Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/452

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brated Genius Deceased. An English au- thor.

Grlgg, Rer. John, A.M. The Rector of St. Timothy's Church, Philadelphia. An American clergyman; Columbia Coll., 1817.

Griggs, Miss . H. N. An Ameri- can religious poet.

Grimani, Julia C. J. C. G. An English poet.

Grimston, William Hunter, 1843-. TF. B+ KendaL An English actor; b. in London ; entered the dramatic profession at London in 1861, where he has since chiefly remained.

Griraston, Mrs W H., 1848-. Mrs. W. EL KendaL An English actress; net Margaret [" Madge "j Robertson ; wife of the preceding.

Grlmstone, Mrs, Lemon, Oscar. An English poet.

Grinfield, Charles Vaughan, M.D. C. K Q-. An English physician and writer, of Clifton.

Griswold, A. Minor, 1837-. The Fat Contributor. An American journal- ist, of Cincinnati (*)

Griswold, Almon W. A Biblioma- niac. An American lawyer, of New York City.

Griswold, Miss Mary Caroline. Car- rie, An American " Southland w poet and prose writer, of Charleston, S.C.

Griswold, William McCrillis. Ger- ald Smith; Arthur Venner; P. Q In- dex. An American journalist and bib- liographer ; Harv. Univ., 1875 ; employed in the Library of Congress at Washing- ton.

Gross, Amalie (von Saebach) von, 1803-, Amalie von Winter. A German poet and novelist, of Weimar ; a friend of Goethe.

Grosvenor, Lord Robert, Baron Ebury, 1801-. A Member of the Last Parliament. An English nobleman; b. at Millbank House, Westminster ; Christ Church, Oxford, 1821; M.P., 1822-57; residence, Moor Part, Rickmansworth, Herts.

Grote, Mrs. . A Mutual Friend.

An English writer.

Grouvelle, Philippe Antoine, 1758- 1803. Ph. ***. A French poet and diplomatist; b. at Paris; engaged in politics ; was Secretary of the Provisory Executive Council, and obliged to read the sentence of death to Louis XVI. ; was afterwards Minister to Copenhagen; d, at Tarennes.

Grover, Albert. Trebla Revorg. An English writer of to-day.

Gruau de la Barre, Modeste,

Count. Elialim.

Grumbke, Joliann Jakob A Tem- porary Inhabitant.

Grund, Francis J, about 1803-03 A German nobleman; An Obseuei An American author; b. in Germany; re- sided many years in Philadelphia, and d there.

Gruppe, Otto Friedrich, 1804-7C AbsoLutus von Hegehnyin. A German poet and critical writer; b at Dantzic; and d. in Berlin.

Gurnard de Mr6, Elisabeth, Bar- oness, 1751-1829. M de Boissy. A French novelist, of Paris.

Guernsey, Miss IJucy Ellen. L. E. G. An American writer for the young:.

Guernsey, Roscellus S. It. S. G-. An American lawyer and Shakespearian scholar, of New York City.

Guidickins, F. W. F. W. &, of the Middle Temple. An English lawyer of the last century.

Guild, Mrs. Caroline Snowden (Whitmarsli), 1817-. Hetty JBfolyoke. An American author and compiler, of Boston (Roxbury) Mass. ; b. in that city.

Guines, Louis Alejandro Gosset de. Andre' G-dL A French caricaturist and writer.

Guinot Eugene, 1812-61. Pierre Durand ; Paul Vermond. A French litterateur and journalist; b. and d, in Paris.

Gunn, Miss Harriet H. A Lady. An English writer,

Gunn, Key. Henry Mayo. H. M. G. An English Cong, minister; studied at Coward Coll. ; and entered upon his min- istry at Warminster in 1839.

Gunning, Mrs. (Mlnifie), -1800.

A Lady. An English writer; widow of General Gunning; d. in London.

Gurney, Hudson, Esq., F.E.S., F.S.A,, M.P., 1774-1864. H. G. An English poet and antiquary; b. in Norwich, and d. in that city.

Gurney, Rev. Jonn Hampden, A.M., 1802-62. J. H. G, An English clergy- man and hymn-writer; b. in London; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1824 ; Rector of St. Mary's, Marylebone, London, 1847-62.

Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847. A Member of the Society of Friends. An English Friend; b. in Earlham, near Norwich; travelled in this country, 1837- 40.

Gurney,Mr8. Maria (Kowe), 1802-68. A Mother. An English poet ; b. at Laun- ceston; married Charles Gurney of Tre- bursye, South Petherwin, where she died.