Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/346

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1777-1868. A Friend of the Family. An English musical and literary critic, of the London " Morning Herald," 1813- 26; and in the "Examiner/' 1837-51; was editor of the " Harmomcon," 1823- 83; wrote the musical articles in the "Penny Cyclopaedia," 1833-44; d. in London.

Ayscough, George Edward, Esq., -1779. An Officer in the Guards. An English lieutenant and writer who, after a fow years' service, was compelled by ill health to relinquish his profession; travelled in Italy, but without benefit.

Ayscough, Samuel, 1746-1804. S. A.; Vicar of Cudham. An English clergy-

man and bibliographer; for about 20 years assistant librarian in the British Museum, where he d. ; he was b. in Not- tingham, and was Vicar of Cudham, Kent, 1803-4.

Aytoun, William Edmonstoune, 1813-65. W. E. A.; Ane of that Ilk; Augustus Dunshunner ; A Layman of the Church; T. Percy Jones. An eminent Scottish poet and essayist; b. and educ. at Edinburgh ; Prof, in the Univ. of Ed- inburgh, 1845-65 ; for many years, from 1839, a contributor to " Blackwood's Mag- azine"; d. at Blackhills, Elgin.

Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, Theo- dore* Bon Gaultier,


Baarnhielm, Miss E. W. See

"Barnes, Miss E. W." Her father was a Swede, who, when he came to this country, changed his name to Barnes.

Babb, C. E. Uncle Jesse. An Amer- ican writer.

Babbage, Charles, 1792-1871. A Philosopher. An eminent English math- ematician ; b. at Teignmouth, in Devon- shire; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1814; Prof, in the TJniv. of Camb., 1828-39. During his latter years he resided in London, and d. in that city.

Babeuf, Frangois-Noel, 1764-1797. Cains Gracchus. A French political writer and conspirator ; b. at Saint-Quen- tm ; at Paris he became one of the most violent Revolutionists, and with another being condemned to death for a conspir- acy against The Directory, he poignarded himself, and was borne dying to the scaf- fold.

Babington, Charles Cardale, M.A., F.R.S,etc, 1808-. a a B. An emi- nent English botanist, b. at Ludlow; St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1830 ; Prof, of Botany in his alma mater.

Babington, Mrs. E. E. B. An Eng- lish editor of C. Elliott's poems.

Babou, Hippolyte, 1824r-1878. <7a- mille Lorrain ; Jean Sans-Peur, A French journalist; b. at Peyriac (Aude) ; wrote for the principal French journals, and was one of the most active editors of the "Athenaeum fran9aise" and of the "Ee- Tue fran9aise " ; d. in Paris.

Babron, J. E. J. E. B. An English editor of Lamb's " Eliana." etc.

Babson, Joseph E., ab. 1831-75.

Tom Folio. An American litterateur ; b. at Newburyport, Mass. ; for many years a resident of Melrose, Mass. ; and it was his custom to visit Boston twice a week to put himself au courant with the liter- ary news, and to indulge in pleasant talks in the publishing houses and in the "Transcript" office, of which paper he was a frequent correspondent.

Bacchus, Miss Lizzie W. Latienne. An American poet; b. at Wilmington, N.C. ; a teacher at Euiaula, Ala., in 1872.

Bache, Benjamin Franklin. The Editor of the " Aw ora" An American journalist; b. in Philadelphia; was car- ried when a boy to Pans, and placed in the printing-office of the well-known printer, Didot ; on his return, in 1785, he studied in the Philadelphia Coll., and in 1790 commenced the "General Adver- tiser/' afterwards called the "Aurora," which long exerted considerable political influence.

Bache, Richard, 1794-1836. An Officer of the U.S* Army* An American ; b. in Philadelphia ; Univ. of Penn., 1812 ; Captain of Ordnance, 1819-36; d. at Washington, D.C.

Backhouse, James. J. B. An Eng- lish Friend, of Yorke; a missionary in 1839 et seq. to Australia and South Af- rica.

Backhouse, Rev. Julius Brockman. One of the Sons of the Clergy. An Eng- lish clergyman.

Backus, Rev. Isaac, 1724-1806. A Countryman. An American Baptist min- ister, of Massachusetts; b. at Norwich, Conn. ; Honorary A.M. at Brown Univ.,