Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/341

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Antrobus, Benjamin. S. A. An

early English religious writer.

Apes, William. A Native of the For- est. An American Indian, and Indian preacher of the Pequot tribe.

Apperley, Charles James, 1777- 1843. Nimrod. A popular EngKsh writer on sporting subjects ; second son of Thomas Apperley, Esq., of Wootton- house, Gloucestershire ; d. in Upper Bel- grave-place, London.

Appleton, Jesse, DD., 1772-1819. Leighton ; Owen. An American Cong, minister; b. at New Ipswich, N.H.; Dart. Coll. 1792; second Pres. of Bowd. Coll., 1807-19; d. at Brunswick, Me.

Appleton, John Reed. J. R. A. An English writer; a humorous poet of Yorkshire.

Appleton, Nathan, LL.D. 1779- 1861. A Lai/man of Boston. An Ameri- can statesman ; b. in New Ipswich, N.E. ; M.C., 1831-83 and 1843-45; d. in Boston.

Appleton, Col. Nathan, A.M., 1843-. N. A. An American author and finan- cier; b. in Boston; Harv. Univ., 1863; in 1866 purchased a cotton plantation in Edisto Island. S.C., and, since that event, calls himself a planter; at the North, resident in Boston.

Appleyard, Rev. Ernest Silvanus, M.A. E. S. A.; A Member of the Church of England. An English cler- gyman; Caius Coll., Cambridge, 1827.

Apthorp, Sarah Wentworth. See " Morton, Mrs. Perez."

Arago, Etienne, 1803-. Jules Ferney. A French poet and journalist; b. at Perpignan; brother of Francois Arago; became a chemist, at Paris, but soon turned his attention entirely to litera- ture; he was engaged in the public service from 1848 to 1867, when he re- turned to his literary pursTiits.

Araguy, Jean Raymond Eugene d', 1808-. William Snake. A French writer; b. at Newark, N. J. ; was educated in Paris, and devoted himself there to literary pur- suits.

Arbuckle, James, 1700-34. Eiber- nicus. An Irish or Scottish writer; said by Watt to have been born in Glasgow, by others to have been born in Ireland, where he is supposed to have kept an academy.

Arbuthnot, . A Farmer. An

English economist.

Arbuthnot, John, M.3X, 1675-1734- 6-. J A.; Doctor Bantley; An Eminent Lawyer of the Temple; MartinusScriblerus; P. P., A Parish Ulerk; Philonomus Eleu- therus. A Scottish physician ; b. at Ar-

buthnot, near Moutrose ; studied at Aber- deen ; removed to London, and there " his uncommon powers of wit and ripe schol- arship introduced him to the society of the principal literary characters of the day."

Archbold, John Blather. John Flatter. An eminent English writer on law.

Archer, Edward, 1816-. E. A. An English agriculturist.

Archer, Frederick. F. A. An American writer, of New York City.

Archer, George W. JSesper Bendbow. An American novelist.

Archer, John Wykeham, 1809-64. Mr. Zigzag, the Elder. An English art- ist and antiquary; b. at Newcastle-on- Tyne; spent some years in that town, but resided in London 1830-64; d. at Kentish-town.

Argles, Mrs. Maggie. The Duchess. An English novelist.

Argyle, Duke of, 1682-1769. The

      • <>fA****e. A Scottish nobleman,

John Campbell, 4th Duke.

Armistead, Wilson. A Friend of the Negro; Lorenzo Tuvar. An English Friend and philanthropist, of Leeds, Yorkshire.

Armroyd, George. A Citizen of the United States. An American merchant, in the first quarter of the century, of Philadelphia; a writer on commerce, statistics, etc.

Armstrong, Miss Frances Char- lotte. F. C A. An English writer of stories for the young; residing, 1878, at the Royal Terrace, Weymouth.

Armstrong, John, M.D., 170&-79. Launcelot Temple, Esq.; A Free -Thinker. A Scottish poet and physician; b. at Castleton, in Roxburghshire; in 1735 settled in London as a physician; but was a physician in the army, 1760-63, where his half-pay supported him.

Armstrong, Gen. John, 1758-1848. An Old Soldier. An American general ; b. at Carlisle, Pa.; entered the army when he was only eighteen years old ; U. S. Senator, 1801-4; Minister to France, 1804-10; Brigadier-General, 1812; U.S. Secretary of War, 1813. He d. at Red Hook, Butchess Co., N.Y.

Armstrong, Rev. John, 1771-1797. Albert. A Scottish poet; d. at Leitb, near Edinb., and educ. at the Univ. of that city. In 1790 he removed to Lon- don, and devoted himself to literary pursuits; d. at his father's house in Leith.

Armstrong, Miss Katharine. Kate