Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/519

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North, Frederic, 2d Earl of Guilford (more familiarly known as Lord North), 1732-92. Nonhelia. An eminent Eng- lish statesman ; in 1788 he and Mr. Fox became Secretaries (the famous "Coali- tion") in the ministry formed by the Duke of Portland.

North, John, Esq. , -1819. Palermo. An eminent English bibliomaniac; pos- sessed a very valuable collection of mis- sals and printed books; d at East Acton

North, Hon. Roger, 1650-1733 A Pei son of Honour. An English lawyer; Attorney-General to James II ; and Steward of the Courts of Archbishop Sheldon.

Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, 8th Bart, 1818- Sir Wat wick West End An English statesman ; President of the Board of Trade, 1866-67 ; Secretary for India, 1867-68; Chancellor of the Ex- chequer from 1874

Northend, William Dnmmer, 1823-. W D. N. An American lawyer; b in Newbury, Mass.; Bowdoin Coll., 1843; admitted to the Bar in 1845; has prac- tised his profession in Salem, Mass,, since 1847.

Northmore, Thomas, Esq., F.A.S. Phileleuiherus JDevomensis. An English poet and miscellaneous writer, b. near Exeter ; educ. at Jesus Coll , Cambridge ; resided all his Me on his estate, devoting much time to mechanics, literature, and politics.

Northrup, C, B. N.; A Gentleman ^f South Cat oLina ; The Outcast. An Amer- ican poet and politician.

Norton, Hon. Mrs. Caroline Eliza- beth Sarah (Sheridan), 1808-77 Liber" tas. An eminent English poet and novel- ist; afterwards Mrs. Stirling-Maxwell, which see.

Norton, Charles Eliot, A.M., 1827-. C> E. N. An American man of letters; b. at Cambridge, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1840; professor at Harv. Univ., Cam- bridge, 1875-85 et se<j.

Norton, Edward. Honestus. An English writer, chiefly on finance.

Norton, James. A Layman. An Eng- lish colonial writer, of New South Wales.

Norweb, Mrs. Janetta (Scott), -1817. Janetta. An unfortunate English widow ; daughter of John Scott, Esq. , a wealthy merchant of Madeira ; d. m the poor- house at Bragg.

Norwood, Abraham, Abraham. An American humorist (* ).

Notley, Mrs. Frances Eliza (M11- letfc). Frances Derrick. An English writer of the day.

Nott, Charles C An Officer in tie Field. An American soldier,

Nott, Henry Junius, 1707-1807 Thomas ftntgulanty ; A Journeyman Punter An American lawyer and man of letters ; b. m South Carolina ; South Carolina Coll, 1812; professor in the South Carolina Coll., 1821-34 On his return from Europe, with his wife, on the steamer " Home," they were wrecked on the coast of North Carolina

Nott, Dr. John, 1751-1826. Mons. Vestiis, Sen. An English poet, scholar, and physician; b. at Worcester; in 1793 settled at Bristol Hot Wells, and d. there.

Novice, George William. An Artist. A Scottish writer of the day.

Noyikoff, Olga de Kireef, 184&-. 0. K.f A Russian Lady. A Russian writer; "b. at Moscow; made her first appearance in letters in 1878 ; has writ- ten for English papers, and an article in " Eraser's Magazine/' in March, 1880.

Nowell, Mrs. Harriett P. (Hardy). Mat/ Manner ing. An American writer of the day.

Noy, William, 1842-. IF. > /.; TF. Pendrea. An English literary antiquary; b. in Penzance; contributor to "Notes and Queries," etc., 1865-71 et seq. (3).

Noyce, Elisha Uncle John. An American ( 7 ) writer.

Noyes, Charles Henry, 1849- . Charles Quiet. An American lawyer and poet, of Warren, Perm.

Noyes, E. Herbert. Norval; Saxon. An American writer.

Noyes, James Oscar, M.I),, 1829-. Our Own Correspondent. An American journalist; b. at Owasco, N.Y. ; became a surgeon in the Turkish army, and a contributor to New York and London papers, and editor of the New York " Knickerbocker."

Noyes, Mrs. Jane (McElMnney), Ada Clare. An American actress and writer for periodical literature ; in 1868, married Mr. J. F. Noyes, of Houston, Tex.

Nugent, George Nugent Grenville, Baron, 1788-1850. John Bhmpden. An English writer ; b. at Buckingham Cas- tle; educ. at Oxford; entered Parlia- ment in 1812, and was again returned, in 1847 ; d. at his seat, Liliies, Bucks.

Nugent, Lord and Lady. The, Lord and Lady there.

Nunes, Joseph Q. A Diplomat An American lawyer ; once of Philadelphia, afterwards of California.

Nutt, Frederic, Esq. A Person Late