Chronicle* and the 'Imperial Maga- zine.* These were signed with his ini- tials, <E. G. B/" He also wrote for the "Gent. Mag." under the same signa- ture.

B., E. H. Rev. Edward Henry Bick- Grsteth. Poems and songs. L. 1848. -

B., E. H. E. H. Blackwett. A prac- tical treatise on the power to sell land for taxes. Enlarged . . . 1864.

B., E. J. Miss Elise Justine Bayard, in "The Literary World," "The Knick- erbocker."

B., E. J. Mrs. E. J. Bwrlury. The trust. 1849.

B., E, L. Edward Laman Blanchard. John [Hunt's] birthday . . . Aug. 28, 1875. A birthday ode ... L. 1875.

B., E. Ju. Sir Edward George Eark Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Baron Lytton. The lady of Lyons ; or, love and pride : a play . . , L. 1843.

B., E. M. E. H. and E. M. Bliss. Three months in the Orient. Edited . . . 1875.

B., E. O. Mrs. E. 0. Bull. A sequel to Mrs. Sherwood's questions for a little child. By... L. 1848.

B., E. S- E. S. Burnaby. John Bry- ant; or, the stag hunt: a true tale. 1868.

B , E. S. H. Miss E. S. H. Bagnold. A handy book of English spelling . . . L. 1870.

B, E. V Hon. Mrs Eleanor Vere (Gordon) Boyle. Child's play Seven- teen drawings, by ... L 1852

B., E. W. E. W Ba'drnhelm. Archi- bald Hamilton. B. 18-

B,E. W. Eev Edward Waller Bar- ker (i\. Vigilemus et orenaus... L. 1876.

B., F. Francis Bourdillon. Admis- sion free. L. 1871.

B. F. Edward Claudius Herrick, A.M. An answer to the Bible reader, No. II., of Henry Jones, New York . . . New Haven, 1844.

B., F. Francis Bowen, LL.D. Berke- ley and his philosophy. From the " Christian Examiner " for July, 1838. Camb., Mass. 1838.

B., F. Sir Francis Beaufort. Klint's sailing directions for the Baltic. Ed- ited . . . 1854.

B., F. F. Bat/ley. The origin and object of Roman Catholic doctrines . . . By a County Court Judge . . . L. 1875.

B., F. N. Frederick Napier Broome. Lady Barker's station life in New Zea- land. Preface by ... L. 1869.

B., G. George Brewer. Maxims of gallantry j or, the history of Count de Verney... 1793.

B, G. Dr. Robinson. Miscellaneous observations upon authors ancient and modern. L. 1731-32.

B, G George Burnett. The Scottish bar fifty years ago. Sketches of Scott [Robert Scott Moncrieff) and his con- temporaries, with biographical notices, by... Edmb.1871.

B., G. C. Rev. George Clement Boase. Thoughts and memories in, verse. L. 1876.

B., G E. Rev. George Edward Biber. The kingdom and church of Hawaii . . . By a f nend of the Hawaiian church mis- sion. L. 1865,

B., G. F. Sir Georije Ferguson Bowen, G. C. M. O-, Handbook for travellers in Greece... L. 1854.

B., G. H. G. H. %udd. An offering to the Muses, worthy, of being "a burnt offering." By.., L. 1836.

B., G. S. G. B. Bryan, Esq. Biographi-