Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/461

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Lancastriensis. An English clergyman; St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1834: ; Rec- tor of Duntsbourn-Abbots, 1861-73.

Hayley, William, 1745-1820. A Friend to the Sisterhood. An English poet and miscellaneous writer; the friend and biographer of William Cowper.

Haynes, John Edward, 1 825-. John H Edwards. An American publisher and writer, of New York City.

Hays, Mrs. Mary. M H .

An English novelist.

Hayward, Edward Dykes. E. D. H. An English Friend, of Southwark, London; son of William Hayward, of Maiden, Esses.

Hayward, S. A Lover of his King and Country. An English writer of the 18th century.

Haywood, Mrs. Eliza (Fowler), 1898C J-1766. A Celebrated Author of that Country; jExplorabiHs. An English writer ; b. in London ; the author of sev- eral loose novels, and some respectable books.

Haza, Mile de. H. Paris. A

French author.

Hazard, Rowland Gibson, LL.D., 1801-. H. ; Heteroscian. An American manufacturer ; South Kingston, R.I ; resident at Peacedale, R I. ; devoted much time to literary pursuits.

Hazard, Thomas Robinson, 178 i-. A Northern Man with American Principles ; Shepherd Tom. An American writer, of Rhode Island; brother of the preceding; b. in South Kingston, R.L

Hazeltine, M. W. M. W. H. An American writer; literary editor of the New York Sun."

Hazeltine, Miron J. Miron. An American writer on games.

Hazen, Mary P. Mabel; Marion Haven. An American writer of the day on religious topics.

Hazlett, Helen. M. H. Tatem. An American (?) novelist

Hazlitt, William, 1778-1830. TF. H. ; Boswett Redivivus ; Edward Search; Phan- tasies; Philatethes; Rahonahs; W. An English essayist; b. at Wem, in Shrop- shire; went to London before 1804, and devoted himself to literary pursuits; d. in that city.

Head, Edward Francis. An Ad- mirer of Chivalry. An English (?) dram- atist.

Head, Sir Francis Bond, 1st Bart., 1793-1875. A British Subject. An Eng- lish politician; b. at Rochester; served for a time in the army ; afterwards trav- elled, and wrote accounts of his travels;

received a pension of 100, 1867-75 ; d. at Croydon.

Head, Truman. California Joe. An American sportsman (* )

Headley, Henry, 1760-88. C. T. 0. An English poet and literary critic ; b. at Instead, in Norfolk; educ. at Trin. Coll , Oxford.

Heady, Morrison. Uncle Juvinell. An American writer.

Hearne, Mary Anne Marianne Farn- wgham. An English writer ; b. at Farn- ingham, in Kent.

Hearne, Thomas, 1078-1735. A Gen- tleman of Cambridge ; Phileleutherus Can- tabngiensis. An English antiquary, col- lector, and editor; b. in Berkshire; re- sided chiefly at Oxford.

Heath, Miss Maggie E. Miriam; Nettie Neale. An American " South- laud" writer, of Oakland, Va.; b. at Petersburg, Va.

Heath, W. BIcKendree. E. E. Z>u- caigne. An English author.

Heathcote, George. An Old Servant. An English gentleman ; once an Alder- man of London.

Heathcote, Ralph, DD., 1721-95. A Gentleman of the Commission. An Eng- lish clergyman ; b. m Bairow-upon-Soar, Leicestershire; educ. at Jesus Coll., Cambridge; Prebendary of Southwell, 1768-95

Heathcote, Rev. William Beadon. W. B* H. An English clergyman; Chaplain to the Bp. of Salisbury, 1850- 60 et seq

Heaton, Ellen Marvin. E. M. H. An American writer of the day.

Heaton, Rev. John. H. An Eng- lish clergyman.

Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Laura Preston ; Lucia Norman. An American writer, of San Francisco ( 2 ).

Heavlin, Mrs. R. A. Uniche. An American writer, of North Carolina.

Hebbard, William Wallace, M.D. Leland Sf archer. An American novelist.

Heber, Richard, 1773-1883. Atticus ; Cato Parvus. An English man of let- ters; half-brother of Reginald; b. in Westminster; educ. at Oxford; spent 180,000 for books ; d. in London.

Heberden, Dr. . E. An Eng- lish author of the 18th century.

Hector, Mrs. Annie F. Mrs. Alex- ander, An English novelist; in 1877 was living in Dresden, Germany.

Hedge, Edward Holyoke, -1837. Jeremiah Grimes, Jan., Gent. An Ameri- can graduate of Harv. Univ., 1828.

Heesom, Rev. Frederick. Parvus.