Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/444

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Rheal. A French clerk in the publishing house of Gide Jilt, and, it is said, a dra- matic artist.

Gayette-Georgens, Jeanne Marie, I817-. Jeanne Marie. A German author; b atKolberg; passed her youth in Breslau and Hirschberg; later mar- ried the teacher Jan Daniel Georgens, with whom, 1856-63, she kept a school for weak-minded children at Vienna, and has since 1807 resided in Berlin.

Gazley, Allen W. Cephas Broadluck. An American humorous writer.

Geddes, Rev. Alexander, 1737-1802. Theomophilus Brown ; H W. C(oulthurst), D D.; A Protesting Catholic; An Upper Graduate. A Scottish B.C. divine ; b. in the parish of Ruthren, Co Banff; was suspended from his clerical office on account of his translation of the Bible ; d. in London.

Geer, John James. A Yankee Pris- oner An American officer in the late civil war.

Geiger, Annie, about I860-. Maria Bogor. A French writer; b. at Stras- bourg; in 1870 she went to Java, and spent three years ; in 1874 took up her residence at Florence, and devoted her- self to literary pursuits.

Geldart, Martin. Nitram Tradleg. An. English writer of the day.

Gell, Sir William, 1777-1836. W. G. An eminent English classical antiquary; after 1820 resided at Rome or Naples.

Gellie, Mary E. M.E.B. An Eng- lish writer for the young ; wife of Wil- liam Geilie ().

Gemroer, Caroline M. Gerda Fay. An English writer of to-day for the young.

Genet, Edmond Charles, 1766-1834. A Citizen of New York. A French diplo- matist ; b. at Versailles ; ambassador to the United States, 1792 ; d. at Schodac,

Genlis, Mme S. F. B. de Saint-Anbin,

1746-1830. 8. F. Brulart de Sillery. An eminent French author ; b. near Autun, in Burgundy; passed her life chiefly in Paris, engaged in literary labor.

Gent, Mrs. fc. C. G. An English compiler.

Gentleman, Francis, 1728-84. The Authors of the "Dramatic Censor." An Irish actor and poet ; b. in Dublin ; first appearance in that city; after playing in London and some provincial towns, he settled at Malton ; but soon returned to London, and thence to Ireland, where he d, in poverty.

Geoghigan, B. Patricius. An Irish writer. George (William Frederick) III.,

1738-1811. Farmer Geoige; Ralph Rob- inson. King of Great Britain

George (Augustus Frederick) IV., 1762-1830. Admiral George Carlton. King of Great Britain

George, Prince of Wales [afterwards George IV. of England]. A Very Exalted Subject in His Majesty's Dominions.

George of Prussiaj Prince, 1826-. Georg Conrad. A German dramatic poet; b. at Berlin; son of Prince Fried- rich, has lived from his early life in Dusseldorf, where his father held his court. His latest drama is "Katharina von Medici," 1881.

George, Miss H. Maria. H. M. G. ; Chnton Montague.

George, William. Prater; J. Mem- ber of the Worcester Anglers' Society. An English writer on angling; now editor of the " Worcester Herald."

Gerard, Ctecile Jules Basile, 1817- 64. The Lion-Killer. A French officer ; killed 25 lions, 1844-55.

Gerard, James Watson, LL.D. A. Fishe Shelley. An American lawyer and poet, of New York City ; Columbia Coll., 1811.

G6rard, Jean Xgnace Isidore, 1803- 47. J. J. Grandville. A French carica- turist; b. at Nancy; in 1824 went to Paris to exercise his art; and d. there.

Gerhard, Dagobert von, 1831-. Ger- hard von Amyntor. A German poet; b. at Liegnitz; since 1871 has resided at Potsdam.

Germa, Maurice, 1825-. Maurice Cris- tal A French journalist.

Gerry, Mrs. H. B. H. B. G. An American writer.

Getchell, Miss Florence B. Florence 2?. Hallowell. An American writer.

Gib, T. T. Gr. An English religious writer, of the earlier part of the 18th century.

Gibbon, Rev. Charles. O. G. A Scottish minister, of Lonmay, Co. Aber- deen

Gibbons, Mrs. Anne Trelawny, 181 3-. Anne Trelawny. An English author, of Cornwall; b. at Peuquite, near Fowey.

Gibbons, James S. Robert Morris. An American writer on banks and fin- ance, of New York City.

Gibbons, Jj. Three Friends. An American writer.

Gibbs, George M. Un Citoyen des jStats-Unis; A Member of the Committee of