Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/542

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can. An American political writer, of Connecticut.

Richards, Mrs. A, M. A. Lady of Massachusetts. An American -writer.

Richards, Mrs, Cornelia H. (Brad- ley), 1S22-. 3Ls Manners. An Ameri- can novelist ; b. in Hudson, N.T. , wife of Rev William C. Richards, of Kew York City; sister of Mrs. Alize B. Haven.

Richards, George. A Citizen of Bos- ton. An American poet and Freemason.

Richards, Rev. William Upton, M.A. IV. U II An English clergyman; Vicar of All Saints, London, 1849-70 et scg.

Richardson, Albert Deane, 1830-69. Jumus Henri Browne. An American jour- nalist ; b. at JFranklin, Mass. ; d. in New York City.

Richardson, Alexander. Free Lance. A Scottish writer, of Edinburgh.

Richardson, Edward, Jr. An Ex- Member of the Society of Friends. An English Friend, of Kewcastle-upon-Tyne.

Richardson, J. S. Jejffeison. An American political writer.

Richardson, James. Adam Stevin. An American ( 7 ) novelist.

Richardson, Hon. John, 1755-1831. Vei itas. A Canadian merchant, of Mon- treal

Richardson, Meander L. B ; The Town Listener An American journalist, of Xew York City.

Richardson, Robert. A Gentleman of the Inner Temple. An English lawyer of the ISth century.

Richardson, Rev. William Esdaile, B.A. W. E. E. An English clergyman ; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1850 ; Rector of St. John, Southover, Lewes, 1869-83 et seg.

Richings, Eev. Benjamin, MA. A Clergyman. An English clergyman; Vicar of Mancetter, Atherstone, War- wickshire, 1816-70 et seq.

Richmond, Rev. James Cook, 1808- 66. Admonish Crime; Nobody; Oliver Martext. An American clergyman; b. at Providence, R I ; Harv. Univ., 1828; murdered at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Richmond, Rev. Legh, D D., 1772- 1827. A Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land. An English clergyman; b. at Liverpool ; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1794; Rector of Turvey, Beds,, 1805-27, where he died.

Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich, 176S- 1825. Jean Paul. An eminent German author; b. at Wunssedel, near Baireuth; resided in that town, 1804-25, and d. there.

Richter, Karl Thomas, 1838-78. Karl Thomas. A Bohemian poet and political economist; b at Leitmeritz; studied at Prague and Vienna ; Pro- fessor of Political Economy at Prague, 1872-78 ; and d. there.

Rickman, Edwin S. A Solitaire. Au English Friend.

Rickman, John, 1771-1841. J. E ; X Y. An English author and editor , h. at Kewbern, Northumberland; 2d Clerk-Assistant, 1814-20; and Clerk- Assistant in the House of Commons, 1820-41 ; d. in Westminster.

Rickman, Thomas Olio A Gentle- man resident there. An English book- seller, of London; avowed himself the complete disciple of Thomas Paine, both in his religious principles and in his poli- tics, and kept the table where that per- sonage was accustomed to write lus pa- pers

Riddel, James. A Son of Bon Accord in 2?orth Amei ica. A Scottish writer, of Aberdeen

Riddell, Mrs. Charlotte Eliza Lar- son (Cowan). F G Tiajffoid A popu- lar Irish novelist, youngest daughter cf James Cowan, of Carrickfergus, Co. An- trim , in 1857 married J. H. Riddell, Esq , of "Winson Green House, Staffs

Riddell, Maria. Maria JK**#**. A Scottish traveller,

Riddle, Rev. Joseph Esmond, 1804- 69 An Absent Godfather. An English cler- gyman; Incumbent of St. Philip and St. James, Leckhampton, Gloucestershire , d. at his residence,Tudor-lodge, Cheltenham

Rider, Rev. William, -1785. Philtu - gyrus An English poet, historian, ai.d clergyman; sub-master of St. Paul's School for many years; lecturer of St. Vedast, Poster Lane, and Curate of et. PanUs, London

Ridley, Rev. James, -1765. Hoi am, the Son of Asmar; Sir Chailes More/I; Helter Van Seeker. An English oriental- ist ; chaplain to the East India Company

Ridpath, Rev, George A Lover of his Gauntry. A Scottish clergyman; minister at Stxtchel, County ot Rox- burghe,in the middle of the 18th century.

Rigby, Rt Hon. Richard. Drunken fiigdiim. An English statesman; about 1779, Paymaster-General

Riggs, George Washington. G. W. R., Jr. An American banker, of Washington.

RJley, James Whitcomb. Benj. J?. Johnson. An American dialect poet, of Boone, Ind.

Rimbault, Edward Francis, LL.D.,