Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/415

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pastor of the Church of the Strangers, Kew York City.

Deering, Mrs T. W. bliss Oaley. An American writer of to-day ; contrib- utor to " Harper's Monthly/' December, 1881.

De Fivas, Sidney, 1846-. Augustus G-lover. A Scottish actor; b. in Edin- burgh, first appearance on the London stage in 1864.

Defoe, Daniel, 1001-1731. D. F.; Daniel, the Prophet; A British Officer in the Service of the Czar; George CarJeton; Captain Tom; A Citizen who continued all the -while in London , Robin- son G)usoe ; Heliostropohs, etc ; A Jobber; A Lover of Old England; The Man in the Moon ; A Member of the H. of 0. ; A Min- istering Friend; Monsr. Mesnager; An- drew Moieton, Esq ; One of the People called Quakers; A Private gentleman; A Scots Gentleman in the Swedish Service; A Shropshire Gentleman,- William Smith- ies, Junior Rector of St. Michael, Mitt find, Colchester,- A Well-wisher to the Peace of Britain. An English writer; intended for a Presbyt. minister, but became successively a soldier, a hosier, a tile-maker, a woolen-merchant, and a miscellaneous writer; b. and d. in London.

De Fontaine, Felix O. Personne. An American journalist, of New York City.

De Forest, T. R. Those who Know. An American writer, of New York City.

De Guines, Louis Alexandre Gos- set. M. Andre Gill. A French carica- turist.

Dehon, Theodore, D.D , 1776-1817. Japheth. An eminent American PE. clergyman; b. in Boston, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1795 ; Hector of Trinity Church, Newport, K.I, 1798-1809; and of St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C., 1809- 17; in 1812 he was consecrated Bishop of South Carolina.

De Kay, Charles, 1848-. Louis Bar- naial. An American poet and novelist ; b, m Washington, B.C.; Yale Coll.,

De Kay, James B., 1792-1851. An American. An American physician and naturalist; b m New York City; d. at Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y*

Dekker, Eduard Douwes, 1820-. MultatulL A Dutch author; b. at Am- sterdam ; went to Java when he was 20 years old, and was commissioner of taxes for 17 years, when he was deprived of his office on account of his opposition to the abuses of the Colonial administra- tion, lleturned to Holland, he turned

his attention henceforth to author- ship.

De la Cour, James, 1709-81. J*#* D***, T.C, D. An Irish poet; b. at Killowen, near Blarney, Co. Cork , educ. at Trin. Coll , Dublin ; and entered into orders, but did no credit to his profes- sion. His habits were irregular, and he associated with dissipated company, till at length he obtained the name of the Mad Poet/'

De Laet, Jean Jacques, 1815-. Jo- hanAlfned; Felix Bogaerts. A Belgian writer; b. at Antwerp; devoted himself to literature, and engaged in journalism in Brussels and Antwerp.

De Iia Motte, Col. Philip, -1805. An Antiquary. An English officer; Lieut -Col. of the 21st Regt. of Light Dragoons; d. at Batsford, Co. Glouces- ter

Delano, Alonzo. Old Block. An American dramatist.

Delany, Patrick, D D , 1680 ( )-176S. Phileleuthents Dubliniensis. An eminent Irish clergyman; Dean of Down, and friend of Dean Swift.

De IJa Ramee, Louisa, 1840-. Ouida. An English novelist ; b. at Bury St. Ed- munds, of French extraction on the father's side. At an early age she came with her family to reside in London, and soon began, under the pen-name of "Ouida" (a child's mispronunciation of Louisa), to write for periodicals. In 1879 resided near Florence, Italy.

De La Rocca, Countess Irene. Cor- dula ; Oamdle Henri/. An Italian writer, of Paris; b in Castiglione; since 1863 has devoted herself to the education of her children.

De JJarra, Mariano Jose*, 1809-. Figaro. A Spanish writer, of Madrid.

Delavan, James. One who has been there. An American writer.

De La Touche, Janet. Isaline. An English novelist.

Delaune, Thomas. T. D. An Eng- lish Nonconformist of the 17th and 18th centuries.

De 1&, Warr, George John, 5th Earl of, 1791-1869. JBurijalus. An Eng- lish nobleman ; an early friend of Lord Byron.

Delepierre, Joseph Octave, 1804-79. M. Aitd; Un grave homme. A Belgian historian and antiquary; b. at Bruges; studied law at the Univ. of Ghent, and practised as an advocate at Brussels. After the revolution of September he entered the diplomatic service, and in 1849 was appointed Secretary of the Le-