Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/387

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in 1848, marked Rev. Carey-Brock, the Dean oi Guernsey; her chief work has been the compilation of the " Children's Hymn Book," of which 200,000 copies have "been sold.

Carlen, Emllie Schmidt (Flygare Dalin), 1807- Fnt F A Swedish novelist; b at Stromstad, where her father was a merchant. She married A Flygare at Kronbergslan, in 1727 ; after his death she returned to her native town and married the young lawyer, J. R. Da- Lin. This union, also, was soon broken by Ms death. She then removed, at the wish of her father, to Stockholm, where she married the author, Gabriel Carlen. The profits of a long course of success- ful authorship, Frau Carlen has devoted to benevolent purposes.

Carleton, Fanny E. Notelrac. An American writer C 2 )

Carleton, George W. A Traveller. An American publisher and author, of New York City

Carleton, Capt John William, Craven. An English sporting-writer.

Carlingford, Rt. Hon. Cldchester Samuel ParMnson-Fortescue, Lord, 1823-. Mr. Picmtagenet Palliscr. An Irish peer and statesman ; b. at Ravens- dale Park, Co. Louthj Christ Church, Oxford, 1845; M.P. for the County of Louth, 1847-74; President of the Board of Trade, 1870-79 et seq

Carlisle, Nicholas, 1771-1847. JV. O. An English topographer; b. at York; Secretary to tho Society of Antiquaries, 1807 ; d. at Margate.

Carlisle, Thomas. Haioun Atraschid. An English writer.

Carlos, Edward John, Esq., 1798- 1851. E. J, O. An English antiquary, chiefly interested in ecclesiastical and monumental antiquity; b. and edac. at Newington; admitted to practice as an attorney, and managed the business of Mr Reynell, of the Lord Mayor's Court Office, London, for more than 33 years ; d. at York Place, Yarmouth.

Carlyle, Alexander, D.D , 1721-1805 Jupiter Carlyle. A Scottish Presbyt. min- ister ; for 58 years engaged in the minis- try, but passed the latter part of his life in London

Carlyle, Thomas, 1796-1881. T. O. ; S. P. ; The Censor of tlm A(jc; Dr. Pessi- mist Avttcant; Hcrr 'Teufelsdt oeck ; A Lay- man ; A Lag-member of the Church of Scot- land ; The Translator of Wdhelm Meister, etc, A celebrated British essayist ; he re- sided at Chelsea, near London, 1834-81.

Carlyon, Edward Augustus. (7<r-

/e&s, 3f.A A British colonial lawyer, second son of Col. Edward Carlyon, of Tregrehan; in 1874 resident in New Zealand,

"Ccelcbs" is also regarded as the nom de plume of Major Thomas Trist&m, Spry Car- lyon, an officer in the 3d Dragoon Guards, who retired from service in 1854.

Carmalt, Rev William A Select Vestryman of the Partsh of Putney. An English Clergyman

Carmichael, Andrew Catholicus Verm.

Carmichael, Archibald N., -1847, A. N. C., An Amateur. A Scottish genealogist ; Parochial schoolmaster, 1817, Classical Master in the Royal Academy, Inverness, and afterwards in the Edinburgh Academy,

Carne, Miss Elizabeth, 1817-73, John Altrayd Wittitterlij. An English writer ; b. at Penzance ; for some years a contributor to the London " Quarterly Review " ; and was thoroughly versed in geology and mineralogy

Carn, Comte Jules de, 1835-. H&nn Karl; Minor. A French novelist; b. at Me-riel.

Carnegie, James, Earl of Southesk, 1827- J. E. S. A Scottish novelist ; educ. at Sandhurst; sits in the House of Peers as Baron Balinhard, U.K. (cr. 1869) ; is a Deputy Lieutenant for Co. Forfar; late Lord-Lieutenant of Co Kincardine; formerly Lieutenant, Gren- adier Guards; residence, Kmniard Cas- tle, Brechin, K.B.

Carnegie, \V. Moorman. An Eng- lish sporting-writer of London.

Caro, Elme Blarie, 1826-. Saint* Hermel. A French author and philoso- pher; b. at Poictiers; studied at the Normal School in Paris; taught phil- osophy in various provincial towns ; then, in 1837, returned to the Normal School as Conference-master; ten years later he was Professor in the Sorbonne ; was Fellow of Moral and Political Sci- ences ; and finally, in 1876, Fellow of the Academy

Carpenter, Frank Carp. An American journalist, of Washington

Carpenter, fcant, LL.D., 1780-1840. The Unitanan. An eminent English clergyman; b at Kidderminster; Min- ister at Bristol, 1817-40; he fell from a vessel, between Kaples and Leghorn, while on a tour for his health, and was drowned in the Mediterranean

Carpenter, Miss Mary, 1807-77. A Prison Matron. An English philanthro- pist, of Bristol, daughter of the preced-