Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/49

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Broad Church. Thomas Atcheson, Louisville (Ky ), correspondent of "The Spirit of the Times " (N Y ).

Broad Churchman, A. E. A. War- rmer. Victor La Tourette. B. 1875

Brpadbent, Charles. Charles G Halpine, as associate editor with B. P. Shillaber ("Mrs. Partington ") of the "Carpet-bag." B. 1852.

Broadbrim. J. H. Warwick. TVas Shakespeare a myth* In the Angola (Ind ) " Republican," May and June. 1881.

Broadluck, Cephas. Allen TF. Gaz- lay. Races of mankind ; with travels in Grubland. Cin 1856

Broadway Lounger, A. George Al- fred Townsend, in his " Broadway Note- book," contributed to "The Tribune" (NY.).

Brock, Sallia A. Mrs. Sarah A. (Brock) Putnam. Kenneth my king. N.Y. 1872.

Broken-down Critic, A. Charles Astor Bnsted. Pieces of ... picked up by himself. Baden-Baden, 1858-59.

Bromley, Henry. Anthony Wilson. A catalogue of engraved English por- traits. L. 1793

Bronner, Benno. Wilhelm Mohtor. Die Blume von Sizilien. 1880.

Bronson, Doctor. W. A. Peters.

Brook, A. Johanne Antome BroeTcel. Licht und Schatten. 1880.

Brook, Babble. John H. McNaugh- ton, of Caledonia (NY.), author of " Belle Mahone," and other popular lyrics.

Brook, Nelsie. Mrs. Ellen J?oss. Little Mother Mattie. L. 18-. (

Brook, Sarah. Miss Caroline Emilia Stephen. French history for English children.

Brooke, Arthur. John Chalk Claris. Durovernum; with other poems. L. 1818.

Brooke, Wesley. George Lunt. East- ford ; or, household sketches, by ... a novel. B. 1855,

Brooklyn. Thomas Kinsella, in the "Eagle" (Brooklyn).

Brooks, Chatty. Miss RoseJIa Rice, in her contributions to " Arthur's Maga- zine."

Broomstraw. Alfred Duke, in his contributions to the "State" (Richmond, Va).

Brother, A. William Biglow, Com- mencement: a poem; or rather com- mencement of a poem. Recited before the Phi Beta Kappa Society ... in Cam- bridge, Aug. 29, 1811. Salem, 1811.

Brother, A. Rev. George Clement

Eoase. To husbands, fathers, and broth- ers .. a word in season ... L. 1848.

Brother Fish Dealer from the Far North, A. Mr. Andetson. A letter to the Duke of Richmond ... L. 1844. The letter is signed, " The Originator of the Shetland Pishery Company "

Brother Methodist, A. Rei\ Benja- min Gough. A few earnest words to British Methodists, from . . . Leeds, 1860.

Brother of the Apollo Lodge, 711, Oxford, A. Bishop Walter Mant, M.A. A Freemason's pocket companion . . L. 1831.

Brother of the Birch, A, William Cobbett. A twig of birch for the butting calf ... N.Y. 1795

Brown, Mr. William Makepeace Thackeray. Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town, in "Punch/ 7 1849.

Brown, Isaac. William MotherwelL Renfrewshire characters and scenery. L. 1881.

Brown, James. Joseph Robertson. The new "Deeside Guide*' . . . Aberdeen, 1834.

Brown, John James Edward Neild, M.D. His signature to a letter to the editor of the "Melbourne (Victoria] Ar- gus "in 1867, on "The Hamlet Contro- versy."

Brown, John, Esqre Thomas Jeffer- son Hogg. Memoirs of Prince Alexy Hairaatoff. Translated from the origi- nal Latin. Mss. under the immediate inspection of the Prince. By ... L, 1814.

Brown, The Late J. Alexander Wheelocfc Thayer. Signer Masoiii, and other papers of the ... Edited by ... Berlin, 1862.

This Is a collection of Mr. Thayer's contribu- tions to American periodicals.

Brown, Pisistratus. William Black.

Brown, Polemophilus, Curate of P n. Alexander Geddes, LL.D. A new year's gift to the good people of England . . . 1798.

Brown, Theomophilus. Rev. Alex- a-nder Geddes. A sermon preached on the day of the general fast, Feb. 27, 1799, by... L.1799.

Brown, Thomas, redivivus. Caro- line Frances Cornwalhs. An exposition of the vulgar and common errors adapted to the year of grace MDCCCXLV. Edited,.. B. 1846.

Brown, Thomas, the Younger. Thomas Moore. Intercepted letters; or, the twopenny post bag. L. 1813.