Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/42

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Bennet, H,, 31 A. John Pmlerton, Esq. The treasury of wit ... L. 1787.

Hennetj Silvia. Olivia Levison

Renning, Howe Mrs. j\fary H. Henry. Essie's journey and what she found in it. N.Y. 1871.

Benoni, Lorenzo. Giovanni Domen- ico Rujfini. Lorenzo Benoni; or, pas- sages in the life of an Italian. Edmb. 1853.

Benson, Carl Charles Astor Bristed. A letter to Dr. Henry Halford Jones [Josiah" Gilbert Holland] (editor of the " Winterto^n Democrat" ["Spring- field Republican"]) concerning his habit of giving advice to everybody, and his qualifications for the task, by ... NY. 1864

Benson, Edgeworth. Mm Scott. Visit to Paris. Articles in the " London Magazine," of which he was editor, 1815.

Bentley, Walter. (A nom de thea- tre*} Begg, fourth son of the Bev. Dr. Begg, of Edinborough.

Bentzon, Tberdse. Marie The~rese Blanc. Georgette. Paris, 1880 ; also as a regular contributor to "Uevue des Deux Mondes."

Bereaved Husband, A, John Mock- ett Cramp. A portraiture from life . . Halifax, 1862.

Bereiiger, Paul. Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy. Yoyage de . . . dans Paris, apres quarante-cinq. ans d'absence . . Paris, 1818.

Berg, O. F. Ottokar Franz Ebersberg. Eine resolute Person. Berlin. 185-.

Berg, Wilhelm. Lino. ( Wetter) Schnei- der. Geschichte der niederlandischen lateratur. 1870-72.

Berger, Elizabeth. Elizabeth S. Sheppard. Charles Auchester. L. 187-.

f Elizabeth Sheppard (E. Berger) wrote three novels, viz, 'Charles Ancbester/ * Counter- parts,' and c Bunaor,' Beethoven figures m * IJu- mor* under the name of Rodomant, Porphyio represents Napoleon HI., and Diamond Albany is intended for Disraeli. In Charles Auches- ter* Mendelssohn's sister !*amw Is Cecilia. The other chief characters la the hook were given correctly in Tranecnpt of April 28, 1884:, the mistake being in not designating which belonged to * Charles Auchester ' and which to * Rniaor.' In the * Atlantic Monthly,* June, 1862, will be found an article of some length upon Miss Shep- pard and her ^works/*

Berger, Ifce I<. Thomas W. Eichd- berger.

Berintho. jRobert Rcberthin, in his po- ems contributed to H. Albert's " Anon/*

Berkeley, Everard. Tn/on M- wards, S.TJ). The world's laconics. 1852

Berkeley Men. Edwin Williams and C&arles Edwards Lester. Napoleon dr-

Berkley, 31rs. Helen. Mis. Anna Cora (Ogden Mowatt) Ritchie. The for tune hunter : a novel. P, 1854.

Berkshire Farmer, A John Oslorm Sat gent. Chapters for the times. By . . Lee, Berkshire Co , Mass. 1884

Berliner. Rev. Dr Joseph Parnsk Thompson, from the time of lua residence in Berlin, 1873.

Bernadillc. Fian$ots Victor Fournel^ in "Le Frai^ais."

Bernard, Charles de C/tarles Bo nard Du Giail de, la VtHette. A fatal passion; or, Gerfaut. N.Y. 1874.

Bernard, H. H , Pli D JSev Geoigt Skinner. Cambridge frco thoughts and letters on bibliolatry. L, 1802

Hernadino. Thomas 3. Chjtjstal, in his contributions to the "Hackcnsack Repiiblicau "

Bernardo. Joseph Haslewood, in Dib- din's "Bibliomania. 3 *

Bernd von Guseck. Karl G-ustav von Berneck. Der schlimmste !Feind. 1870.

Bernliard, Karl. Kail Sctnt-Aubm, CBuvres completes. Leipsic, 1840-47.

Bertall. Chailes Albert d'Arnoiw, La vigne : voyage autour des vins de France. Paris, 1878.

Bertaudiere. Low's Alexis Chame* roizow. Chronicles of the Bastile. L. 1845.

Berthold, Ernst. Mrs, Theiese Albertma Louise (ron Jakob) Robinson, who, in 1822, translated Scott's " Old Mor- tality" and " Black Dwarf " into German under this nom de plume.

Berton, P. BI. Edgar Pemberton. Charles Lysaght. L. 18-.

Bertram. Walter Colton, who, soon after graduating at Yale College, wrote a number of articles in prose and verse with this signature in various journals.

Berwick. James Redpath, correspond- ent and one of the editors of the " Trib- une" (N.Y.) .

Berwick, E3. L. A., Esq. James Rey- nolds. The dwarf ; or, mind and matter : a novel. L. 1855.

Berwick, Miss Mary. Miss Adelaide AnneProcter. Legends and Lyrics. L. 1858.

Bescliter, Kev. John. Rev Anthony Koklman, S, J, The blessed reformation ... ?. 1818.

Besieged Resident* Henry Du Pitf Labouchere. Diary of the besieged resi- dent in Paris L. 1872.

Besson, Charles. AcWe JStienne Fillias, his signature in the "Science/* etc., of Paris

Beta. Edward Barnard Bassett. The model town . . . Camb. 1869.