Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/424

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originally a thresher, but became a clergyman of the Church of England; drowned in the Thames.

Ducket, George, and Another. Sir Iliad Doygrel.

Duckett, William, 1805-63. Henri Page. A Trench -writer; the son of an English teacher in Pans ; in 1848 he be- came a journalist.

Du Couret, fcouis Hadji Ala-el- Hamid Bey. A French traveller ; ex- lieutenant of the Emirs of Mecca, of Yemen, and of the king of Persia.

Dudevant, Mme Amandine Liucile Aurore (Dupin du Franceuil), 1804- 70 Blatse Bomn; George Sand; Un Voyageur. A celebrated French nov- elist , b. in Paris , in 1822 married the Baron Casimir Dudevant, but soon tepa- rated from him; devoted her life at Pans to literary pursuits ; and d. there.

Dudley, Rev Sir Henry Bate, Bart., LL.D., 1745-1824. A Gentleman. An English "tutor, litterateur, play-writer, topographer, farmer, agriculturist, land- drainer, magistrate, sportsman, pugilist, diner-out, clergyman, baronet, and canon of a cathedral ; also an orator, and the founder of two London newspapers."

Dudley, Paul, 1675-1751. A Gentle- man. An American jurist ; Harv. Coll , 1690 ; Chief Justice of Massachusetts.

Duer, William Alexander, LLD., 1780-1858. An Old New Yoiker. An eminent American lawyer; brother of John Duer, LL.D. ; b. in Dutchess Co., N.T.; admitted to the bar, 1802; in 1818 removed to Albany; afterwards to New York City ; was President of Columbia Coll., 1829-42 ; and d. in that city. v

Duff, Andrew Halliday. Andrew Halliday.

Duff, Miss Henriette A., -1879. H. A. D An English poet and prose writer, of London ; daughter of Admi- ral Duff ; d. at Brighton.

Duff, Mile Nina. Miss Nina. A French writer; sister of Mme la Com- tesse A. d'Adhe'mar.

Duff, William, M A. An Impartial Hand. A Scottish writer ; Professor of Philosophy at Aberdeen.-

Duffek, Nlkolaus, 1838-. Julius Rosen. A Bohemian dramatist; b. at Prague; studied at the Univ. there philosophy and jurisprudence; entered the public service, and was Police Com- missioner for some time, till in 1867 he was suspended as being friendly to Prus- sia; he was afterwards restored, and then resigned in order to devote himself en-

tirely to literature; he now (1882) re- sides at Vienna.

Duffell, Miss Anne. Christine Me- K&nzie. An American novelist.

Dufferin, Helen Selina (Sheridan), Baroness (afterwards Countess of Gif- ford), 1807-67. Eon. Impulsia Gush- ington. An Irish writer; author of the "Irish Emigrant's Lament"; grand- daughter of Richard Bnnsley Sheridan.

Duffield, Rev. Matthew Dawson, F.S.A., 1792-1866. Bichmondiensis. An English clergyman; b. at Middleham, Yorkshire, Canon and Chaplain of the Collegiate Church of Middleham, 1843- 66 ; d. at Stebbmg Vicarage, Essex (to which he was instituted m 1842).

Duflfteld, Rev. Samuel W. Anselmus. An American minister, of Bloomfield, N.J.

Duflftr, J W. J. W. D An English translator of to-day.

Dugamie, Augustine Joseph Hick- ey, 1823-84. Motley Manners. An Amer- ican poet and novelist; b. in Boston; wrote 20 or 30 novellettes, and was a fre- quent contributor to periodical litera- ture; d. in New York City.

Duigenan, Patrick, LL.D, 1735- 1816. A Layman ; TheopMus. An Irish civilian and lawyer ; M P. for Armagh ; d. m London.

Duke, Alfred. Broomstraw ; Heuletts. An American journalist, of Richmond,. Va.

Duke, Seymour R. A Southerner. An American novelist.

Dulany, Daniel, 1721-97. Antdore. An American lawyer and loyalist, of An- napolis, Md.; survived the Revolution many years.

Dulaure, Jacques Antoine. J. A. D***. A French historian.

Dumas, Alexandre, 1803-70. Davy* A French novelist and dramatist ; b. at Villiers-Cotterets (Aisne); resided at Paris, devoted to his literary work; d at Puys, near Dieppe.

Dunbar, George, M.A., F.R.S C. 1774-1851. G. D.; A Non-Intrusionist A Scottish classical scholar ; b. at Cold ingham, Berwickshire; Professor of Greek in the Univ. of Edinburgh, 1805- 61 ; d. in Edinburgh.

Dunbar, Margaret Juliana Maria M. J. H. D. A Scottish writer (*j.

Duncan, Mrs. Florence I. F. /. D An American writer, of Philadelphia

Duncan, Rev. George J. C. His. Son. A Scottish minister ; son of Henry Duncan, D,D.

Duncan, James, -1811. An Odd Pel!