Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/446

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Athanase Piedfoot. A French lyric poet and dramatist.

Gillespie, William Honyman. Ter-Tisanthrope. A Scottish (?) theo- logical writer of the day.

GiUespie, William Mitchell, LLD., 1816-68. A New Toiler. An Ameri- can civil engineer ; b. in New York City , Union Coll., 1834 ; Prof, in Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y., 1845-68; d. in his native city.

Gillies, Mary. Harriet Myrtle. See "Miller, Mrs. Mary (Gillies)."

Gillies, Robert Pearce. Kemperhau- sen. A Scottish journalist; lived near Edinburgh; first editor of the "Foreign Quarterly Review"; a friend of Sir Walter Scott.

Gillmore, Parker. Ubique. An English ( 7 ) sporting writer.

Oilman, Mrs. Caroline (Howard), 1794-. Mis. Clarissa Packard; A New England Bnde ; A New England House- keeper; A Southern Matron An Ameri- can lady; b. in Boston, Mass. ; in 1819 married Samuel Oilman, D D., of Charleston, S.C.; in 1883 et seq. hved in Cambridge, Mass.

Gilman, Samuel, D.D., 1791-1850. . G.; A Member. An American cler- gyman; b. in Gloucester, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1811 ; in 1819 married the preced- ing; Pastor at Charleston, S.C., 1819-58; d. at Kingston, Mass.

Gilman, Mrs v Stella (Scott), 1844-. Mrs. Marion Vaughn. An American author; b. in Alabama; in 1885 a resi- dent in Cambridge, Mass

Gilmer, Francis W., Esq. A Virgin- zan. An American lawyer ; at one time reporter to the Court of Appeals of Vir- ginia, d. early.

Gilmer, John Harmer. A Virginian. An American writer on finance, etc.

Gilmore, James Koberts, 1S23-. Edmund KirLe. An American writer; b. in Boston ; in 1857 retired from busi- ness, and engaged in journalism and authorship.

Gllmore, Eev. Joseph Henry, A.M , 1834- Genesee. An American divine and educator; b. in Boston; Brown Univ., 1858; Prof, at the Univ. of Eoch- ester, N.Y., 1867-83 et seq.

Gilmour, Eev. James, M.A. Homos. An American clergyman; Union Coll., 1850; in 1868 of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Gilpin, Eev. William, 1724-1804. Josiah Frampton. An English clergy- man; b. at Carlisle; Queen's Coll, Ox- ford; Vicar of Boldre and Prebendary of Salisbury.

GUroy, Clinton G. A Wayfaring Man. An English writer.

Girard, Pierre, -1882. Piccadilly A French journalist of the day.

Girardin, Delphine Gay de, 1804- 55. Delphine Gay; Vicomtf Delaunaj. A popular Fiench writer; b. at Aix-la- Chapelle; wife of the following; of Pans, where she died

Girardin, Emile de, 1802-81. Emih Delamothe, LaG-uandole,ie Weathercock. An eminent French journalist and politi- cian; b. m Switzerland; removed to Paris and engaged in literary work, from which he retired in 1880 at San Eemo, where he died.

Girette, Jules. Jules Romam. A French writer, secretary of M. de Maekau, Minister of Marine.

Gladstone, John. An Edinburgh Burgess of '1786.

Gladstone, Thomas H The English- man. An English traveller.

Gladstone, William Ewart, D.C.L., 1809-. Bartholomew Bouveue ; The Chan- cellor of the Exchequei ; Etonian; Etonien- sis ; Gladiolus; Mr. Gtesham; William. An English statesman ; b. at Liverpool ; educ. at Eton and Oxford ; B. A , 1831 ; prime minister, 1868-74 and 1880-85.

Glascock, William Nugent. An Officer of Rank. An English novelist; a captain in the Eoyal Navy.

Glaser, Adolf, 1829-. Remold Reimar. A German author ; b. at Wiesbaden ; at- tended there the Eoyal Gymnasium, and later the Univ. of Berlin ; edited the Ber- lin " Monatshef te," 1856-78; at present (1882) lives in Darmstadt.

Glass, Eev. John, 1698-1773. A Scot- tish clergyman ; b. and d. at Dundee-

Glassbrenner, Adolf, 1810-76. Adolf IBrennglas. A German satirical poet and writer; b. at Berlin; passed his life there in literary pursuits, and d. there.

Glasse, Dr. . A Country Magis- trate. An English law writer.

Glasse, Mrs. Hannah. A Lady. An English author.

Glasse, Samuel, D.D. The Minister of a Parish. An English clergyman; Eector of Wanstead, Essex.

Glassford, James, Esq. J. G. A Scottish advocate, of Dougalston.

Gleig, Eev. George Robert, 1796-. G. .2?. G.; An Eyewitness; An Officer who served in the Expedition. A (Scot- tish clergyman ; served in the Peninsula War, andin the War of 1812-15 in Amer- ica.

Glenn, Eev. William. A Village Cu- rate. An Irish clergyman ; Trin. Coll ,