Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/512

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More, John J. Thomas Doyle. An American writer

Morefcead, Robert, D D., -1840.

Martinus Scribterus. A clergyman,

of St. Paul's, Edinburgh ; afterwards Rec- tor of Ea-sington, Yorkshire.

Morell, Sir Charles. A Neighbour. An English author and diplomatist of the 18th century; at one time ambassa- dor from the British Settlements in In- dia to the Great Mogul.

Morey, Charles. John Cogitans. An American writer.

Morford, Henry, 1828-81. An Ex- Pension Agent; The ^ernor ; A Live American. An American novelist ; b. in New Jersey.

Morgan, Negroni. An Ameri- can journalist, of Boston

Morgan, Dr. Philanthropes Ox~

cniensis. An English controversial writer, of the first part of the 18th century.

Morgan, A. de. A. B An English editor

Morgan, Mrs. Ann Jane. Ann Jane. An English novelist.

Morgan, James, D.D. J. M. An English poet and clergyman,

Morgan, John. Presbyter. An Amer- ican writer, of Ne\v York City (*)

Morgan, Lewis Henry, 1818-. Sken- andoah. An American author; b. at Aurora, N.Y. j Union Coll., 1840 ; from 1844, a lawyer at Rochester, N.Y.

Morgan, Maurice, Esq., LL.D. Mal> colm McGfregor. An English poet of the 18th century.

Morgan, Lady Sydney Owenson, about 1783-1859. Miss Oicenson. An Irish authoress , b. in Dublin; in 1812 was married to Sir Charles Morgan, whom she accompanied to Fiance and Italy ; d. in London.

Morgan, Thomas, -1743. A Country Minister f Philatethes; A Protestant Dis- senter; A Society of Gentlemen. An Eng- lish writer, of the first part of the 18th century j his views seem to have been those of the Radicals of the present day.

Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles, Bart., M.D., about 1783-1843. T. C. M., M, B , F.SX. An English physician ; b. in London; resided chiefly in Ireland, France, and Italy ; d. in London.

Morgan, W. J. Spokes. An Ameri- can bicycler.

Morgan, William, 1775-1826. One of the fraternity. An American Free- mason, who betrayed the secrets of the fraternity, and was probably murdered by members of that society in 1826.

Morlarty, Miss Ellen A. JSvangehne ;

Lucy Ellice. An American " Southland " poet; b. in England; in 1868, lived near Baton Rouge, La.

Moriarty, Rev. Patrick Eugene, 1804-75. Ermite; Hwrophifas. An Amer- ican writer

Morier, James, 1780-1840. Hadji Baba ; Peregrine Persic. A popular Eng- lish novelist; spent about six years in Persia as secretary of legation and min- ister-plenipotentiary ; d. at Brighton.

Morison, James, Esq., 1770-1840. The Hygeist. A Scottish patent medicine inventor; b. at Bognie, County Aber- deen; in 1828 he formed an establish- ment in London, to which he gave the title of "The British College of Health " The latter part of his life he resided at Paris. From the year 1800-40 he paid to the British Government $300,000 for medicine stamps. D. in Pans.

Morison, Rev. John. A Clergyman thirteen years resident in the Interior of New South Vfdes. An English writer of the day.

Morley, Frances (Talbot), Dowager Countess of, 1781-1857. Richard Suckle- thumkin Spruggins. An English novelist ; celebrated as a woman of wit and the "first of talkers/'

Morley, Jonn, 1838-. A Young Eng- lish Positivist. An English author and editor; b, at Blackburn, Lancashire; from 1867 editor of the "Fortnightly Ke- view"; M.P., 1869.

Morren, Nathaniel. N. M. A Scot- tish writer, of Edinburgh, on ecclesiastical history.

Morres, Hervey Redmond, 2d Vis- count Motmtmorres. A Member of the Irish Parliament. An Irish law writer.

Morris, Bezaleel. J3. M. An Eng- lish poet, of London, early in the 18th century.

Morris, Corbyn, Esq., I'.R S A By- stander; A Gentleman of Cambridge. An English writer of the 18th century

Morris, Rev. Edward Da^ydd, D JX The Pastor. An American Presbyt. cler- gyman, of Columbus, O v in 1861 j Yale Coll., 1849; Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Lane Theol. School, 1874.

Morris., Eev. Francis Orpen, B.A. A Yorkshire Clergyman. An English divine j Worcester Coll., Oxford, 1833; Rector of Hunburnholme, Hay ton, York., 1854-83 et seq.

Morris, James "W. Jacques Maurice; JT. N. Pepper, An American humorist and journalist, of New York City.

Morris, Rev. Joseph, M.A., !\S.A., 1791-1833. jr. $L An English clergy-