Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/420

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terfield, to a bond for 1200, and for that crime was executed at T\ burn

Boddridge, Philip, D.D., 1702-51 A Mimstei m the Country. An eminent English Dissenting clergyman; b. in London; Minister at Northampton, 1829-51 ; d. at Lisbon.

Bodge, Hiss Mary Abigail, 1830-. Gail Hamilton. An American writer ; b. at Hamilton, Mass. ; has been a teacher, but is now an author and journalist, since 1876 has lived chiefly at Washing- ton.

Dodge, Mrs. Mary (Mapes). M, M, I). An American journalist ; daughter of Prof. Mapes ; editor of the "Saint Nicholas"; earlier name, Mary E. Dodge.

Dodge, Nathaniel Shatswell, 1810- 74. John Qarzei^ Esq. An American educator ; b. in Haverhill, Mass ; stud- ied at Dartmouth Coll, but did not graduate; and spent one year (1833- 04} at the Andover Theol. Sem. ; was afterwards a teacher at Pittsfield, Mass, ; in London, England, 1851-31; quarter- master in the late war, 1862-66 ; d in Boston.

Dodge, Ossian E. Ivan Ort. An American musician; in 1870 Secretary of the St. Paul (Minn.) Chamber of Commerce,

Dodgson, Hev. diaries "Dutwidge, M.A. Lewis CarrolL An English cler- gy-man and miscellaneous writer : Christ Church Coll, Oxford, 1854 ; Mathemati- cal Lecturer of his college.

Dodington, George Bubb, Lord Mel- combe, 1691-1763. B**bD**n. An Eng- lish statesman.

Dodsley, Robert, 1703-64. An An- cient Brahmin; A. Footman; Nathan Ben Saddi ; Behhazzar Kapha, ike Jew An English author and bookseller, of Lon- don; b. in. Mansfield, Notts.; he pur- chased of Johnson, in 1738, " London" (Johnson's first original composition), for ten guineas, and in 1749 gave him fifteen guineas for "The Vanity of Human Wishes/'

Dodson, Miefcael, H.A., 1782-90. A Layman. An English lawyer ; b. at Maryborough, in "Wiltshire ; practised many years in London, where he died.

Dodwell, Henry, D.D., 1641-1711. A Very Learned. Alan of the Church of Enqland. An Irish clergyman; b. in Dublin; and educ. at Trin. Coll., in that cityj in 1674 he removed to London; and in 1788 was chosen Camden Pro- fessor at Oxford ; but lost his place in 1691, because he would not take the

oaths of allegiance to TTilliam and AJary.

Dodwell, Rev. William, 1709-85, A Country Cfagyman An English clergyman ; b. at Shottesbrooke, in Berkshire ; Archdeacon of Berks.

Doe, Charles Henry, 1838-. flamuel Blotter An American journalist, of Worcester, Mass.

Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von, 1799-. Janus A German theo- logian ; b. at Bamberg, in Bavaria ; is a leader of the "Old Catholics"; Rec- tor of the Univ of Munich from 1871.

Boherty, Hugh, J9". D., Esg An English dramatist; late of the 23d Light Dragoons

Doherty, John. Thunderbolt. An English highwayman

Doherty, Robert Remington. Rem- ington Yonge. An English miscellaneous writer.

Dole, Nathan Hasfcell, 1852-. N. H. D ,- The Cerberus. An American journalist; b. in Chelsea, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1874; is now (1885) Art, Dram- atic, and Literary editor of the " Phila- delphia Press/'

Domett, Alfred, about 1815-. Far- ing. An English poet, of a Dorsetshire family ; studied at Cambridge ; called to the "bar, 1841, but never practised; in 1880 \vas still living in London.

Domett, Henry W. Delta. An American journalist.

Domville, Sir William, 2d Bart , 1774- 1860. A Layman, An English civilian; b in London, and succeeded his father in 1833; Lord Mayor of London, 1813- 14; d. at Southfield-lodge, Eastbourne.

Donald, George, 1801-52. The Glas- gow Unfortunate, A Scottish cotton-spin- ner, who gained some celebrity as a poet j lived and d. at Glasgow.

Donaldson, J. A Sergeant of the ** Regment oj Infantry. A British soldier.

Donaldson, Jolm William, D.D., 1812-01. J. W. D., PMeleutheros Angh- canus. An English biblical critic and philologist; b. in London; educ. at tho London Univ.; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1834 ; master of King Edward's School at Bury St. Edmunds, 1841-52; d in London.

Donaldson, Joseph, 179 -1830. A Soldier. A Scottish writer; b. in Glas- gow; went to Paris in 1830; took an active part in the Revolution of July; and died of disease and fatigue,

Donaldson, William. Somebody. An English writer.

Dondey, Augusts Marie (called