Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/467

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Yorks. Co. ; was for a time an optician, but afterwards devoted his life in his na- tive city to literary pursuits, and d. there.

Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 1810-81. Dr. Henru Hal ford ; Max Mannermg ; Timothy Titcomb. An American author and journalist; b. at Belchertown, Mass ; was connected with the " Spring- field Republican," 1849-66, and editor of "Scribuer's Monthly," 1870-81; d. in New York City.

Holland, Rev. Thomas Agar, M.A. An Undei graduate. An English clergy- man; Worcester Coll., Oxford, 1825; Hector of Poynings, Sussex, 1846-83 et seq.

Holley, Marietta. Josh. Allen's Wife. An American novelist of the day.

Holley, Myron, 1779-1841. A Citizen of New York. An American lawyer and journalist.

Hollingbery, R. H. An Indian Offi- cial. An English colonial writer of the day.

Hollings worth, Rev. Nathaniel John. A Late Steward of the Sons of the Clergy.

Hollis, Rev. John. A Lai/man. An English clergyman.

Hollis, William. A Contibutor to " Bentley." An English scholar and poet.

Holloway, Laura Carter. L. C. E. An American writer of the day.

Holman, James, 1787-1857. The Blind Traveller. An English traveller; entered the navy in 1798, was made lieutenant, 1807; at the age of 25 was compelled by blindness to leave the ser- Tice, but afterwards travelled all over the world ; d. in London.

Holme, L. A Young Artist. An Eng- lish artist.

Holmes, Cecil Frederick. 0. F. H.; A Harrow Tutor. An English writer of the day.

Holmes, Mrs. DaUteith. A Lady. An English writer

Holmes, Edward. A Musical Pro- fessor. An English writer.

Holmes, Mrs. Elizabeth (Emra), -1843. A Country Parson's Daughter. An English writer; daughter of Rev. John Emra, Yicar of St. George's, Bris- tol, and wife of Marcus Holmes, Esq., of "Westbury-on-Trym ; was a frequent con- tributor to periodicals ; d. at Westbury.

Holmes, Nathaniel, A.M. N. H. An American Shakespearian scholar; Harv. Univ., 1887 ; Koyall Professor of Law, 1868-72; in 1885 resident at Cam- bridge, Mass.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D.,

1809-. Autocrat of the Breakfast Talk; The Poet at the *Breulfast Table; The Professor at the Breakfast Table. An em- inent American poet; b. at Cambridge, Mass.; Harv, Univ., 1829; Professor of Anat. and Physiol. in his alma mater, 1847-82; and Professor Emeritus from 1882.

Holroyd, Rev. James John, M.A. I. J. H. An English clergyman ; Christ Coll., Cambridge, 1830, Rector of Ab- berton, Essex, 1830-70 et seq,; resident at White Hall, near Colchester

Holt, John. A Gentleman formerly of Gray's Inn. An English Shakespearian scholar of the last century.

Holt, John Saunders, 1826-. Abra- ham Page, Esq.; John Capelsay. An American lawyer and novelist, of Wood- ville, Miss. ; b. at Mobile, Ala., and educ. in Itfew Orleans and at Centre Coll., Dan- ville, Ky.

Holthaus, P. D. A Journeyman Tay- lor. An American traveller.

Holyoake, George Jacob. 18 17-. The Editor of the " National." An Eng- lish Radical and journalist, of London ; b, at Birmingham ; claims to be the f oun- der of " Secularism "; was the editor of the " Keasoner."

Homan, Samuel H., 1842-, Homer ; Luxymon Roy. An American writer.

Home, Sir Everard, Bart., 1756-1832. E. H. An eminent Scottish surgeon; President Royal Coll. of Surgeons ; prac- tised in London for many years.

Home, G. A Midshipman.

Home, M. J. An Officer. An Eng- lish writer.

Homer, James Lloyd. A Merchant of Boston. An American printer and pub- Usher, of Boston.

Homes, Mrs. Mary Sophie (Shaw). Millie Mayfield. An American poet ; b. in Frederick City, Md. ; has resided most of her life in New Orleans ; in 1864 mar- ried Mr. Luther Homes, of that city.

Honan, Michael Burke. Our own Correspondent. An Irish journalist.

Hone, William, 1779-1842. Cecil An English satirist, antiquary, and pub- lisher, of London ; b. in Bath.

Honeywood, St. John, Esq., 1765-98. S. J". H. t Esq. An American lawyer ; b. at Leicester, Mass.; Yale Coll., 1782; was a teacher at Schenectady, and a law- yer at Salem, N.T.

Hook, James, LLJ>, 1771-1828, FitZ'Harding. An English writer; brother of Theodore Edward Hook; b. in London; Bean of Worcester, 1826- 28; d. at the Deanery.