Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/494

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Boston Rebel; A Bostonian; An Alumnus of that College ; A Citizen of Massachusetts; A Layman; His Intimate Friend; A New England Farmer; A Massachusetts Law- yer; No Bel Esprit; An Old Farmei ; A Yankee Farmer. An eminent American lawyer and political writer, of Boston ; b. at Newburyport, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1786 ; lived and d. in Boston,

Lower, Richard, 1782-1865. Uncle Tim; Tun Cladpole; An Octogenanan. An English schoolmaster, land-surveyor, and for nearly half a century factotum in most of the parochial offices ; b. in Al- f ristin, Susses ; resided near Chiddingly ; and d in Tunbridge.

Lowrie, Rev. Randolph W. E W. L. An American Epis. clergyman; in 1882, of Washington, D.C

Lowrie, Hon. Walter, 1784-1868 His Father. An American statesman; b in Edinburgh, Scotland; U.S. Senator for Pennsylvania; Secretary U.S. Senate, 1825-36; Secretary Presbyt. Board of Missions, 1836-G8; d. in New York City.

Lowth, Robert, D.D., 1710-87. The Lord Bishop of Oxford ; A Young Gentle- man of Winchester School An English writer; b. at Winchester; Professor of Poetry at Oxford, 1741-66; Bishop of London, 1777-87.

Jjowth, Thomas Henry. T. H. L. An English writer of the 18th century.

Loyd, Samuel Jones, 1st Baron Over- stone, 1796-. Mercator. An English writer; educ. at Eton, and Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1815; is a Magistrate for Berkshire and Co. Carmarthen, etc. ; for- merly a banker in London; M.P. for Hythe, 1819-20; seat at Overstone Park, Northampton.

Loyson, Charles Jean Marie, 1827-. Le Pere Hyacinthe. A French prelate; b. in Orleans ; in 1870 he became a secu- lar priest ; in 1872 married an American lady in London.

Imbliner, Hugo, 1846-. Hugo Burger. A German dramatist ; b. at Breslau , since 1857, the time of the death of his father, has been actively engaged as a manufac- turer at Berlin.

Lucas, Hev. Charles. s s,

M.A., of the University of Oxford. An English clergyman; Exeter Coll., Oxford, 1791 ; Curate of Avebury, Wiltshire.

Lucas, Robert (?). A Gentleman of the Middle Temple. An Irish lawyer of Dublin, -who was obliged to leave his country on account of his political writ- ings. See the "Monthly Review/' vol. 2, p. 178.

Lucas, William, A. Z An English bamster-at-law, of the Middle Temple.

Lugay, Henri Kochefort de. H. de Lucay. A French writer.

Lucfcey, Rev. John. A Chaplain. An American biographer, and chaplain of Sing Sing Prison, N Y.

Lucy, Henry \V , 1845-. The Mem- ber for Chdtein Hundied*,; Toby, M.P. An English journalist, of London; b. at Crosby, near Liverpool.

Luders, Catharine. Emily Hermann An American poet of the West, in Indi- ana.

Ludlam, George. Gr. L. An Eng- lish dramatist

Ludlow, Fitz-Hugh, 1837-70. A Pythagorean. An American author, b in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; Union Coll., 1850; a voluminous contributor of prose and poetry to the magazines, and his books were mainly made up of these contribu- tions ; d. in Geneva, Switzerland.

Liiders, Charles Henry, 1858-. C. H. L ; Henry Karlsten. L. H. C. An American journalist.

Lukens, Henry Clay, 1838- Erratic Enrique; Heinnch Yale SneLnL An American journalist, of New York City

Lukens, Mrs. Mary C. (Painter), 1842-. Dolly Dawdle. An American writer ; wife of the preceding.

Lukin, Rev. James. J. L. An Eng- lish clergyman ; Brasenose Coll., Oxford, ,1840; Rector of Wickford, Chelrasford, 1881-83 et seq.

Lum, Dyer Daniel. A Gentile. An English writer of the day.

Lamb, E. K L. An English poet.

Lumley, Benjamin, 1812-75. Hei- mes. An English lawyer and opera man- ager, of London.

Lumley, H. R. Lyulph An English journalist; in 1872, editor of the Lon- don "Court Journal"; author of dramas, works of fiction, etc.

Lumsden, James. A Mercantile Man. A Scottish writer ; principal of the Eree Church Coll , Aberdeen.

Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1830. A Citizen of the United States An Ameri- can abolitionist; b. in Hardwich, Sus- sex Co., N.Y.; in 1808, removed to Wheeling, Va.; published the "Genius of Universal Emancipation" in several Southern towns, but about 1820 removed it to Washington; d. in Lowell, La Salle Co., 111.

liundy, John Patterson, D.D , 1823-, A Presbyter of the Church in P/ula. An American clergyman; b. at Danville, Penn.; 1ST. J. Coll., 1846; Princeton