Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/531

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Umv , 1810; Judge of Probate for Suffolk Co , 1839-47 ; lived and d. in Cambridge, Mass

Phillips, Willard P. W. P. P An American civil engineer, of Salem, Mass

Phillips, William. Paul Potion. An English poet, of the Middle Temple.

This is also ascribed to Wtlltam Shearsmith

Phillips, William Wirt, D D., 1796- 1805. The Pastor. An American Presbyt. clergyman , b in Montgomery Co., N Y. ; Columbia Coll, 1826; pastor in New York City, 1818-65 , and d. there.

Phillpotts, Henry, D D , 1777-1869. A Clergyman of the Diocese of Durham. An English prelate; b. at Gloucester, educ. at Corpus Christi Coll, Oxford; Bishop of Exeter, 1831-69

Phipps, Constantino John, Lord Mulgrave, 1746-92 A Member of Pat - I tament An English and Irish noble- man ; entered very young the naval ser- vice; po&t-captain, R N., 1765; M.P. f or Lincoln, 1768 ; created an English peer, 1790 ; d. at Liege, Germany.

Piatt, John James, and Another, 1835-. Two Friends An American poet, of Cincinnati; b. at Milton, Ind.; educ. at the Columbus (O.) High School and Kenyon Coll.

Piatt, Mrs. Louisa (Kirby), 1812-64. Belle Smith. An American author, of Cincinnati, where she died.

Piatt, Mrs. Sarah Morgan (Bryan), 1836- Minnie Myrtle; A Woman. An American poet ; wife of John James Pi- att ; b. at Lexington, Ky. , educ. at New- castle, Ivy. ; in 1868 et seq lived at Cin- cinnati.

Piazzi, Mme Adrienne. Leila Ha- noitm. A Hungarian novelist.

Pichon, Thomas. An Impartial Frenchman.

Pichot, Am^dee, 1796-1877. Sir J. Perriwig. A French journalist; b. at Aries ; studied medicine, and in 1819 set- tled in Paris, but soon devoted himself to literary pursuits ; d in Pans.

Pickard, Hannah Maynard, 1812- 44. A Lady. An English writer.

Pickens, John Horatio. An Amer- ican humorist, of Boston ; connected with several banking institutions.

Pickering, Henry, 1781-1888. An American. An American poet; b. at Newburg, N Y. ; was a merchant at Sa- lem, Mass., 1801-25 ; in 1825 removed to New York City, but soon settled at Ron- dout-on-the-Hudson, and devoted himself to literary pursuits; d. in New York

Dickering, John, LL.D., 1777-1846.

A Mertibei of the Massachusetts Bar. An American philologist; brother of the preceding; b at Salem, Mass.; Harv Univ , 1796, was a lawyer in Salem, 1801-27, City Solicitor oi Boston, 1829- 46 , d. at Salem.

Pickering, Timothy, LL.D., 1745- 1829. The Secretary of State, Verus. An American statesman; father of the preceding; b in Salem, Mass ; Harv. Univ, 1763; was a lawyer in his native town; US. Secretary of State, 1795- 1800 ; U S Senator, 1803-11 ; d. at Sa- lem.

Pickersgill, Lieut, Richard. A Sea Officer. An English naval officer; after sailing three times round the world, and once in search of a north-west passage, he was drowned in the Thames by the upsetting of a boat in a gust of wind.

Pickford, Rev. John, M A. Oxonien- sis An English clergyman; Queen's Coll., Oxford, 1851; Rector of New- bourne, Woodbridge, 1872-83 et seg.

Picton, Col. Thomas, 1822- An Ex- Editor; Gothamite; Paul Preston. An American journalist, of New York City.

Pierpont, Rev. John, A.M., 1785- 1866. The Pastor of HoUis Street Soci- ety; Theron. An American clergyman and poet ; b. at Litchfield, Conn. ; Yale Coll , 1804 ; pastor in Boston, 1819-45 . at Troy, N.Y., 1845-49; at Medford, Mass., 1849-56 ; employed in the Treas- ury Department at Washington, 1861- 64; d. at Medford

Pierrepont, Henry Evelyn. A Di- rector. An American writer, of Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; son of Hezekiah Beers Pierre- pont, of that city,

Pierson, Miss Susan. Miss Susan

P . An English lady; friend of

Charles Lamb.

Pietrowski, Rufln. A Siberian Ex- ile.

Pigott, Richard. An Irish National Journalist. An Irish journalist of the day.

Pike, Albert, A.M., 1809-. The Fine Arkansas Gentleman. An American law- yer, politician, soldier, and journalist; b. in Boston; was in the Confederate service, 1861-65; editor of the "Mem- phis Appeal," 1867-.

Pike, Mrs. Frances West (Ather- ton), 1819-. Anna Alwrn; Catherine Morris. An American novelist; b. at Prospect, Me.; widow of Rev. Richard Pike, of Dorchester, Mass.

Pike, Mrs. Mary H. Greene, 1827-. Mary Langdon; Sydney A. Story, Jr. An American novelist, b. at Eastport,