Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/396

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Asmns. A German poet and journalist ; resided chiefly at Wandsbeck, near Ham- burg.

Clay, James, Esq., 1804-73. J. C An English merchant, statesman, and accomplished whist-player.

Clay, Mrs. Josephine (Russell). Ojos Morenos. An American novelist.

Clayton, Rev. George. A Secretary of an Auxiliary Bible Society An Eng- lish Cong, minister.

Clayton, Rev. John A. Z. An Eng- lish dissenter, Minister of the Poultry Yard, London.

Cleaveland, Rev. John, A.M., 1722- 99. A Friend of Truth. An American Cong minister ; b. in Canterbury, Conn. , Yale Coll., 1745 , pastor of the parish of Chebacco, in Ipswich, Mass., 1747-99

Cleaver, Miss . A Lady. An

English artist

Clegg, Joseph. Phihdemus. An English antiquary.

Cleghorn, Hugh. H. C., M.D. A British colonial botanist.

Cleland, James. A Citizen. A Scot- tish writer, of Glasgow.

Cleland, John, 1710-89. A Biiton; Modestus. An English etymologist ; son of the "Will Honeycomb," of "Spec- tator "

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-. Mark Twain. An American humorist; b. at Florida, Monroe Co., Mo. In 1885 he resided at Hartford, Conn., engaged in literary work.

Clements, Lewis. Snapshot; Wild- fowler. An English spirting writer.

Cleramer, Mrs, Ulary A Woman. An American author ; b. in Utica, N.Y. ; has devoted her life, chiefly at Washing- ton, to literary labor.

Clemo, Ebenezer, about 1831-60. Maple-Knot. A Canadian novelist and inventor.

Cleveland, Charles Dexter, LLD., 1802-69. C.D.C. An American scholar; b. at Salem, Mass. ; Dartmouth Coll., 1827, Professor in the Univ. of New York City, 1833-34 ; teacher of a school for voung ladies at Philadelphia, Penn., from 1834.

Cleveland, Henry Russell, 1808-43. A Teacher; A Traveller. An American scholar; b. in Lancaster, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1827; kept a classical school for boys in Boston, 1834-38 ; afterwards re- sided chiefly at Roxbury, engaged in lit- erary work ; d. at St. Louis, Mo.

Cliffe, John Henry. An Angler. An English writer.

Clifford, Charles Cavendish, M.F.,

1821-. Umbra. An English lawyer and civilian ; M.P. for the Isle of Wight from 1857.

Cliffton, William, 1772-99 An A- mencan Gentleman. An American poet, son of a wealthy Quaker of Philadel- phia.

Clift, William. Timothy Bunkei , Esq. An American writer.

Clinton, De Witt, LL.D , 1760-1828 Atticus; Grotius ; Hibermcus; Tacitus; A Traveller. An American statesman; b. at Little Britain, Orange Co , N.Y. ; Columbia Coll., 1786 ; was in public life till 1815, when he withdrew; but was re- called again, and was governor of New York till his death at Albany.

Clissold, Rev. Augustus, M.A., 1707-. Clencus. An English Epis. divine; Exeter Coll., Oxford, 1819; in 1880 etseq. he resided at "The Park," Stoke-New- ington, and at Broadwater Down, Tun- bridge Wells.

dive, Mrs. Caroline f Wigley), 1801- 73. V. An English poet and novelist ; b. at Shakenhurst, Worcestershire; in 1840 married Rev. Archer Clive, rector of SolihuU. With her husband, she spent 33 years of her life at his estate at Whitfield, near Hereford, where, while sitting alone in the library, her dress caught fire, and she was so severely burned that she died in a few hours.

Clive, Hon. Robert Henry, M.A., 1785-1854. E. H. G. An English gen- tleman ; educ. at St. John's Coll., Cam- bridge; M.P., 1817-54; d. at Shrews- bury.

Clopper, Jonas. Monsieur Jraduc- teur; A Citizen of America; Herman Thwackus. An American writer.

Close, John. Samuel Dowell; Timo- thy Caxton; A. M. Writewell. An Eng- lish writer.

Close, Richard Colama JK. C. C. A Shakespeare scholar; a barrister, of Sydney, New South Wales.

Cloury, Rev. W. A Boman Catholic Clergyman. An Irish (?) priest.

Clowes, Rev. John, M.A., 1743-1831. A Clergyman of the Church of England ; A Clergyman of the Established fihurch. An English divine; b. in Manchester; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1766; rector of St. John's Church, Manchester, 1769- 1831. He was a Swedenborgian, and did much to defend and spread the writings of Swedenborg; d. at Warwick.

dunes, John. An Officer in the Hon. E. I. Co. An English civil- ian

Cluny, Alexander. An Old and Ex-