Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/350

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money by various forms of imposture; he d. at Rome in prison.

Baltimore, Frederick Calvert, 7th

Lord. Eight Hon. Lord Be. An Eng- lish nobleman ; a poet, etc. ; in 1751 he became the proprietor of Maryland; about 1767 he became a resident of Naples, and d. there.

Balzac, Honore' de, 1799-1858. Henri J?#*#; Horace de Saint AuUn; Lord M'Hoone. An eminent French nov- elist; b. at Tours; after struggling for ten years at Paris with poverty and star- vation, he at last obtained appreciation, and with appreciation what ought to have been wealth. But he spent his gains as freely as he made them. At length he married a wealthy Russian lady ; but just at the culmination of his fame, and at the beginning, as it seemed, of the rest and satisfaction to which he had always looked forward, he died.

Bampfield, Rev. Robert Lewis, 1819-. R. L. B. An English clergy- man; Trin. Coll., Oxford, 1842; Vicar of West Anstey, Devon, 1868-83 et seq.

Bangs, J. K. J. K. B. An Ameri- can journalist, of New York.

Banim, John, 1798-1842. A Trav- eller. An Irish novelist ; b. at Kilkenny ; at 18 years of age was editor of the "Leinster Journal"; at 18 produced a successful play ; at 20 was married, pro- ceeded to London, and became editor of the "Literary Register." Though the author of the "O'Hara Tales" was ex- ceedingly popular, he found literature a precarious subsistence, and in 1832 he was reduced to such distress at Bou- logne that a public subscription was raised for his relief, which enabled him to return to Kilkenny in the summer of 1835. In 18S7 a pension of 150 a year was granted to him by Government, which was afterwards increased by the addition of 40 a year for the education of his only child, a daughter. He d. at Windgap Cottage, near Kilkenny.

Banim, Michael, 1796-1874. Abel O'Hara. An Irish novelist; brother of the preceding; b. at Kilkenny; aided his brother in the composition of the "O'Hara Tales," etc., etc. For many years he filled the office of Postmaster in his native town, and was at one time its Mayor. Fortunately, the Royal Literary Fund came to the aid of narrow means, and after his decease a pension was given to his widow by Mr. Disraeli. He d. at Kilkenny.

Bank of England, The. The Old Lady in Threadneedle /Street.

Banks, John, 1709-51. An English Officer. English writer, of Sunning, Berks.; was successively a weaver, a bookseller, a book-binder, and an author, chiefly at London. From 1742 he was chiefly occupied as both writer and editor for the "Old England" and "Westminster Journals."

Banks, Joseph. Uncle Joseph. An English humorous writer.

Banks, Percival Weldon, M A , 1806-60. Morgan Battler. An Irish lawyer and journalist, of London; called to the bar at Gray's Inn in 1835 ; d. in London.

Banks, Thomas Christopher, 1765- 1854. T. C. B.j An Unfortunate Noble- man. An English lawyer and genealo- gist ; he practised for some years, 1813- 20, at Lyon's Inn, and afterwards at an office which he called the Dormant Peerage Office, in John St , Pall Mall, London ; d. at Greenwich.

Bannatine, James. Joe Miller. An English writer; at one time resident in Honduras; author of several papers in the " Monthly Magazine."

Bannatine, Rev. James. A Minis- ter of the Church of Scotland. A Scottish minister, of Edinburgh.

Banning, Edmund P. Goldlace. An American naval officer; appointed 2d Lieutenant in the Marine Corps in 1864 ; resigned in 1870.

Bannister, John William. 1794- 1829. A Settler. An English jurist; b. in Steymng, Sussex ; served in the Boyal Navy till the end of the American war. In 1819 he settled in Upper Canada; later he returned to England, studied law, was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1826. He was Chief Justice at Sierra Leone, 1828-29, when he d. there.

Banville, Theodore Faullain do, 1823-. Bracguemond. A French poet ; b. at Moulms ( Allier) ; in early life went to Paris, and there engaged in literary pursuits.

Barach, Moritz, 1818-. Dr. Marzroth. A German poet and prose writer ; b. at Vienna; studied there; and from 18.04 has devoted himself exclusively to a literary career with great and marked success.

Barbauld, Mrs. Anna Letitia (Ai- kin), 1743-1825. A. L. B. ; A Volun- teer. An eminent English female writer ; b. at Kibworth, Leicester ; in 1774 she married Rev. Eochemont Barbauld, who, in 1802, became pastor of a congrega- tion, and a resident of Stoke-Newington,